You're in high school traducir portugués
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- I couldn't wait. You're cute.Last time I had flowers was my graduation in high school.
A última vez que recebi flores... foi quando acabei o secundário.
And whatever you do, Jesus, don't tell her you're in high school.
Faças o que fizeres, por Deus, não lhe digas que está numa escola secundária.
In case you're interested, that was my nickname in high school.
Caso esteja interessado, essa era a minha alcunha no liceu.
You're deliberately flunking your courses so you can stay in high school.
Acho que estás a fazer por chumbar para continuares no liceu.
You kill that high school boy they're going to slap your ass right back in jail.
Se matares esse estudante, asseguro-te que voltarias para a prisão.
So, Mr. Bundy, what do you do for a living, presuming you're not still in high school?
Então, Sr. Bundy, em que é que trabalha? Presumindo que já não esteja na escola secundária.
Church might still be alive when you're in high school, and that's a very long time.
Ele pode estar vivo quando fores para o liceu. É muito tempo.
You're the kid... who lost the high school championship in 1970.
Foi você o miúdo que perdeu o campeonato do liceu em 1970.
You're in over your head, high school sweetheart.
Estás-te a passar um pouco.
- You're in high school?
- Anda na escola?
I feel like we're in high school again, don't you, Marcus Aurelius?
Eu sinto que nós estamos outra vez no liceu, não achas, Marcus Aurelius?
You coach a gymnastics team in high school, and you're married.
és treinador de uma equipa de ginástica no liceu.
It's not like you're still in high school.
Até parece que ainda andamos na escola.
You ´ re beautiful. People didn ´ t like me in high school.
- Ninguém gostava de mim no liceu.
How about you're still in high school, and it's practically illegal.
Ainda estás no liceu e é praticamente ilegal.
You're in college now, and- - And I'm still stuck in high school.
Estás na faculdade e eu ainda estou no liceu.
So you're in high school. You are desperate to make the team and please your mom. So you turn to witchcraft.
Estás no liceu e desesperada para entrar para a equipa para satisfazeres o desejo da tua mãe, então viras-te para a bruxaria.
If you're so interested in teenagers, maybe you should become a high school counselor.
Se está tão interessado, devia ser conselheiro educacional.
You're looking at what life is really about, not what we thought it would be back in high school...
O azul e o dourado. É isso que rege a vida. Não o que pensávamos quando andavamos na escola.
You're still in high school.
Ainda estás no secundário.
You're still in high school?
Ainda andas no liceu?
Somos caloiros na secundária.
You're sure you didn't go to high school in Asheville, North Carolina?
De certeza que não andou no liceu de Asheville, na Carolina do Norte? Absoluta.
Eric, you're in high school.
Eric, tu estás no secundário.
In high school, while you're still a loser... you're no longer stupid.
por pouco. No liceu, embora ainda sejas um falhado já não és estúpido.
Status is a lot when you're in high school.
Reputação é uma grande coisa quando estamos no liceu.
You're in high school.
Estás na universidade.
But while you're all out here living yours, sitting around, talking about the nigger who lost it, back in high school, you make sure you tell them the truth.
Mas enquanto estiverem por aqui todos a viver a vossa, sentados, conversando sobre o preto que perdeu a cabeça na escola, certifiquem-se que contam a verdade.
You're a lot stronger than you were in high school.
És muito mais forte do que quando andávamos na escola.
And if we find out she weighs 320 pounds, I think that we should say to her, " Gee, we're really glad we dated you in high school instead of now, because back then, you were really hot.
E se descobrirmos que ela pesa 160kg, eu acho que deviamos dizer-lhe : " Bem, ainda bem que saímos contigo no liceu e não agora, porque naquela altura, eras mesmo boa.
You`re the cruelest girl in high school.
És a miúda mais cruel na escola.
You're different than you were in high school, Peter.
Eras diferente quando andávamos no liceu.
You're in high school.
Não mandas em nada.
So you're already in high school...
Então você já está no colégio...
You're Cordelia Chase you're a high-school student, you live in Sunnydale?
Tu és a Cordelia Chase... és uma aluna de liceu, e vives em Sunnydale?
Or, maybe she'll see how smart it is to get married... when you're still in high school and have no money or future.
Ou talvez ela veja quão inteligente é casar-se quando ainda estás no secundário e não tens dinheiro nem futuro.
You're in high school, man, and according to the S.A.T.'s... that's about as far as you're gonna go.
Andas no secundário, meu, e a ver pelos exames nacionais... não vais passar disso.
In high school, everyone's got that one magic moment when all the fears and insecurities of being a teenager just vanish and you're on top of the world.
No secundário toda a gente tem um momento mágico... quando todos os medos e inseguranças de ser adolescente apenas desaparecem e ficas no topo do mundo.
You're still in high school?
Ainda estás na escola, certo?
You're saying that in high school, my girlfriend dated the quarterback?
Espera aí! Estás a dizer que, no liceu, a minha namorada andou com o defesa?
You know, Shari, I came down here wanting to give you the benefit of the doubt, but clearly you're still the same petty little bitch you were in high school.
Shari, eu vim aqui porque queria dar-te... o benefício da dúvida, mas, claramente, continuas a ser a mesma... cabra mesquinha que eras no liceu.
You're still in high school.
Ainda andas no liceu.
You're not going to your high school reunion in Dayton?
Então não vai à reunião de liceu em Dayton?
They're in high school, you idiot.
Andam no liceu, seu idiota.
I was so concerned about finding an identity, and wanting to be remembered for something in high school, and I forgot the most important thing ; It's not what you're remembered for, but who remembers you.
Eu estava tão preocupado em encontrar uma identidade e em ser alguém no liceu.... que me esqueci que o mais importante não é pelo que és recordado, mas sim, quem te recorda.
Did you throw that? You're in high school, right?
Vocês são estudantes, não é?
So you didn't get any while you were in high school... and now you're not gonna get any while George Michael's in high school.
Não dormiste com ninguém durante o liceu... e agora também não porque o George anda no liceu.
You're acting like you're still in high school.
Estão a agir como se ainda estivessem no liceu.
Gabrielle, he's in high school, and it's illegal, and you're married.
Gabrielle, ele está no ensino secundário, isso é ilegal, e tu és casada!
- You're jealous of me, like in high school.
- Eu? - Tens inveja de mim, tal como no liceu.
You're in high school, she should be you're both in way over your heads.
Estás no liceu, ela devia estar... Isto é demais para vocês.
you're invited 50
you're in here 32
you're in good hands 87
you're in a hurry 34
you're in over your head 30
you're in charge 189
you're in denial 28
you're in trouble 151
you're interested 30
you're incredible 103
you're in here 32
you're in good hands 87
you're in a hurry 34
you're in over your head 30
you're in charge 189
you're in denial 28
you're in trouble 151
you're interested 30
you're incredible 103