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You sold it traducir portugués

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Perhaps you sold it to him.
Talvez você tenha vendido.
You sold it!
Then when you found she and Tydings were having trouble, you sold it to him.
Então, quando descobriu que ela e Tydings estavam tendo problemas, você vendeu para ele.
That was cracked when you sold it to me.
Isso estava partido quando me o vendeu.
The donkey! You sold it, didn't you?
- Vendeu o burro, não foi?
You sold it in Lecce!
Vendeu-o em Lecce!
So you sold it to a stranger!
Então, a vendeu para um estranho!
Well, if it's such a hell of a buy, why haven't you sold it?
Bem, se é uma compra dos diabos, Por que você ainda não vendeu?
You sold it to me when I was drunk. Made a fool of me.
Aproveitou-se de eu estar com uns copos!
You sold it out?
Lotação esgotada? São vinte mil assentos!
You sold it?
Vendeu-o? !
You sold it?
Oh, I was so afraid you'd sold it.
Receava que o tivessem vendido!
Joe, when you've sold a chap something... and you've taken his brass, and you've spent it... then done is done. Lassie was sold, and that's all.
Joe, quando você vende algo a alguém... você pega o dinheiro dele, e gasta o que está feito, está feito.
I sketched you the other day and sold it.
- Vendi um esboço de ti.
It appears that, by a mistake, you were sold a new experimental type... Which they're anxious to have back.
Parece que, por engano, venderam-vos um modelo experimental que desejam recuperar.
That one percent you were promised when we sold the paper? Well, Alice and kitty have withdrawn it.
A percentagem da venda que te tinham prometido, a Alice e a Kitty anularam.
Let us have done with it. If you will not go peaceably take him to the man to whom he has been sold.
Como não vais a bem, serás conduzido à força a quem foste vendido.
I should've imagined it, sorry, I expect you haven't sold many.
Eu já esperava, desculpa. Vendeste poucos.
Suppose I told you I had a little spread and I sold it... that I came by it honestly.
Então como o conseguiu? Imagine que eu lhe digo que tinha um pequeno negócio, e o vendi...
I found all that gold you were so worried about, sold it in Touchstone and came back here rich to take the woman of my choice.
Encontrei todo esse ouro que os preocupa tanto, vendi em Touchstone e voltei para levar a mulher de meus sonhos.
Isn't it a fact that the proceeds from the securities you sold for Edward Norton were used to cover your personal losses in the stock market?
Não é um facto que o produto da venda dos títulos de Edward Norton foram usados para cobrir as suas perdas pessoais no mercado de acções?
You gone and sold it to Terrill.
Deve ter vendido para os Teron.
- I said quiet! I know,'cause the salesgirl that sold it to you waited on me... and she told me about it.
Foi a vendedora que te atendeu quem me contou.
It says that for $ 300 to each of you, you agree that your shares in the farm are sold over to me.
Diz que, por 300 dólares para cada um de vós, concordam em vender-me as vossas partes na quinta.
They almost sold it to you too.
E quase ta venderam.
And would you believe it- - Old Henry sold that claim for what?
E acredita que o bom do Henry vendeu aquela concessão por... o quê?
You could bring them over here, show them how we grow the fruit, process it, let them get a firsthand taste of Hawaiian sunshine, and they'd go back to their territories and sell like they never sold before.
Eles viriam pra ver como isto funciona, tomariam sol havaiano e voltariam cheios de vontade de vender.
My papa sold you that phony dream and you're still buying it.
O meu pai vendeu-te esse sonho falso e tu continuas a acreditar.
You I have sold a last spring not yet read damage winter season is yet to learn about wisdom about love, it dominates 4 seasons.
Lembro-me de Ihe ter vendido um a Primavera passada. - Ainda não o Ii. - É pena.
It's real hard to be free when you are bought and sold in the marketplace.
É difícil ser-se livre... quando se é um produto de compra e venda num mercado.
- It was you who sold her to the Mallorys.
- Mas tu vendeste-a aos Mallory!
When you were selling guns to... do you remember what the little man in the shop said to us when he sold it to us?
Lembras do que aquele homem do mercado nos disse quando nos vendeu isso?
So she sold it... to you.
Então, ela vendeu... para você.
Which you sold to a thousand inhabitants, who immediately became ill from using it.
Vendida a milhares de habitantes... que adoeceram ao usá-la.
You hankering to be sold off, keep it up.
Ainda acabas vendido, não te esqueças disto.
You can come live with me when it's sold.
Podes viver comigo quando se venda.
You could have sold some of that shit back to the man you got it from!
Podias ter vendido alguma dessa merda ao homem onde a compraste!
And I think you can tell the police who sold it to him. - Just leave me alone.
E creio que sei o que ele comprou, e tu podes confirmar.
I don't know how many kids you sold to, Stegman, but I'm gonna find'em. All I need is one kid who's got the guts to face you in open court and finger you for pushing it, and then I've got you.
Eu sei que vendeste as drogas... só preciso de um estudante como testemunha... e prendem-te.
You told the truth, and it sold papers.
Você dizia a verdade e vendia jornais.
When I pay good money for a good article that should be an end of it ; but it's where are the geese, who have you sold them to, how much will you take for them?
Se dei bom dinheiro por um artigo de qualidade, não há mais nada a dizer, mas só me perguntam onde estão os gansos, a quem os vendi e quanto quero por eles.
I know the family that sold it to you.
Conheço a família que lho vendeu.
Well, the guy who sold it to you is a liar.
Entäo, o tipo que ta vendeu é mentiroso.
What do you mean it's sold?
O que queres dizer com vendida?
You must be joking, I sold it for a grand.
deves estar a brincar, vendida por uma milena.
It was sold thanks to you.
Foi vendido graças a ti.
Geez, Howard, it sort of sounds like you sold out. Maybe.
Fogo, Howard, parece que estás de rastos.
- You were lucky, too, to have sold it for so much.
- Também teve sorte, vendeu-o por muito.
- I told you, it is sold.
Estão vendidos.
You know, when I sold them this environmental project, I don't think they figured it was gonna cost this much.
Quando eu os convenci a investir neste projecto ecológico... eles não sabiam que ia ser tão caro.

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