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Translate.vc / inglés → portugués / [ Y ] / You've got to stop this

You've got to stop this traducir portugués

84 traducción paralela
- You've got to stop this clowning.
Muito bem rapazes, fiquem em baixo.
You've got to stop this nonsense
Está na hora de acabar com essas coisas!
Ellen, you've got to stop doing this to yourself, because you're doing it to pidge too, as well as to me.
Ellen, tens que parar de te magoar porque também estás a magoar o teu filho e a mim.
- Não o posso ver agora e pronto.
- Miss Finney. Mr. Cogley, you've got to stop this.
Sr. Cogley, tem de parar com isto.
You've got to stop this!
Tens de parar com isto!
If he does, Circe will be coming back to Thira... and this time with Hercules. You know what a mess she made the last time, all by herself. I've got to stop....
Se o fizer, Circe voltará a Tera e desta vez, com Hércules e já sabem o que aconteceu na última vez.
You know, we've got to stop meeting like this.
Sabe, temos de parar de nos encontrar desta maneira.
Alf, you've got to stop all this.
Tens que parar com isto.
Maria, this is a mess, you've got to stop him before they meet.
Merda, mas isto é uma chatice! Deves despchá-lo antes que se encontrem.
Vada, you've got to stop this.
Tens de parar com isto.
You've got to stop this.
Tens de parar com isso!
You've got to stop this now.
Tem de acabar com isto.
You've got to stop goofing around like this.
Temos que parar de fazer estas coisas...
You've got to stop blowing your money like this, Krusty.
Tens de parar de esbanjar o dinheiro assim, Krusty.
Bess, you've got to stop all this, you know. You've got to go on living when he isn't here.
Tens de parar com isto, precisas de continuar a viver quando ele não está.
You've got to stop this.
Você tem de parar com isso.
You've got to stop this war before it destroys the Continuum.
Você tem que acabar esta guerra antes que ela destrua o Continuum.
You've got to stop this now!
Tem de parar já com isto.
You`ve got to stop this nonsense.
Pare com essa bobagem!
'Cause if you got nothing, Michael, if this is all you've got, then you know what? You need to stop teaching that class'cause it's getting inside your head.
Porque se não tem nenhuma, se isso é tudo, tem de parar de dar essas aulas, que lhe estão a dar cabo da cabeça.
If you're going to succeed at this thing you're trying to do you've got to stop being so damn deferential.
Se vais conseguir esta coisa que estás a tentar fazer, tens de deixar de ser tão reverente.
You've got to stop this competitive thing.
Tens de parar com essa competição.
You've got to stop this.
Você tem que parar isto.
- Hey! - Homer, you've got to stop pretending this is your house.
Homer, tens de parar de fingir que esta casa é tua.
You've got a chance to stop this before anyone else gets hurt.
Tem oportunidade de resolver isto sem ninguém se magoar.
Captain, this has gone too far. You've got to put a stop to it.
O que você acha que eu deveria ter dito?
- You've got to stop doing this.
- Tens de parar de fazer isso. - Eu não faço nada.
You've got to stop this.
Tens que parar com isto.
You've got to stop looking at this place as a curse, Lex
Pára de ver este lugar como uma maldição.
- You've really got to stop this now, Oz.
- Tens de parar com isso. - Eu sei.
I'm sorry, I can't stop now. - Carl, you've got to stop... - This has to happen.
You've got to stop this.
Tem de parar.
- You've got to stop doing this.
- Tens de parar de fazer isto.
I know that I gave you my word that I was going to stop all this prying, but... In these last few months I got a taste of what it was like to keep my mom's secret... and I've never felt more alone.
Não precisas de me contar... eu sei que... te dei a minha palavra, que iria parar de me meter na tua vida, mas... nos últimos meses, senti o gosto de como é guardar os segredos acerca da minha mãe.
You've got to stop doing this.
Para de fazer isso.
You've got to stop this.
Tem de acabar com isso!
Rose, you've got to stop this!
Rose, tens que parar com isto!
You've got to stop this now!
Tens que parar com isto agora!
Sergeant, you've got to stop this tow truck.
Sargento, tem que impedir este reboque.
You've got to stop blaming Cuddy for this.
Pare de culpar Cuddy.
You've got to stop this.
Precisas de parar isso.
You've got to stop this!
Têm de parar isto!
You've got to put a stop to this.
Tem de impedir isto.
You've got to stop this.
Tem de parar isto.
Please, somebody, anybody, if you think you've got a good idea on how to stop this anarchy, call me.
Por favor, se alguém souber como acabar com esta anarquia, ligue-me.
You've got to stop this nonsense!
Tens de parar com esses disparates!
Stop. You've got to help me finish this.
Tens de me ajudar a acabar isto.
- They're going to stop this fight. You've got to do something, baby.
Tens de fazer alguma coisa, querido.
Abby, you've got to stop this now.
Abby, tem de parar já com isto.
You've got to put a stop to this.
Tu tens de parar com isto.

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