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Translate.vc / inglés → portugués / [ W ] / Would you like to hear it

Would you like to hear it traducir portugués

76 traducción paralela
Would you like to hear it once more?
Quer ouvir mais uma vez?
Would you like to hear it?
Gostariam de ouvi-Ia?
- Would you like to hear it?
Quer ouvir?
Would you like to hear it?
Gostavam de ouvi-la?
- Would you like to hear it?
- Queres ouvi-la?
- Would you like to hear it?
- Quer ouvir?
Would you like to hear it?
Queres ouvir?
Would you like to hear it?
Quer que eu leia?
- Would you like to hear it?
- Quer ouvi-la?
Would you like to hear it?
Queres que te diga?
Would you like to hear it?
Quer ouvi-la?
Would you like to hear it?
Vocês querem ouvir?
Would you like to hear it?
Queres ouvi-la?
Would you like to hear it?
Gostaria de escutá-la?
Would you like to hear it?
Gostarias de ouvi-la?
Would you like to hear it?
- Gostaria de ouvi-la?
Would you like to hear it?
Gostaria de ouvir isso?
Would you like to hear it?
Gostaria de ouvir?
Would you like to hear it?
Você gostaria de ouvir?
Would you like to hear it? No.
- gostaria de ouvir?
Would you like to hear it?
Você quer ouvir?
And now, Donald, how would you like to hear a story... about another bird so amazing you won't believe it?
Donald, queres ouvir a história de outro pássaro, tão espantosa que nem vais acreditar?
Would you like to hear it?
Quer ouví-la?
Would you like to hear Tell It To The Tulips?
Queres ouvir a canção das tulipas?
Would you like to hear it?
Gostava de ouvir?
Would you like to hear about it?
Quer que lha conte?
Would you like to hear it?
Gostaria de a ouvir?
Would you like to hear a little about me? It really doesn't matter.
Gostaria de ouvir um pouco da minha história?
Would you like to hear it?
Quer ouvi-lo?
Would you really like to hear it?
Gostarias mesmo de ouvir?
I would like to be able to say what you would like to hear but I cannot. It is my duty to tell you the Church's view.
Gostaria de poder dizer o que queria ouvir, mas não posso.
It's time to update the program and I would like to hear from each one of you.
É altura de actualizar o programa e gostava de ouvir cada um de vós.
Would you like to hear about it?
Gostará de ouvir isto.
It might be a little black. Would you like to hear some music?
Pode estar forte, mas...
Would you like to hear what it sounds like to have a bullet rattle around inside that thick skull of yours, d?
Gostavas de saber o que se sente quando uma bala... te atravessa a cabeça?
Perhaps they would like to hear it from you, Sir.
Talvez queiram ouvi-lo de si.
What did you want to tell her even I would like to hear it.
O que é que você queria dizer-lhe, eu gostava de ouvir.
I would like him to hear it from you, his friend of many years, who received it personally from me, and saw my expression and the language of my body as I spoke it.
Gostaria que ele a ouvisse da sua boca, visto que é um velho amigo, que a recebeu de mim, pessoalmente, e que viu a minha expressão e a minha linguagem corporal quando falei.
I'm just saying it like... if you were a girl, would that be something... that you would want to hear?
Sendo rapariga, isto é coisa que gostarias de ouvir?
If you have any evidence, we would like to hear it. If not, we will wait for a judge to throw this out of court.
Se tem provas, gostaríamos de ouvi-las, se não, esperamos que um juiz arquive o processo.
Mom, I already told you - Excuse me. I would like to hear it from Mr. Longpre.
- Desculpa-me... mas quero ouvir do Sr. Longpre.
Well, we can hear you, would you like to dedicate it to someone.
Bem, escutamos, queres dedicá-la?
If you know a way to sugarcoat a colostomy bag, I would like to hear it.
Se sabe uma maneira de embelezar uma bolsa de colostomia, gostava de a ouvir.
Would you like to hear more about it at my hot tub?
Quer ouvir mais sobre isso no meu jacuzzi?
George. I have been through things like this and I'd like to give you some difficult advice, if you would like to hear it.
George, já passei por coisas como esta, e queria dar-lhe um conselho difícil.
Would you like to hear me rip it up?
Queres ouvir-me a rasgá-lo?
You know, I bet Paul would like to hear it.
Aposto que o Paul gostava de o ouvir.
If you have a proposal for helping the women who come to this hospital, instead of simply a bad habit of flinging pointed barbs at people you dislike and feeling pleased with yourself, then I would very much like to hear it.
Se tem uma proposta para ajudar as mulheres que recorrem a este hospital, em vez de simplesmente ter o mau hábito de atirar farpas às pessoas de quem não gosta e ficar muito satisfeito com isso, então gostaria muito de a ouvir.
- Anyway, would you like to go hear it?
Queres ir ouvi-lo?
No. We would like to hear you say it.
- Não, gostávamos de o ouvir dizê-lo.
Jim, I was just asking your son why he wants to go to Georgetown, but I would like to hear it from you.
Estava a perguntar ao seu filho porque é que quer ir para Georgetown mas gostava de o ouvir a si.

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