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Zerakem traducir portugués

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Zerakem developed the same process she did at roughly the same time ; it's coincidence.
A Zerakem desenvolveu o processo na mesma altura que ela.
Her lawsuit claims she published her process almost six months before Zerakem announced theirs.
No processo, consta que ela publicou o processo quase seis meses antes de a Zerakem o ter anunciado.
We've heard accusations that Zerakem engaged in corporate espionage, as well as bribing government officials.
Soubemos que foram acusados de espionagem industrial, bem como de suborno de elementos do governo.
Did Charlotte ever try to take matters into her own hands, threaten you or anyone else at Zerakem?
A Charlotte alguma vez a ameaçou a si ou outra pessoa na Zerakem?
What little money that Charlotte made from her legitimate jobs was going to the lawyers handling her Zerakem lawsuit.
O pouco dinheiro que a Charlotte ganhava nos empregos legítimos ia para o advogado que tratava do caso contra a Zerakem.
All of them bordering these two Zerakem facilities.
Todas elas à volta das instalações da Zerakem.
Now, Zerakem has three facilities in the area, right?
A Zerakem tem três instalações nesta zona.
Mm-hmm. Now, according to plans Zerakem's filed with the city, they plan to implement
Segundo os planos da Zerakem, tencionam implementar o processo da Charlotte nesta fábrica.
And Zerakem can continue to pollute at their old levels without paying fines or making upgrades.
A Zerakem continua a poluir nos níveis antigos, sem pagar multas ou fazer melhorias.
She roadblocked you. She was trying to gouge Zerakem into paying her the money that she believed she was owed for her biofuel process.
Queria que a Zerakem lhe pagasse o dinheiro que achava que merecia pelo processamento do biocombustível.
As far as we can tell, she has no heirs, so the banks will foreclose on her properties, and Zerakem will be able to purchase them
Os bancos vão executar as hipotecas e a Zerakem vai comprar tudo ao valor justo de mercado.
I have worked my entire adult life at Zerakem.
Trabalhei toda a minha vida na Zerakem.
I'm offering to burn Zerakem to the ground.
Ofereço-me para arruinar a Zerakem.
Every memo that anyone at Zerakem ever wrote about the New Jersey expansion, every e-mail.
Tudo o que a Zerakem escreveu sobre a expansão na Nova Jérsia.
All of it indicates that, in all likelihood, Zerakem did not kill Charlotte Konig.
Tudo indica que a Zerakem não matou a Charlotte Konig.
The $ 15 million savings would not have moved Zerakem's stock price one iota.
Os 15 milhões não iam alterar o valor das acções da Zerakem.
So while Zerakem itself has motive, no human being at the company does.
Enquanto a Zerakem tem um motivo, nenhum ser humano na empresa tem.
He uncovered Charlotte's real estate holdings and her attempts to strong-arm Zerakem into a generous buyout.
Descobriu as propriedades da Charlotte, e as suas tentativas de fazer a Zerakem pagar bem por elas.
Then you could sell them to Zerakem.
E depois podia vendê-las à Zerakem.
Those are all near
São todas perto de instalações da Zerakem.
Zerakem facilities. I think we've finally found Charlotte's revenge.
Acho que encontrámos, finalmente, a vingança da Charlotte.

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