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You're going down traducir portugués

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You're going nowhere but down!
Sempre a direito para baixo!
Tell us everything you know or you're going down for both murders.
Conta-nos tudo o que sabes, senão acusamos-te do homicídio do McGee e da Coretta James.
You're going to screw every has-been... until your tits fall down and they don't want you anymore?
Vais foder todos os que encontrares... até as tuas tetas caírem e eles não te quiserem mais?
But, I tell you... if it's between you... and some poor bastard whose wife you're gonna turn into a widow... brother... you are going down.
Mas... se tiver de optar entre ti e um infeliz cuja mulher tornarás viúva, acredita que te mato.
We're going to take you down.
Vamos fazê-la baixar.
Sooner or later, they're going to come rolling right in here and you people aren't even going to slow them down.
Mais cedo ou mais tarde, entram a matar e nem vão conseguir travá-los.
You think they're just going to close down the Sanctuary and let you walk out of here?
Achas que se limitarão a fechar o Santuário e deixar-vos em liberdade?
If you don't get down to the bar right now you're the one going to need a little help.
Se não fores agora para o bar também vais precisar de ajuda.
You're going to have to hurry it up down there.
Vai ter de se apressar aí em baixo.
You're going to take a shuttle down and do a little scouting.
Vocês irão levar uma nave auxiliar e fazer uma pequena exploração.
- You're going down.
- Vais ser detido.
Ok, we're just going to lower you down a little bit now, all right, Bess?
Vais agora sentir-te cair, percebes?
You're going down, red knight!
Vais abaixo, Cavaleiro Vermelho!
I know that,..... but it's a burden you're going to have to put down sometime.
Eu sei o que sente, mas esse é um fardo de que vai ter de se livrar um dia.
If you're going down, I'm going too.
Se tu vais lá, eu vou contigo.
- Calm down. You're not going to jail.
Calma, não vais para a cadeia...
Tomorrow I'm going to march right down to the police station and tell them I'm the man they're looking for. - Good for you.
Bom, amanhã eu vou à delegacia e vou dizer-lhes que eu sou o homem que eles procuram.
You're going down, Pops.
Vai meter-se em sarilhos, pai.
And when you do, you're going to bring down... Eddie, and Stan, and that divorced Garvin.
E quando isso acontecer, vai levar consigo... o Eddie, o Stan e aquele Garvin divorciado.
Level off, Collins. You're going down.
Vais cair!
Yeah but you're going down today.
Pois, mas hoje vais perder.
- You're going down!
- Vais ao chão!
Why don't you sit down over here if you're going to have to wait around a bit, huh?
Porque não se senta já que temos de ficar por algum tempo?
So, you're just going to let them down because it's too much work to reach them?
Portanto, vai simplesmente abandoná-los porque é muito trabalhoso chegar até eles?
So you're not going to ask First Minister Shakaar to step down and go back to farming?
Então, não vai pedir ao Primeiro-Ministro Shakaar para sair e voltar à agricultura?
If it comes down to it, you're going to save yourself, right?
Se a situação piorar, você irá se salvar, certo?
We're going to get you down from here, okay?
Vamos tirá-la daqui, está bem?
We're just going to wait here until things quiet down if you don't mind.
Vamos ficar aqui à espera até que as coisas acalmem.
You're going to die down there.
Vocês vão morrer aqui.
You smoke this over when you're going down your list of accomplishments.
E analisa isto enquanto precorreres a lista dos teus feitos.
If they got a chance to wrap it up down there, how long do you think they're going to hunt for one lost black girl?
Quanto tempo achas que eles vão procurar uma rapariga negra?
You`re going to free your hostages lay down your weapons and surrender.
Solte os reféns deixe as armas no chão e entregue-se.
You're going down. Turn around.
Vai para a esquadra.
But since you're into me for $ 12 already, I'm going to have to put you down for three.
Mas já que me deve $ 12, vou ter que vender-lhe por $ 3.
Yeah. You're going down.
Vão ver o que vos acontece.
We're going to need you to come down to identify the body.
Tem de vir connosco para identificar o corpo.
You're going down!
Parem de atirar ovos à casa!
You're going down Spellman.
Vais cair Spellman.
You're going down!
Estás tramado!
I tell you, Quark... if we don't put an end to their relationship you're going to see clothed females walking down the streets of Ferenginar in broad daylight.
Digo-lhe, Quark, se não pusermos um fim à relação, vai ver fêmeas vestidas a passear nas ruas de Ferenginar à luz do dia.
Ow! - You're... going... down, punk! - Ow!
Vais arrepender-te, vadio.
We're all going to die down here, you know.
Vamos morrer todos aqui.
You're not going to die down here.
Não vais morrer aqui.
well, you're going to go down there.
- Tu vais até lá.
you're going to go down, and you're going to straighten out those chair people.
- Vais lá pôr aquela gente na linha.
If I'd wanted you dead you'd never have made it down the hall. You're going to let me live?
Eu dou minha palavra.
That down whore, Who can't hold a candle to you. You're going to her?
Essa prostituta não merece e vai a casa dela?
You're going the wrong way down a one-way.
Vais em sentido contrário.
You're going to lay that pistol down onto the floor.
E tu vais colocar essa pistola no chão.
That's it! You're going down, you little plastic nightmare.
Já foste, seu pesadelo de plástico.
- You're going down this time, man.
- Vais perder desta vez... - Anda.

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