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Translate.vc / inglés → portugués / [ Y ] / You should have been there

You should have been there traducir portugués

147 traducción paralela
- Boy, you should have been there.
- Devia ter lá estado.
You should have been there, Chuck.
Deveria ter estado lá, Chuck.
You should have been there.
Devia lá ter estado.
- Yeah. You should have been there.
- Devias ter ido.
Oh, you should have been there.
Oh, devias ter ido.
You should have been there, Bernie. It was really...
Devias lá ter estado, Bernie, foi mesmo...
You should have been there the day I freed my goldfish.
Você deveria ter estado lá no dia em que libertei o meu peixinho.
You should have been there.
Deviam ter lá estado.
You should have been there, Tom.
Devias ter estado lá, Tom.
You should have been there.
Deveria ter lá estado.
- You should have been there.
Devias ter ido.
You should have been there, my dear.
Devias ter ido. Senti a tua falta.
You should have been there.
Deverias ter estado lá.
Oh, you should have been there, Harry.
Oh, você deveria estar lá, Harry.
But you should have been there last night, cos I ran into Buffy.
Devias ter estado lá na noite passada. Encontrei-me com a Buffy e...
Yo, you should have been there, man.
Tinham que ter estado aí, amigos.
You should have been there last year.
Devias lá estar o ano passado.
You should have been there, brother.
Devias lá ter estado, irmão.
You should have been there.
Tu deverias ter estado lá.
My dear, you should have been there was a meeting of students a seminar
Querida, devias ter ido, era mais uma reunião de estudantes que um seminário
You should have been there.
- Devia ter lá estado.
You should have been there, young lady.
Você deveria ter ido, mocinha.
You should have been there.
Você tinha que estar lá.
You should have been there.
Ela estava linda.
Oh, Fez, you should have been there.
Oh, Fez, devias ter lá estado.
Would you tell Mr. Aysgarth that there's been a delay in replying to his inquiry? We have written him fully on the matter. He should get our letter in the morning.
Dizia ao Sr. Aysgarth que houve um atraso na resposta ao pedido dele, mas que lhe escrevemos a dar os detalhes e que deverá receber a carta Segunda-feira de manhã.
You should have been up there to relieve him, Hale. lt's your turn.
Você deveria ter estado lá em cima para aliviá-lo, Halle. É a sua vez.
You should have been down there with us.
Devia ter ido lá abaixo connosco.
You should have been out there.
Devias ter lá estado tu.
You should have been out there sailing with us today.
Devias ter estado lá fora hoje a navegar connosco.
You saying I should have been there?
Queres dizer, que eu devia lá estar?
Hate to tell you this, but there's been a terrible mistake. Nobody s-should have been invited.
Lamento ter de lhes dizer isto, mas cometeu-se um erro terrível e ninguém devia ter sido convidado.
You should have fucking been there and done something!
Filho da puta!
I should have been there for you, sis.
Devias ter podido contar comigo, mana.
You should have been there, Father.
Devias ter visto, pai.
You were hanging around in there, lazing on the job when you should have been downstairs in the basement cleaning out those old carpets and scrap wood.
Mete-se aí dentro a preguiçar, quando devia era estar lá em baixo, na cave, a limpar aquelas alcatifas velhas e restos de madeira!
Once again, let me remind you, there is a 20-second delay, so when the picture comes back to us, the comet should already have been knocked off its present course.
Quero lembrá-los que há um atraso de 20 seg. Logo, quando a imagem retornar... o cometa deverá já estar fora de sua rota.
Still. I should have been there for you.
Ela não é má.
[Cheers, Applause Continue] lt should have been you up there.
Devias ter sido tu.
Look, I know why you broke up with me in college... and not that it wasn't messed up... but I should have been there for you.
Olha, eu sei porque acabaste comigo na faculdade... e não, que não tenha sido mau... mas eu devia ter estado lá para ti.
I should have been there with you.
Devia ter ido contigo.
I should have been there for you and I wasn't.
Devia ter-te dado apoio e não dei.
That should have been you up there.
Devias ser tu ali em cima.
I should have been there for you.
Eu devia ter-te ajudado...
( sighs ) I should have found time to tell you earlier I did have children with my second wife, Hilary and there was a time when I was with Lindsay when that was all I wanted and, no, I've not been the best father in the world yes, I could have been there more than I have and obviously I've got regrets.
E houve uma época com Lindsay em que era tudo o que eu queria. E não, não fui o melhor pai do mundo. Sim, poderia ter estado mais presente.
I mean I never should have been there in the first place. You got yourself there.
Nem nunca lá devia ter ido, em primeiro lugar.
I should have been there for you last night.
Eu deveria ter lá estado na noite passada.
You know what Mandragora did. And I almost had him. He should have been there, but someone tipped him.
Sabe o que Mandragora fez, quase o peguei... deveria estar lá, mas alguém avisou.
I should have been there for you.
Deveria ter estado mais presente.
And I should have been there for you, and I wasn't.
Devia ter estado ao teu lado e não estive.
He should have been there for you.
Ele deveria ter estado lá pra você.

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