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Translate.vc / inglés → portugués / [ Y ] / You should have listened to me

You should have listened to me traducir portugués

48 traducción paralela
You should have listened to me more.
Devíeis ter-me ouvido mais.
You should have listened to me and not done the spell.
Devias ter-me dado ouvidos e não ter feito aquele feitiço.
You should have listened to me.
Devias ter-me escutado.
You should have listened to me.
Devias ter-me dado ouvidos.
I told you to remain silent. You should have listened to me.
Disse-lhe para ficar calado, devia ter-me dado ouvidos.
I warned you. You should have listened to me.
Eu tinha te avisado meu rapaz.
- You should have listened to me.
- Você deveria ter me ouvido.
You should have listened to me about coming down here.
Devia ter-me ouvido quando eu disse para não virmos cá dentro.
You should have listened to me when I told you to convert.
Devias ter-me dado ouvidos... quando te disse para te conteres...
You should have listened to me. I told you... You were right, Stan.
Não, é o meu legado.
Oh, so now you admit that you should have listened to me.
Então agora admites que me devias ter ouvido.
You should have listened to me. It needn't have come to this.
Se me tivesses ouvido, não tinha de chegar a isto.
I believe you should have listened to me.
Acredito que deverias ouvir-me.
I told you, you should have listened to me.
Eu avisei. - Deviam ter-me dado ouvidos.
You should have listened to me.
- Deviam ter me escutado.
JORDAN : You should have listened to me, Michael Foster.
Devia ter-me ouvido, Michael Foster.
You should have listened to me and to Michael, to Alex.
Devias ter-me ouvido e ao Michael e à Alex.
You should have listened to me.
Devia ter-me ouvido.
Right, you should have listened to me - - Shh! Shut up.
- Devias ter-me escutado...
You should have listened to me, Titus.
Devias ter-me escutado, Titus.
You should have listened to me.
- Devias ter-me ouvido.
You should have listened to me when you had the chance.
Devias ter-me dado ouvidos quando podias.
At least, you should have listened to me.
Pelo menos, podias ter-me ouvido.
It was our justification for stopping at the chess park. Well, you should have listened to me.
Era a nossa justificação para o xadrez.
You should have listened to me and sedated her.
Devia estar sedada.
You and your whole family. You should have listened to me.
Você e sua família inteira.
Perhaps I should've been an artist... then He would've listened to me as He appears to have listened to you.
Talvez não devesse ter sido um artista... então, Ele ter-me-ia ouvido, como parece tê-lo ouvido.
He should have listened to you and killed me when he had the chance.
Ele devia tê-lo ouvido e ter-me morto enquanto teve oportunidade.
Forgive me. I should have listened to you.
Devia ter-te escutado.
You should have listened to me.
Devias ter-me ouvido.
I should have listened to you when you told me that my show was killing people.
Devia ter-vos ouvido quando disseram que o meu espectáculo matava pessoas.
Yeah, I should have listened to Vampire Bill when he warned me about you.
Devia ter ouvido o vampiro Bill, quando ele me avisou sobre ti.
And sometimes you talked to me about things that I should have listened to you more carefully.
E houve alturas em que falaste comigo sobre coisas às quais eu devia ter prestado mais atenção.
I should have listened to you. I'm sorry.
- Perdoa-me.
I should have listened to what you were trying to tell me.
Deveria ter ouvido o que me estavas a tentar dizer.
I should have listened to you. Instead, my greed and my envy robbed me of my daughter.
Em vez disso, a minha ganância, e a minha inveja, roubaram a minha filha.
I know I should have listened when you said you wanted me to stop.
Sei que te devia ter ouvido quando disseste que querias que parasse.
I should have listened to you when you warned me about Brie.
Devia tê-lo ouvido quando avisou sobre a Brie.
You told me to let the torso case go, and I should have listened.
Disseste para esquecer o caso do tronco, - e eu devia ter-te ouvido.
I should have listened to you about the Countess, but I was a love-addled idiot, so, please... forgive me.
Eu devia ter-te dado ouvidos quanto à Condessa, mas eu era uma idiota romântica, por isso perdoa-me, por favor.
I should have listened to you about the man across the street, the guy you said was watching me.
Devia ter-te ouvido sobre o homem do outro lado da rua, o tipo que disseste que estava a observar-me.
Should have fucking listened to me, you fucking asshole.
Devias ter-me dado ouvidos, estúpido do caralho.

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