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Translate.vc / inglés → portugués / [ W ] / Would you like to see her

Would you like to see her traducir portugués

60 traducción paralela
- Would you like to see her room?
- Gostaria de ver o quarto dela?
Would you like to see her?
Vai querer vê-la?
- Would you like to see her picture?
- Gostaria de ver uma pintura?
Would you like to see her?
Gostaria de a ver?
- Would you like to see her?
- Tu gostavas de a ver?
Would you like to see her close up?
Gostaria de vê-la de perto?
Good thing you found her. Would you like to see her?
Foi uma sorte que a encontrasse tão logo.
Would you like to see her?
Gostavas de a ver?
Would you like to see her?
Gostaria de vê-la?
Would you like to see her again?
Gostaria de vê-la novamente?
Would you like to see her?
Quer vê-la?
- Well, would you like to see her policy?
- Queres ver a apólice dela?
Would you like to see her room?
Gostarias de ver o quarto dela?
You both are.would you like to see her?
Quer vê-la?
Would you like to see her?
Queres vê-la?
Would you like to see her in the dress?
Querem vê-la com o vestido?
Would you like to see her?
Quer falar com ela?
- Would you like to see her?
- Gostava de vê-la? - Não.
Would you like to see her again?
- Quer voltar a vê-la?
Would you like to see her?
Gostavas de vê-la?
Would you like to see her?
Gostaríeis de a ver?
Oh. I would like you to go and see her immediately.
Queria que fosse vê-la imediatamente.
Would you like to see a picture of her?
Quer ver uma foto?
Miss De Valle would like to see you in her dressing room.
A senhorita De Valle gostaria de vê-lo em seu camarim.
I expect that you would like to see her.
Suponho que desejará vê-la.
Would you please say that I would very much like to see her, and could she call me at my office.
Por favor diga-Ihe que gostaria muito de vê-la... e peça para ela ligar para o meu consultório.
Her ladyship would like to see you upstairs.
Sua Senhoria deseja vê-lo lá em cima.
How would you like it if you came home, you put the tube on... there's your grandmother with her guts spilling out for everyone to see?
O que te pareceria voltar para casa, acender a TV... e ver que estão exibindo as tripas de seu abuelita?
Would you like me to open the casket so you can see her?
Querem que abra o caixão para a poderem ver?
Would you like to see a picture of her?
Queres ver uma fotografia dela?
You wouldn't like to see her get hurt, would you?
Não gostava de vê-la ferida nem magoada.
Your wife would like you to see how she looks in her Jil Sanders sweater.
A sua mulher gostava que a visse com a camisola da Jil Sanders.
Pardon me, miss Mars. The judge would like to see you in her chambers.
Perdão, Sr.ª Mars, o juiz quer vê-la nos seus aposentos.
How would you like to see Candy Bergen playing tennis... in her underwear?
Gostaria de ver a Candy Bergen a jogar ténis só com a roupa interior?
- Would you like to see a picture of her?
Quer ver uma foto dela?
Mary would like to see you in her office.
- A Mary quer ver-te no escritório.
Would you like me to let herknow you dropped by next time I see her?
Queres que lhe diga que vieste cá, da próxima vez que a vir?
- Perhaps you would like to see her.
- Talvez gostásseis de a ver.
Would you like to see that? - Ok, fine Leave her alone, I'll do it.
Deixa-a em paz.
Would you all like to go and see her?
Gostaria de vê-la?
Jessica would like to see you in her office.
A Jessica quer que vá ao gabinete dela.
I do see that, sir. I would like for her to like me. Thank you, sir.
Sua Senhoria, posso dizer que, fiz exactamente tal como me pediu com a Katherine.
Would you... would you cut off your own arm and feet to see her here right now and... and maybe hold her in the leftover arm for, like, 10 seconds and just lay your face against the right side of her neck?
Eras capaz de cortar o teu próprio braço e pé para a teres aqui agora e talvez abraça-la com o outro braço por dez segundos e apoiar a cabeça no lado direito do pescoço dela?
Would you really want her to see you make a chump move like this?
Queres mesmo que ela te veja fazer uma merda idiota como esta?
Though a Succubus'weapon is her body, so there would be no wear and tear, so to speak. Would you like to see for yourself?
Embora o corpo de uma Súcubo seja a sua arma, então não haveria uso nem desgaste, por assim dizer.
.. you'll see where, using only her fingernails, she scratched her initials into the wall. Now, without further ado, ladies and gentlemen, who would like to be the first lucky person in all the land to own the final instalment of The House On The Hill?
E a Grace retirou-se para aqui, para este quarto, depois de meses de sofrimento, um tormento mental miserável, porque ninguém acreditou que ela estava a ser assombrada pelo fantasma da falecida mulher do Henry.
If she is out there, able to hear and see you tonight... what would you like to say to her, Nick?
Se ela estiver viva e puder vê-lo e ouvi-lo esta noite, o que gostaria de lhe dizer, Nick?
Meaning she doesn't have a hope in hell or you would like to see her try?
Do tipo não tem hipótese ou queres mesmo vê-la a tentar?
... ( SOFT MUSIC FADES UP ) ( MUSIC FADES UP ) ( MUSIC CONTINUES ) ( SOMBER MUSIC PLAYING ) ( SOFT MUSIC PLAYING ) ¶ All she ever wanted was to see a satellite ¶ She talked about its beauty and the magic of its light ¶ She went on about the future ¶ And the endless games he played ¶ Like a wave forever cresting her desire would not fade ¶ Throw it in the water count the leaps and bounds ¶ Hear the ripples thunder causing havoc underground ¶ Sink your teeth in gently taste the blood you drew ¶ Remark upon her beauty for she's your perfect view ¶ Stillness overcame her every thought and every whim ¶ The future she had made was never meant for her or him ¶ The satellite flew over but she missed it all the same ¶ As she whispered from her row boat ¶ A prayer said in love's name ¶ Throw it in the water ¶ Count the leaps and bounds ¶ Hear the ripples thunder causing havoc underground ¶ Sink your teeth in gently ¶ Taste the blood you drew ¶ Remark upon her beauty for she's your perfect view
Realização Argumento Produção
Would you ever like to see her alive again?
Queres voltar a vê-la com vida?
- No, you're not five, but Nanny would like to see her other daughter once in a while, okay?
Mas a avó gosta de ver a outra filha, de vez em quando.

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