You didn't tell him traducir portugués
877 traducción paralela
I didn't tell you to fall for him, just to find out about his team.
Não disse para te apaixonares, mas descobrir algo sobre a sua equipa!
You tell him I didn't.
Diz-lhe que não fui eu.
You didn't tell him, did you?
Não lhe disseste, pois não? Não tive oportunidade.
Didn't you want me to tell him?
Não querias que dissesse?
You didn't tell him what a baby I was?
- Não lhe contou como fui criancinha?
Didn't you tell him? No, she didn't.
Não lhe tinhas dito?
Didn't I tell you about him, darling?
Não te contei, querida? Que estupidez a minha.
You'd appreciate it if I didn't tell him.
Apreciaria se não lhe contasse nada.
- You didn't tell him loud enough.
- Pois mas não foi bastante claro.
Then, you didn't tell him what we believe?
Então não lhe contou a nossa teoria?
Well, I didn't tell him, if that's what you mean.
Bom, não lhe disse, se te referes a isso.
Why didn't you tell him?
Por que não lhe disseste?
- I didn't hear him tell you anything. - He didn't.
Não o ouvi dizer-lhe nada.
He don't know Indian style. Why didn't you tell him, Ben?
- E porque não contou para ele?
I didn't mean that. - Yes, you did. But tell him.
Pára que perca o concerto?
You didn't tell him they were your drawings, did you?
Bem, já está.
- You didn't tell him, did you?
- Não lhe disseste nada?
Leach isn't to blame, you didn't tell him it was fire you were afraid of.
Leach não tem culpa, não lhe disse sobre o fogo.
Tell him or didn't you hear me?
Diga pra ele. Não ouviu?
-... because you scorn him. Didn't you tell him he can do what he wants if he'll stay? - Scorn him?
-... acha que o despresa.
You had this and didn't tell him?
Estavas com isto e não lho deste?
You didn't tell him about our party, did you?
Não lhe disse nada acerca da nossa festa, pois não?
- Didn't you tell him, John?
- Não lhes disseste, Johnny?
- Why didn't you tell him?
- Por que não lhe disseste?
I also know you didn't tell him about that night.
Sei também que não lhe disseste nada daquela noite.
Why didn't you tell him, "He's in the tack room with my daughter?"
Porque não lhe disse, "O tipo que procura está no barracão com a minha filha."
Bart, when you told me to check Sundown for a fella named Tate Kimbrough, you didn't tell me you was aiming to kill him because of Mary.
Quando me disse que verificasse em Sundown um tipo chaamado Tate Kimbrough, não me disse que se propunha matá-lo por causa da Mary.
Well, I didn't wanna tell you at the house, but... It was him what done it.
Não quis dizer-lhe em sua casa, mas foi ele quem fez aquilo.
Didn't you tell that old man to open up that cash register, or you'd give him the barrel of that gun over his head?
Não mandaste o velhote abrir a caixa registadora senão davas-lhe com a arma na cabeça?
Didn't you tell him that I don't have any time?
Não lhe disse que não tenho tempo?
Christine, tell him you didn't write it.
Christine, diga-lhe que não escreveu.
But you didn't have to tell him it would bloom in a month.
Mas não tinhas que dizer que ela iria florescer num mês.
That fellow who drove it must have dropped it. Why didn't you tell him?
O homem que a guiava deve tê-la deixado cair.
I'll tell you, I prayed for him to let Coaley kill you, but he didn't.
Digo-te, rezei para ele deixar o Coaley matar-te Mas ele não fez.
Listen here. Didn't I tell you I didn't want him inside?
Ouve lá, não te tinha dito, que não o queria aqui dentro?
Did you tell him you didn't believe Quill raped Mrs. Manion?
Disse-lhe não acreditar que ele tivesse violado a Sra. Manion?
Did you tell him you didn't believe Quill raped her?
Disse-lhe que não acreditava que ele a tivesse violado?
Why didn't you tell him?
Porque não lhe disse?
Didn't you tell him?
Você não falou a ele?
For God's sake, didn't you tell him it wasn't true?
Pelo amor de Deus! Você não falou a ele que não era verdade?
- Then why didn't you tell him?
- por que não o há dito?
I didn't tell him you were in, but the story on the jailbreak.
Não disse que estavas cá. É a história da fuga da prisão.
Well, you can tell him that it didn't come off.
Não sei o que está a acontecer aqui mas suponho que é outra das piadas ridículas de Pete.
Why didn t you tell him it was your idea?
Ele podia tê-lo feito de sócio, sócio!
I tell you I didn't kill him.
Estou a dizer-te que não fui eu quem o matou.
Didn't you tell him who you are?
Já lhe disseste quem tu és?
Didn't you tell him?
Não lhe disseste?
I tell you, if that boy didn't have his head strapped on him, he'd lose it.
Digo-te, se aquele rapaz näo tivesse a cabeça agarrada, perdi-a.
Courtney, I checked with your brother he told me I didn't tell him to fix that hinge, that means I told you, do you read me, Courtney? Do you read me, Courtney?
O teu irmão diz que eu não o mandei arranjar a dobradiça, mas a ti disse-te.
I'll tell you, baby brother, the chief didn't like him, not even from the first.
Digo-te, maninho, o chefe nunca gostou dele.
- Why didn't you tell him?
- Porque é que não lhe disse?
you didn't know 451
you didn't answer me 17
you didn't answer 45
you didn't get it 40
you didn't have to 199
you didn't 2413
you didn't tell me 114
you didn't like it 52
you didn't see anything 59
you didn't call me 25
you didn't answer me 17
you didn't answer 45
you didn't get it 40
you didn't have to 199
you didn't 2413
you didn't tell me 114
you didn't like it 52
you didn't see anything 59
you didn't call me 25