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You had to do it traducir portugués

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# You had to do it all alone
* Tiveste que fazer tudo sozinho
I'm just wondering if you were hiding something and if it had anything to do with that wedding ring you're wearing.
Só estava a pensar se não estavas a esconder alguma coisa e se isso não teria nada a haver com esse anel de casamento que usas.
If you had been one of rahl's wizards, I would've used it to absorb your magic, and distill it into this
Se tivesses sido um dos feiticeiros do Rahl, usá-lo-ia para absorver a tua magia e depois destilava-a nisto.
If you were to wave that magic time-traveling wand of yours and we had to do it all over again, I'd make the same call.
Se nos fizesses voltar atrás no tempo, e tivéssemos que fazer tudo de novo, faria tudo igual.
I'm still mad at you about that, by the way- - you were supposed to send me those pictures of the octopus... oh, the penta-pus- - it only had five tentacles.
Por acaso ainda estou zangada contigo por causa disso. Era suposto enviares-me as fotos do polvo Ah, o "pentapus", só tinha 5 tentáculos.
A better question would be, what if you run the story and it turns out Croelick had nothing to do with the Griffith Park fire and he takes an instant dislike to you?
Faço-lhe outra pergunta... E se você publicar a história, o Croelick não tiver nada a ver com o incêndio no parque e ganhar uma grande antipatia por si?
You said we had to move, and you made me do it all by myself.
Disseste que tínhamos de nos mudar, então fiz tudo sozinha.
I thought somebody had to do something for jackson and me Because when it comes to Vic, you don't do shit.
Pensei que tinha de fazer algo pelo Jackson e por mim, porque quando se trata do Vic, tu não fazes nada.
Whether it had any feeling about Dr. Sherman shouldn't matter if you had taught it to value Sherman's life.
A questão de sentir alguma coisa pelo Dr. Sherman não importaria se o tivessem ensinado a dar valor à vida do Sherman.
I'll bet you my casino that harlot had something to do with it.
Aposto consigo o meu casino que aquela rameira teve algo a ver com isto.
But I can tell you that someone is coming to seek the cylinder thus I had to hide it.
Mas posso dizer-lhe que virá alguém à procura do cilindro e que foi por isso que tive de escondê-lo.
We all agreed it was much more likely that one guy beat up the three of them than that you two had anything to do with it, so...
E todos concordámos que era muito mais provável que apenas um tipo tenha aviado eles os três do que vocês os dois terem qualquer coisa a ver com isso, portanto...
I was gonna say you had nothing to do with it, but hey.
Eu ia dizer que não sabias de nada, mas enfim...
Because at first, i thought it had to do with you and eli, but now -
Porque no início, pensei que tinha a ver contigo e o Eli, mas agora...
To write of my disgrace, to burden you with my trials here, knowing of all of those you had to face at home alone... it sorrows me more than I can say to think that I may have added to them.
Escrever a minha desgraça, sobrecarregar-te com as provações que passei por aqui, sabendo eu de tudo aquilo que tiveste de enfrentar... em casa, sozinha... Entristece-me mais do que eu posso dizer, pensar que posso ter contribuído para isso.
I did what you asked, because I had convinced myself that it was the right thing to do for Kirk.
Eu fiz aquilo que pediu porque achava que era o melhor para o Kirk.
It had nothing to do with you.
Não teve a ver consigo.
I don't know if you had anything to do with it Though I have a feeling you did
Não sei se tu tiveste alguma coisa a ver com isso, mas tenho a sensação de que tiveste.
You had nothing to do with it.
Não teve nada a ver contigo.
I know how awful it was there. Then you know i had to do whatever it took to get away.
Então sabes que tive de fazer o que fosse preciso para fugir.
I mean, you had to know it was doomed from the start.
Quer dizer, já devias saber que estava condenado desde do início.
ooh, I didn't want to do it. I know, but you had to.
- Eu não queria fazer isto.
* Had to fall big because he couldn't get with it... * Hey, can I have you guys fill our your ballots for King and Queen, please and thank you?
Poderiam votar o rei e a rainha do baile, por favor e obrigado?
So you think Jin had nothing to do with it?
Então acha que Jin não tem nada com isso?
Since we were winning, you know, it really didn't matter that Rome had an attitude sometimes or he didn't want to do what we needed him to do sometimes.
Como estávamos a ganhar, não interessava que o Rome tivesse mau feitio, ou que não quisesse fazer aquilo que era necessário.
I don't need to relive my high school football games, but, you know, it's a shame that I just had to forget half of my life.
Não preciso de reviver os meus jogos de futebol do secundário mas é uma pena que tenha tido de esquecer metade da minha vida.
Van Ruytenburch was arrogant, a new man, his father's money had made him and spoiled him. It sounds as though you, too, disliked him. I have to confess, I did, but my feelings in the matter must surely be irrelevant.
