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You've been traducir portugués

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I admire you so much for everything you've been through.
Admiro-te tanto... por tudo que o que passaste.
Maybe you can explain how their fingerprints ended up at the same crime scene where your colleague was murdered last night, seeing as how they've been dead for six months.
Talvez possa explicar como é que as impressões digitais estavam na mesma cena do crime do assassínio. Sendo que já estão mortos há 6 meses.
You've been in those heels all day. I'll get the car.
Usaste esses saltos o dia todo, vou buscar o carro.
I've been looking for you guys everywhere.
- Estive à vossa procura.
I've been meaning to ask you a question.
Tenho a intenção de te fazer uma pergunta.
Can you imagine what it must've been like back then, back before political correctness and, what the hell do you call it?
Consegue imaginar como deve ter sido naquela época, Antes do politicamente correto. E... como raio é que lhe chamam?
You never would've been party to a kidnapping of one of the most prominent citizens of the West Side.
Nunca terias feito parte do sequestro de um dos cidadãos mais proeminentes do West Side.
And I would've come out on top if you hadn't been fighting dirty.
E teria ganho se não tivesses lutado sujo.
Well, you've been living in darkness ever since Billy died.
Bem, tens vivido na escuridão, desde que o Billy morreu.
You should've been a head shrinker.
Devias ter ido para psiquiatra.
Yeah, I've, been meaning to tell you. I'm getting out of the life.
Sim, queria contar-te, que estou saindo desta vida.
Bad guys that I know you've been after for years.
Bandidos, que eu sei, persegues há anos.
You've been dodging my boot for a long time, but one of these days soon, your luck's gonna run out.
Tem evitado a minha bota, há tempo, mas um dia destes, em breve, a sua sorte vai acabar.
You've been saving that little tidbit for a rainy day, for when you were really...
Guardas esse pequeno detalhe, para te safares um dia. Para quando estivesses mesmo... numa enrascada.
You've never been on a ship.
Nunca andaste de barco.
Grandma, before you say anything... I've been thinking about it and... I should turn down the job and go back to the village.
Avó, antes de dizeres algo, estive a pensar e eu devia recusar o emprego e voltar para a aldeia.
[laughs] And you look like you've never been to any!
E tens ar de quem nunca esteve numa festa!
I've been running the company for four years... and Don Ricardo's wish, as you well know, was that I should continue doing so.
Há quatro anos que sou o gestor desta empresa e era o desejo de Don Ricardo, como bem sabe, que continuasse a fazê-lo.
What... What... What you've been up to?
O que tens feito?
I've been calling you all fucking night.
Liguei-te a noite toda.
You've been avoiding our calls all night.
Ignoraste as nossas chamadas a noite toda.
Yeah, I don't give a shit what you think you've been doing.
- Queria estar à altura dela...
And I would have called you right away, but I've been swamped from the minute I walked into the clinic.
E ter-te-ia ligado logo, mas tenho estado ocupado desde que entrei na clínica.
I said take a look in the mirror, Harvey, because I may have neglected my family in the past, but you've been doing it for as long as I can remember.
- Disse para te olhares ao espelho. Eu posso ter negligenciado a minha família no passado, mas tu estás a fazê-lo desde que me lembro.
The only side I'm on is my family's... The family that you've never been a part of.
Só estou do lado da minha família, da qual nunca fizeste parte.
- That's why you've been personally updating my computer and nobody else's?
É por isso que só atualizas o meu computador?
You've been in contact with him.
Esteve em contacto com ele.
John, you've been under a lot of stress lately, okay?
John, ultimamente tem andado muito stressado, está bem?
You've never really been happy.
Nunca foste mesmo feliz.
You've been through a lot, John.
Passaste por muito, John.
Where've you been, honey?
Onde tens estado, querida?
You've been a stranger too long.
Estiveste longe durante tanto tempo.
Bryan, first of all, I-I don't want you to think I don't know what you've been going through since Cali was killed.
Bryan, primeiro, não quero que aches que não sei pelo que estás a passar desde que a Cali for morta.
I've been thinking about what you said. About Carlos Mejia.
Tenho pensado no que disseste sobre o Carlos Mejia.
Is that why you've been sitting out there for the last five minutes, debating whether or not to even come in and ask for whatever it is you're struggling with now?
É por isso que estiveste lá fora durante cinco minutos a decidir se entravas ou não e falavas sobre o que estás a passar?
I was just out on a bit of a run, and I thought I'd drop in to see if you've done any more thinking about the offer. I've been thinking a lot about you, actually, and, um... Er...
Estava a dar uma corridinha e pensei em aparecer por aqui para ver se já tinha pensado melhor na minha proposta.
I reckon you've been burnt.
Suponho que tenha sido magoada.
You've been in bed all day. I came to check on you.
Passaste o dia na cama, vim saber de ti.
- Oh, you've been?
- Já lá estiveste?
I've been thinking about how you can work on your kid-friendly material.
Estive a pensar como podes trabalhar o teu material para crianças.
He's dumping me through you? You gotta admit, you've been a bit clingy.
- Ele está a deixar-me através de ti?
Yeah, you... you've been on such a roll.
Sim, tens andado numa roda-viva.
- You've been there.
- Sabes como é.
I've been wanting to tell you that I got a job.
Andava para te dizer que arranjei um emprego.
And I guarantee that if you weren't, no one would've been mad that you stole a ball from a kid.
E garanto-te que se não o fizesses, ninguém teria ficado furioso por teres roubado uma bola a um miúdo.
Now, I really need you to just clear the area, because I've been talking to you for way too long.
Preciso mesmo que saias desta zona, porque já estou a falar contigo há demasiado tempo.
Look, there's something I've been wanting to say to you...
- Fixe. Há algo que tenho andado com vontade de te dizer...
You must've been, I don't know, seven or eight.
Não sei. Uns 7 ou 8 anos.
I've been talking about you.
Ando a falar de ti.
- You've been all over.
Foste a todo o lado. Pois.
I've been begging you for ten minutes. And I haven't asked you to take off those ridiculous glasses.
- Estou a implorar-te há dez minutos, e nem te pedi para tirares esses óculos ridículos.

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