Gnaeus traducir ruso
28 traducción paralela
- Gnaeus.
Consul Gnaeus Pompey Magnus has left the city.
Консул Гней Помпей Великий покинул город.
- Gnaeus Pompey Magnus sends greetings.
- Гней Помпей Великий приветствует тебя.
Sir, in course of our journey here, we encountered Gnaeus Pompey Magnus with his family - and a party of servants. - Where?
- По пути сюда мы встретили Гнея Помпея Великого с семьей в сопровождении нескольких рабов.
Gnaeus Pompey Magnus and Gaius Julius Caesar.
Гней Помпей Великий и Гай Юлий Цезарь.
Facing men such as gnaeus and his little net?
На поединках с такими людьми, как Гней Помпей и его шайка?
Your net's aim is remarkably true, gnaeus.
Your net's aim is remarkably true, gnaeus.
The sun has made gnaeus mad.
The sun has made gnaeus mad.
Tend to gnaeus.
Tend to gnaeus.
Gnaeus was of an unsteady nature.
Gnaeus was of an unsteady nature.
If your intent was to claim gnaeus'berth in the primus,
If your intent was to claim gnaeus'berth in the primus,
With gnaeus of questionable skull,
With gnaeus of questionable skull,
Defying Doctore, maneuvering to usurp Gnaeus to face Crixus in the arena.
Ты пеpечишь Наставнику, лезешь на местo Гнея, чтoбы биться с Кpиксoм на аpене.
Perhaps gnaeus, then?
Как насчет Гнея?
Рука Гнея?
Gnaeus was a gladiator!
Гнай был гладиатором!
Gnaeus is dead?
Гней мёртв?
Gnaeus was a gladiator!
Гней был гладиатором!
Barca and Gnaeus, Auctus to face your Gaul, Crixus.
Барка и Гней, Актий вместе с галлом, Криксом.
Gnaeus fights Barca!
Гней сразится с Баркой!
Auctus, Gnaeus..
Ауктус, Гней...
Gnaeus continues to gain in skill as retiarius.
Гней продолжает улучшать навыки ретария.
The mark of Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus.
Знак Гнея Помпея Магна.