She didn't believe me traducir ruso
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You must believe me. She never told me I wasn't supposed to have you up here. Of course she didn't.
Поверь, она ничего не говорила о том, что тебе нельзя сюда приходить.
She didn't tell me a thing except that she killed Regan. But I didn't believe that.
Но я ей не поверил.
No, she didn't believe his story, and told me.
Нет, она не поверила ему и обо всем рассказала мне.
She didn't believe me until the car fell down over there.
Она не хотела верить до тех пор, пока машина не рухнула в пропасть.
I tried to explain everything, but she didn't believe me.
Да, спасибо.
She didn't believe me.
Она мне не пoверила.
If only Brigue didn't tell me anything. If only I could believe that she died like anybody.
Я думал, она умерла своей смертью.
She didn't believe me.
Но она мне не поверила.
I told the librarian that I had a bad headache, but she didn't believe me.
Я сказал библиотекарю, что у меня болит голова, но он не Поверил.
How can I believe that she really didn't hear me cry when he wouldn't leave?
- # That she really # - # Really # - # Didn't hear me cry # - # Cry # # When he wouldn't leave #
I had a wife. She's gone now, and believe me, I don't miss her. I don't mean to say I miss you either... but I didn't have any bad feelings about you.
Ты будешь в Нью-Йорке с... с одним из двух лучших в мире гитаристов... одним из шести лучших игроков в покер.
Believe me, she didn't come cheap.
Поверь мне. Она была не из дешёвых.
Today, I told Katie what the teacher said about sex, and she didn't believe me.
Сегодня я рассказал Кейти, что нам учитель говорил о сексе,... и она мне не поверила.
But she was recovering from another stroke and I guess she didn't believe me.
Но она тогда еще не поправилась после удара,... и мне кажется, она не поверила.
I told my mom nothing happened, She didn't believe me,
- Я сказал маме, что ничего не было, но она все равно не верит мне.
Can you believe she didn't endorse me?
Ты можешь поверить, что она не поддержала меня?
She didn't believe me.
Она не поверила.
Believe me, it'll make the papers and the whole world will talk... about the slut from Bnei Akiva who seduce the boys in her group. She didn't seduce them!
Если об этом услышат СМИ, то весь мир будет говорить о порочной девке из "Бней-Акива", соблазнявшей всех парней в округе.
Look, she didn't believe me.
В общем, она мне не поверила.
She didn't believe me.
Но она не поверила мне.
She didn't believe me.
Она мне не поверила.
I swore I'd divorce : she didn't believe me.
Сперва я ей пообещал, что разведусь, а она не поверила.
Believe me she never would've called, never, if she didn't need us.
- Поверь, она бы никогда не позвонила. Никогда. Если бы мы не были ей нужны по настоящему.
- I can't believe she didn't remember me.
Я не могу поверить, что она не помнит меня.
She didn't believe me.
Мы закончили... в спальне. Она не поверила мне.
She didn't believe me so I...
Она мне не верила, вот я и...
The lady I talked to in the food stamp office, when I told her I was a pilot, she didn't bat an eye, but she didn't- - l knew she didn't believe me.
Дама, с которой я разговаривал в офисе выдачи продуктовых талонов, когда я говорил ей, что я пилот, она не хлопала глазами, но она не- - Я знаю, она не верила мне.
She used to make me drive her all the way across town, to the other side of the rainbow because she didn't believe that light came out of the back of a raindrop.
Она заставляла меня везти ее через весь город, на другую сторону радуги, потому что она не верила, что свет появляется из-за дождевых капель.
She was dead. I didn't tell you about it at the time because I figured you wouldn't believe somebody like me.
Я ничего тебе не сказал, потому что ты бы всё равно не поверил мне.
I told her.She didn't believe me.
Я сказал ей. Она не поверила.
I can't believe that my mom didn't tell me that she was friends with one of Forbes'100 most powerful women.
Поверить не могу, что мама ничего не сказала мне о том, что дружила с одной из 100 самых влиятельных женщин.
