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You were right about me traducir portugués

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- You were right about me. I'm a rotten liar.
Tinhas razão sobre mim,... sou uma mentirosa.
Elaine, you were right about me.
Elaine, estavas certa quanto a mim.
You were right about me.
Estavas certo sobre mim.
You were right about me, I haven't taken steps very often.
Tens razão sobre mim. Raras vezes tomei decisões.
Deanna, you were right about me.
Deanna, você tinha toda a razão.
You were right about me meeting someone at the Festival.
Tenho de falar com ela. Tinhas razão quanto a eu conhecer alguém no Festival.
You were right about me.
Você está certo sobre mim.
John, you were right about me.
John, tinhas razão a meu respeito.
You were right about me Mr. Aryan like you even I love challenges.
Você estava certo em relação a mim, eu também gosto de desafios.
And you were right about me.
E estava certo sobre mim.
All right, Mr. Vulcan, let's see if you were right about me.
Muito bem, senhor Vulcano, espero que tenha razão sobre mim.
You were right about me from the beginning.
Acertou em relação a mim, desde o início.
You were right about me.
Estavas certo acerca de mim.
You were right about me.
Tinhas razão acerca de mim.
You were right about me all along, Mr. Kent.
Sempre teve razão a meu respeito, Mr. Kent.
You were right about me and everything. I should have admitted it, but I was afraid you wouldn't like me anymore.
Tinham toda a razão, não soube reconhecer porque tinha medo que já não gostasses de mim.
What can I say? You were right about me.
Que queres que diga, tinhas razão.
You were right about me being wrong. You were wrong about you being right.
Tinhas razão ao dizeres que eu estava enganado.
You were absolutely right when you warned me that I was getting too liberal with her about boys.
Tinha razão ao dizer que eu estava a ser demasiado liberal em relação aos rapazes.
You were swapping stories about me, right?
Vocês estavam contando anedotas a meu respeito, certo?
You know, you were right, Vincent, about Frank and me.
Tinhas razão, Vincent, sobre o Frank e eu.
You were right. The young monster just woke me up. He says they're leaving in about an hour by Mercedes to Boussif.
Tinhas razão, o monstro mais novo acaba de me acordar, dizendo que partem dentro de uma hora para Boussif, no Mercedes.
I guess, guess you were right about not being emotionally involved.
Acho que estava certa sobre não me envolver emocionalmente.
- You were right about grabbing onto Gwen.
- Tinha razão sobre agarrar-me à Gwen.
I just wanted you to know... you were right in what you said about the Bajorans - at least about me.
Só queria que soubesse que tinha razão quanto ao que disse dos bajorianos, pelo menos, quanto a mim.
What matters is you were right when you told me I never said anything nice about you.
O que interessa é que tu estavas certo quando disseste que eu nunca te disse nada de simpático.
Listen, you were right about all those things you said to me.
Escuta, estavas certo sobre todas as coisas que me disseste.
You were about to try to sell me something, right?
Está prestes a tentar vender-me algo, certo?
I thought you were just another easy mark but you saw right through my little scam and taught me a thing or two about doing business in the Gamma Quadrant.
Pensei que era só outro alvo fácil, mas viu logo qual era o meu esquema e ensinou-me umas coisas sobre negociar no Quadrante Gama.
You were right, though. About me being afraid?
Mas tinhas razão, em relação ao meu medo...
And you were right- - about going after the Tzenkethi and about me.
E tinhas razão sobre perseguir os tzenkethi e sobre mim.
Anyway, I guess you guys were right about me.
De qualquer modo, quer-me parecer que tinham razão a meu respeito.
You were right about me.
Tens razão.
Maybe you were right... about me not being cut out for this.
Talvez tenhas razão sobre eu não ser feito para isto.
I wanted to let you know that I've been thinking about what you said about Daryl yesterday and I realized that you were right.
Queria dizer-te que estive a pensar no que me disseste sobre o Darly ontem, e acho que tens razão.
To be clear-we were talking about me being in love with you and you rejecting me, right?
Só para ter a certeza, estávamos a falar de eu estar apaixonado por ti e tu rejeitares-me? - Sim.
You were right about 99 percent of what you said before, when you broke up with me.
Tu tinhas razão acerca de 99 % do que disseste quando rompeste comigo.
You were right about Tezcatcatl not wanting to kill me.
Estavas certo sobre Tezcatcatl não me querer matar
You were right to push me. I need to think about getting out again.
Fizeste bem em forçar-me.
I still can't believe that you were so right... about me not taking that plane.
Ainda não acredito que tinhas razão em que eu não viajasse.
That stuff you were saying today, about you and me, you know, about your wife, that was just crazy, right?
sobre a tua mulher... é uma loucura não é?
Admit it, you were worried about me, right?
Admita : estava preocupado comigo.
Lindsay was right about me. You were right.
A Lindsay tinha razão sobre mim.
That's right - You were just about to tell me who the hell you are.
É isso... estava prestes a dizer-me quem diabos é!
That right now you were thinking about me, And out of the blue, your phone rings?
Que agora mesmo estavas a pensar em mim e, do nada, o telefone toca?
Your dry cleaning is ready. Hey, it " s Andrea. You were right about the estate sale in LaKemont.
"Ei, é Andrea, você estava certa sobre aquela venda do Estado, no Lago Wodes, me ligue"
Because if I recollect right, I recollect that... when we had our conversation in town that time... you sort of felt like what MacMurphy and his boys were saying about me... was beneath contempt.
Porque se me recordo, Penso que quando tivemos a nossa conversa na cidade naquele dia sentiste que o que oMacMurphy e os seus rapazes estavam a dizer sobre mim estava abaixo do desprezo.
All right, so where's this outflow breaker panel you were talking about?
Onde fica o painel de circulação do a de que me falou?
All right, when were you gonna tell me about this?
Quando iam contar-me isso?
That you were right about Lila. She was bad for me.
Que tinhas razão sobre a Lila, ela fazia-me mal.
You were right, you know, about me entering'the marathon.
Estavas certa, sabes, sobre eu entrar nesta maratona.

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