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Translate.vc / inglés → portugués / [ Y ] / You should have come to me

You should have come to me traducir portugués

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You should have come to me straight away.
Devias-me ter perguntado antes.
You should have come to me right away.
Deveria ter vindo imediatamente me dizer.
You should have come to me. We have rain machines.
Eu arranjaria chuva artificial!
- You should have come to me right off. - I know.
- Devias ter me dito imediatamente.
All the more reason why you should have come to me.
Com mais razão deveria ter vindo para ver-me!
If you needed money, you should have come to me.
Se precisavas de dinheiro, vinhas ter comigo.
You should have come to me.
Devia ter falado comigo.
When you realized Calder was KGB, you should have come to me.
Quando descobriste que o Calder era realmente do KGB, devias ter-me contactado.
If you wanted dancing, you should have come to me.
E se queria dança, devia ter falado comigo. Mas já tinham tudo planeado...
You should have come to me, Monica.
Devia ter vindo falar comigo.
You should have come to me the minute you suspected him.
Tu devias ter vindo ter comigo no minuto em que suspeitaste dele.
Gary, you should have come to me first.
Gary, devias ter vindo até mim primeiro.
You should have come to me.
Devias ter falado comigo.
That's right, you should have come to me earlier.
Sim. Devias ter falado comigo mais cedo.
You should have come to me first and given me a chance to explain.
Devia ter-me procurado primeiro e dado-me uma hipótese de me explicar.
You should have come to me like a man.
Devias ter vindo até mim como um homem.
- You should have come to me- -
- Você deveria ter me procurado...
You should have come to me.
Devias ter vindo ter comigo.
You should have come to me.
Você deveria ter vindo até mim.
You should have come to me.
Devia ter vindo até mim.
If you had concerns about my stewardship, you should have come to me.
Se tinhas reservas quanto à minha direcção, devias ter vindo ter comigo.
You'd have come to me quietly and talked to me as lovers should at the proper time.
Teria vindo sem alarido e teria falado comigo na altura certa.
And say, Jesse. I should have told you before. Them surveyors had the gall... to come traipsing over Spanish Bit... with them infernal spyglasses of theirs.
Já me esquecia de te dizer, Jesse, que... aqueles inspectores tiveram a lata... de me virem oferecer dinheiro pelo rancho... vieram com as suas papeladas e tudo.
Oh, well, you should have come back to me years ago.
Devias ter voltado para mim há anos.
You can rely on me to take every precaution should you decide to come here. Higgins, what do I have to swap to get in here?
Você foi maravilhoso.
You should have come to me, Peyt.
Devias, Peyton.
You should have come to me sooner.
Devia ter vindo ter comigo mais cedo...
Hey, hey, come on, man. If you wanted me to move, you just should have asked.
Se queriam que mudasse de mesa, bastava pedirem.
You don't have to do this, come on guys, you can't kill me, can't we flip for it You think you should kill me, flip for it?
Não têm de fazer isto, vá lá, pessoal, não me podem matar, não podemos lançar uma moeda?
I have a situation that's just come up... that's really pretty serious... and I don't know who to talk to or what I should do... but maybe you could put me in touch with somebody... if I explain myself?
Não sei com quem falar nem o que fazer. Se me pudesse passar a alguém para eu explicar tudo isto...
- Why should I? - If I come you'll have to pay.
tens de me pagar.
You should have come to my Kingdom and joined me
Devias vir para o meu reino e juntar-te a mim.
- You should have come to get me.
- Deveu me buscar.
So, I thought maybe if you and I could have sort of a healthy debate about it, I could come to some sort of reasonable conclusion about how I should be feeling right about now.
Pensei que se falássemos abertamente sobre o assunto, talvez pudesse chegar a uma conclusão razoável... sobre como me estou a sentir neste momento.
You should have come and talked to me.
Devias ter vindo falar comigo.
I have to say when he told me I should come see you, I thought he was full of shit.
Tenho que dizer... que quando me recomendou a ti, achei que ele estava a brincar como de costume.
We should go,'cause you told me to come get you when we have something and...
Ok, temos de ir, porque disseste pra te chamar se tivéssemos algo e nós temos algo.
But if at some point I should find out that it's fake, that you tried to con me in any way, or that I hear you've made copies and someone else has one, then I'll have to come back here and hurt you.
Mas se, por algum motivo, eu descobrir que é falso, que você tentou vender-me isto de qualquer forma, ou que fez cópias e que alguém mais também tem um, então terei que voltar aqui e vou fazer-lhe muito mal.
You should come with me.I mean, I-I have to go there anyways today, so... you could see her.She'd be so glad to see you.
Devias vir comigo. Tenho de lá ir hoje e podias falar com ela. Ela gostaria muito de te ver.
She would have come with me, only... she has this silly idea that you should come to her.
Ela era para vir comigo, mas meteu uma ideia maluca na cabeça de que irias vê-la.
Zach, when you're old enough and you watch this, if you ever want to talk with me personally or you want to come and see me, you have an open invitation and you should know that.
Zach, quando tiver idade suficiente e você vê isto, Se você quiser falar comigo pessoalmente ou se quiser vir e ver-me, você tem um convite aberto e você deve saber que.
- Give me that. I should have come to pick you up.
Devia-te ter ido buscar com a chuva que estava a cair.
You should have come to me first. I've been married the longest.
Devias ter falado primeiro comigo.
John, ronon, rodney, it is good to see you, but you should not have come for me.
John, Ronon, Rodney.
Officers, if you needed a bump, You should have come directly to me.
Agentes, se precisavam de uma pedrada, vieram mesmo ter comigo.
And, you know, I didn't know she was a woman driver at the time, but her actions should have tipped me off, because we come up to this intersection, and it's glare ice, and the light turns red, and Paul keeps going.
E, sabem, eu não sabia que era uma mulher a conduzir na altura, mas as atitudes dela deviam ter-me feito desconfiar, porque chegámos a uma interceção, e estava uma camada de gelo, e o semáforo ficou vermelho, e o Paul continuou.
I should never have allowed you to come with me.
Nunca te devia ter deixado vir comigo.
And I don't have a place, so it's not like you can come and... fuck me, so, I... I guess if we're... and as my friend, I think you should be a little bit concerned that I don't have a place to live.
E eu não tenho casa, por isso não podes ir lá e... darmos uma queca, por isso... acho que... e como minha amiga, acho que devias ficar um pouco preocupada por eu não ter onde morar.
If you didn't want me to come, you should have just said that.
Se não querias que viesse... só tinhas que dizer-me.
Of course I had to leave in a hurry. You should have come to see me in singapore.
Claro que tive de sair à pressa.
You should have come to see me a day or two ago.
Devia ter vindo logo cá há uns dois dias atrás.

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