Poderíamos dizer que a arte de pintar retratos muitos retratistas ocupam-se, ao menos, um pouco de bajulação, para consertar as coisas numa tela é um pouco mais conveniente do que é possível na vida real.
If I had this yesterday, we'd still have our car and you wouldn't be going to work riding bitch on Fernando's bicycle. No, if you had that there would've been a shoot-out. It would've looked like someone turned on a blender.
Não, se tivesses isso ontem, haveria um tiroteio, desse lado do Brat ia parecer que alguém ligou um liquidificador.
I suppose you had nothing to do with it?
Suponho que não tiveste nada a ver com o assunto?
Yeah, well, you had something to do with it.
Pois, bem, tu tinhas um passado.
So you're gonna give me and my brother here the immunity and the money or you're gonna have to explain to Wolf fucking Blitzer why you had the lead on the thing that killed half the fucking city and you didn't do a goddamn thing about it.
Por isso, vai dar-nos imunidade, a mim e ao meu irmão, e o dinheiro ou vai ter de explicar aos jornalistas como é que tinha uma pista para a coisa que eliminou metade da cidade, e não fez absolutamente nada.
I thought you said it had nothing to do with you.
Disse que não tinha nada a ver com você.
It had to have happened before New Year's, after that night it was only you.
Teve que acontecer antes do Ano Novo, após aquela noite era apenas você.
You know, but if I had to do it again, I'd be a fucking sniper.
Sabem, mas se tivesse de voltar, seria um atirador.
Problem isn't the holdback technique, although I don't think you guys had it perfected enough to try.
A questão é que o seu conselho resultou ao contrário. Agora, estou mais lixado do que nunca. Tudo por quereres proteger o hobbit, aqui.
Yeah, well, you had something to do with it.
Sim, bem, tu tiveste algo a haver com isso.
Dear Adrienne, saying goodbye to you was the hardest thing I've ever had to do and I know I'll never do it again.
Querida Adrienne, despedir-me de ti foi a coisa mais difícil que eu já tive de fazer e sei que não voltarei a fazê-lo.
I just want you to know that no matter how it may look I only had you in my heart.
Só quero que saibam que, independentemente do que pareça, só o fiz por vocês.
Today's failure had nothing to do with Himmler, and you know it.
O falhanço de hoje não teve a ver com o Himmler e sabem-no.
Because every single one of you remember what it was like when Gaius Baltar had political power, and you should be terrified to think about what this man will do with blind religious devotion.
Porque cada um de vós lembra-se de como é que foi quando o Gaius Baltar tinha poder político. E deveriam ficar aterrorizados ao pensar no que é que este homem fará com devoção religiosa cega.
Look, Gunner, I had a story to do, and it was about how you felt.
Olha, Gunner, eu tinha uma história para escrever, e era sobre como se sentia.
You know, Abe, it's been a long day, we've all had a lot to drink and I know that this foreskin thing sounds like a good idea now but you might wanna sleep on it.
Você sabe, Abe, é sido um dia longo, nós temos todos tivemosmuito para beber e mim saiba que esta coisa do foreskin sons como uma idéia boaagora mas você pôde querer dormir nele.
You know, it's because of you she had this dream to come down here and live by Paradise Falls.
Foi graças a si que ela teve este sonho de vir viver para as Cataratas do Paraíso.
all you had to do was extend your passport one stamp that's all it would have taken
Só tinha de renovar o passaporte. - Teria bastado um carimbo.
What are you talking about? I had a moment where I imagined what it would be like to give up sex to have that kind of relationship where you don't touch each other, and it...
Houve um momento em que eu imaginei... como seria desistir do sexo... de ter o tipo de relacionamento em que... as pessoas não se tocam, e...
Ethan seems to think you had something to do with it.
Ethan acredita que você teve algo a ver com isso.
- You implied it had something to do with Olivia Taylor.
Deu a entender que tinha algo que ver com Olivia Taylor?
Mm, you sound like you were involved in some kind of a tragedy, but I had nothing to do with it.
Parece que sofreu uma tragédia, mas eu não tive nada a ver com isso.
I mean, it happened just after we spoke, so I thought maybe you had something to do with it.
Quer dizer, aconteceu logo a seguir a falarmos, portanto pensei que talvez tivesses algo a ver com isso. Eu?
I was talking to you guys a couple days ago about which of the lines at Mark Whitacre's house you would be monitoring and we had agreed it would only be the business line so that's all you did, right?
Estive a falar convosco há uns dias sobre qual das linhas na casa do Mark Whitacre iriam escutar e acordámos que seria apenas a linha de trabalho e foi isso que vocês fizeram, certo?
I mean, even with everything you done, it might seem more than fair when I all I had to do was tend to the livestock.
Tenho te ajudado com tudo o que estás a fazer, pode parecer mais do que justo quando tudo... o que eu tinha que fazer era cuidar dos animais da terra.

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