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Yousaf traducir portugués

29 traducción paralela
Yousaf Rana... number-two guy, Covert Action.
Yousaf Rana, número dois na Acções Secretas.
How'd it go with Yousaf?
Como foi com o Yousaf?
Well, Yousaf kept checking me out during Bill Clark's warmonger toast.
Bem, o Yousaf estava a secar-me durante o brinde militarista do Bill Clark.
Yousaf knows diddly-squat.
O Yousaf não sabe nada.
How did you leave things with Yousaf?
Como deixaste as coisas com o Yousaf?
Shut it down? Yeah, Yousaf's boss keeps him in the dark, doesn't let him in on anything.
Sim, o chefe do Yousaf mantém-no na ignorância, não o informa de nada.
They want us to kill Yousaf's boss, Javid Pervez.
Querem que matemos o chefe de Yousaf, Javid Pervez.
He goes, Yousaf steps into the job.
Ele desaparece e o Yousaf assume o cargo.
Yousaf has to talk to you.
O Yousaf tem de falar contigo.
Are you briefed on Yousaf Rana?
Foste informado sobre o Yousaf Rana?
That's what Yousaf says, anyway.
Isso é o que diz o Yousaf, em todo o caso.
You've got your religious guys and your nonreligious guys like Yousaf, but his bodyguards pray like 10 times a day.
Tem tipos religiosos e manos não-religiosos como o Yousaf, mas os seus guarda-costas rezam 10 vezes por dia.
Yousaf, do you love me?
Yousaf, amas-me?
Yousaf, I love you, but you have to know.
Yousaf, eu amo-te, mas precisas saber.
Yousaf, as long as you let me do what I do, it's gonna be okay. Okay?
Yousaf, desde que me deixes fazer o que sei, vai correr tudo bem.
You know, we wouldn't be in this situation if I'd been handling Yousaf from the start.
Não estávamos nesta situação se eu lidasse com o Yousaf desde o princípio.
Yousaf will be waiting.
Yousaf vai estar à espera.
They're probably just the other guys that Yousaf's meeting with.
Se calhar são só os outros homens com quem o Yousaf vai encontrar-se.
Even Yousaf didn't know where they were going.
Nem o Yousaf sabia para onde eles iam.
Yousaf, this isn't about me.
Yousaf, não se trata de mim.
Next time... say 10, Yousaf.
Na próxima vez... diz 10, Yousaf.
I have to tell them how to signal Yousaf.
E tenho de lhes dizer como contactar o Yousaf.
Islamabad signaled Yousaf last night- - no reply.
Islamabad contactou o Yousaf a noite passada. Não há resposta.
The Rezidentura in Islamabad got a message from Yousaf.
A Rezidentura em Islamabad foi contactada pelo Yousaf.
Yousaf's coming here.
- O Yousaf está a chegar.
Yousaf, I feel like shit all the time.
Yousaf, eu sinto-me um merda o tempo todo.
Yousaf, I- - I've been doing this a long time.
Yousaf, eu faço isso há muito tempo.

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