You didn't get it traducir portugués
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Everything I hear about it makes me like it less. I'm glad I didn't get you a girl.
Tudo o que oiço sobre este assunto faz-me gostar cada vez menos dele.
- It didn't get you, huh?
- Denham!
- $ 50 will get you $ 100 that he didn't do it.
- Aposto $ 50 para $ 100 que não foi ele.
The most you can get is a few years. I didn't do it.
- O máximo que apanhará serão alguns anos.
$ 50 will get you $ 250 that she didn't do it.
Aposto tudo em como não foi ela.
Brought you flowers,'cause... Didn't know what else to get you. Hey, they put it back on, that's great.
Trouxe flores, porque... não sabia mais o que trazer.
Did you ever know a woman that didn't want to make plans? Map out everything? Get it all set?
Já conheceu alguma mulher que não quisesse fazer planos, delinear tudo, ter tudo controlado?
I tried to give you the steer, but I guess I didn't get it over.
Tentei dar-te a dica, mas parece que não entendeste.
If you did it, or if you didn't, you'll get a square deal and most of the breaks.
Fosses ou não fosses tu, conseguir-te-ei... um acordo justo e dou-te todas as oportunidades
You tried it before and it didn't get you anything but a good laugh.
Você já tentou isso antes e não recebeu senão uma boa gargalhada.
Why didn't you get it fixed when we were in port?
Porque não tratou disso quando estivemos em terra?
You know, it's too bad he didn't kill you when he had a chance. He'll get another one.
É uma pena não o ter morto quando teve oportunidade.
You killed a man once and you didn't get away with it. This time they're going to hang you.
Põe a arma no bolso Mannette, mataste um homem uma vez, mas desta vez não escaparás...
Oh, I know you didn't mean it but it's just that I might never get another chance.
Sei que não teve a intenção mas é apenas porque posso não voltar a ter outra oportunidade.
You could say the feeding that you didn't get, that something more than bread, when you were little, you still need to get it.
Podem dizer que a "alimentação" que não tiveram, o algo mais que "pão", quando eram pequenos, ainda precisam de o obter.
You swear out a warrant and you'll never get the diamond. Look, I didn't sell it, I just had to have some money temporarily.
Só o penhorei, olhe o papel.
- Well, you didn't get away with it.
- Mas não se safou.
Why didn't you just spit in his eye and get it over with?
Porque não cuspiu nele e acabou com o assunto?
- But the $ 500 you got to get out of town brought you straight to New York, didn't it?
- Os $ 500 que recebeu para ir-se embora deram para vir até Nova Iorque, não é verdade?
- Apparently you didn't get it. - No, I didn't.
- Aparentemente não o recebeu.
Why didn't you let me die and get it over with!
Porque não me deixou morrer?
Didn't you get it?
- Os miúdos ficam.
We knew you were back, but it was so difficult to get information I didn't know when to expect you.
Estou hospedado num hotel aqui em Wellington.
I didn't get it from the stagecoach nor from the bank. Then how did you get it?
Não o consegui da diligência, nem do banco.
Billy didn't drown. And it'll be daylight before you get back if you don't hurry.
Billy não se afogou... e vai amanhecer antes de voltarem se não se apressarem.
When we decided to get married, I didn't think it would be necessary for me to chase after you anymore.
Quando decidimos nos casar, acreditei que não seria necessário persegui-la nunca mais.
You'd get a job quick enough and hold it if you didn't have me to turn to every time you run short.
Arranjavas um emprego e mantinha-lo, se não me tivesses para ajudar.
You don't mean that. They were just showing off. I didn't want to let it get serious.
Estavam só se exibindo... não fizeram nada sério.
- It was my fault you didn't get back.
Senti a sua falta, você não voltou. Tola!
You're a true Pietro Micca [war hero], but the captain didn't get it.
Entraste armado em herói! Claro que o capitão reparou...
You can bet he didn't get it by trading beads with the natives.
Garanto que não a comprou a comercializar sementes com os nativos.
You had a chance to get in this and you didn't want it.
Tiveste a opção de te meteres nisto e não quiseste.
I bet you didn't get around to it much in your shop.
Um homem da minha idade! Aposto que não fazias melhor com as mulheres na tua loja.
It's a pity you didn't get here a few days earlier.
É uma pena não ter chegado uns dias antes.
How am I going to go back and tell everybody you didn't get it?
Como vou voltar e dizer a todos que você não conseguiu?
You didn't get into it because of his headline or because of my cause, or maybe even because of their kids.
E não foi pelas noticias nem para me dar promoção e nem mesmo foi pelos filhos deles.
You mean he didn't get it?
Quer dizer que ele não o recebeu?
Then you didn't get it.
Nesse caso, não recebeste a minha carta.
- Then you didn't get it.
- Então, não a recebeste.
And it's God's own blessing I didn't get you.
E graças a Deus não consegui ficar contigo.
Well, the reason we didn't get together, you're staff, and I guess we sort of resented it.
Bem, o motivo de não nos darmos bem, você é do comando, e acho que nos ressentimos um pouco por isso.
You mean I didn't have to get killed for it!
- Quer dizer, não tive que morrer por isso.
Too bad you didn't get a shot at Luke while you were at it.
Foi pena não ter atirado no Luke, quando teve hipótesee.
You didn't get it at all!
Nadinha! - Não percebeu nada!
I think you didn't get it
Creio que não entenderam nada.
How wonderful for you! Now, if you didn't get another jack, if you had gotten a king, why, then you'd get another card, except when it's dark,
Se não receber outro valete, se tivesse apanhado outro rei, bem, então, teria outra carta,
It didn't really get started until after you left.
Só animou depois de vocês saírem.
i didn't want to seem a bit of an old fusspot just now, you know but it's just as easy to get these things right as they are easily found in the balpa handbook.
Obrigado. Não queria parecer picuinhas mas é melhor que isto fique como está no manual da BALPA.
I'm sorry you didn't get anything out of it.
Sinto muito que não tenhas conseguido nada.
Why didn't you get it?
Por que não ficaram assim?
I didn't know Brenda. It's possible. Maybe you just wanted to get rid of her.
- Talvez quisesses ver-te livre dela.
you didn't know 451
you didn't answer me 17
you didn't answer 45
you didn't have to 199
you didn't 2413
you didn't tell me 114
you didn't see anything 59
you didn't answer my question 88
you didn't like it 52
you didn't call me 25
you didn't answer me 17
you didn't answer 45
you didn't have to 199
you didn't 2413
you didn't tell me 114
you didn't see anything 59
you didn't answer my question 88
you didn't like it 52
you didn't call me 25