I honestly didn't believe Amy when she told me she had a boyfriend.
Честно сказать, я не поверила Эми когда она сказала мне, что у нее есть парень.
But she didn't believe me.
Но она мне не поверила.
Maybe she didn't believe in marriage to me.
Может, она не верила в брак со мной.
I told her I didn't believe her and she told me you said your fee was 20 francs a consultation.
Я ей не поверила, и она сказала, что по твоим словам ты берёшь 20 франков за консультацию.
It just felt like she didn't believe in me.
Я просто чувствовала, что она не верит в меня.
If you're telling me she was in my house, I believe you, but I didn't touch her.
Если вы говорите, что она бывала у меня дома, я вам верю, но я ее не трогал.
Look, if the defense decides to go after Amanda, I'm gonna need to prove that I was there so they believe me when I say she didn't do it.
Слушай, если защита выйдет на след Аманды, я должен буду доказать, что я там был, чтобы они поверили мне, когда я скажу, что она этого не делала.
She didn't believe me, so...
Она отказывалась мне верить, так что...
I told her every fucking guy watches porn, she didn't believe me.
Я сказал, что все парни смотрят порнуху. Она не поверила мне.
She told me she had been attacked, but I didn't believe her.
Она говорила мне, что на неё напали Но я не поверил ей Как же так?
I suppose I'm supposed to believe that you didn't know that she wasn't me when you took her to the boathouse and you had your way.
Я полагаю, я должен верить что вы не знали что это была не я когда вы взяли ее в моряцкую хижину и поимели ее.
I can't believe she thought I thought I had a baby scrape and she didn't even tweet me.
Поверить не могу, что она решила, что я сделала аборт, и даже не твитнуламне об этом.
I don't know, she thought I stole it from Archibald, and I kept telling her that it was destroyed, and she didn't believe me.
Я не знаю, думала, пригодится. Я украла его у Арчибальда, и я сказала ей, что он уничтожен, но она не верила мне
Can you believe that my friend told me that she died so that she didn't have to hang outwith me?
Ты можешь поверить, что моя подруга сказала мне, что умерла, чтобы не тусоваться со мной?
I told the cops I knew she was fighting with a patron, but they didn't believe me.
Я говорила копам, что она поругалась с постоянным клиентом, но они не поверили мне.
I told her I didn't know where he was, but she didn't believe me.
Я ей сказала, что не знаю, где он, но она мне не поверила.
I guess I kinda of can't believe that she didn't tell me about it, you know?
Наверное, мне как-то не верится, что она ничего мне не сказала, понимаешь?
Look, I told Corsica I invented Silk Road, but I didn't know she'd believe me.
Слушайте, я говорил Корсике, что создал "Шелковый путь", но я не знал, что она мне поверит.
She didn't believe me.
Она не поверила мне.
Believe it or not, she didn't pick me.
Не поверите, она меня не выбрала.
she didn't 652
she didn't want to 23
she didn't show up 18
she didn't answer 25
she didn't know 63
she didn't do it 76
she didn't like it 21
she didn't come home last night 21
she didn't do anything 50
she didn't make it 59
she didn't want to 23
she didn't show up 18
she didn't answer 25
she didn't know 63
she didn't do it 76
she didn't like it 21
she didn't come home last night 21
she didn't do anything 50
she didn't make it 59
she didn't come 18
she didn't mean it 31
she didn't mean that 17
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she didn't have to 49
she didn't tell you 73
she didn't see anything 17
she didn't say that 38
she didn't say a word 17
she didn't say 130
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she didn't mean that 17
she didn't say anything 61
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she didn't tell you 73
she didn't see anything 17
she didn't say that 38
she didn't say a word 17
she didn't say 130
she didn't tell me 46
she didn't care 26
she didn't do anything wrong 17
she didn't die 29
believe me 5038
believe me when i tell you 16
believe me now 16
she did 1380
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she doesn't have to 35
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she didn't die 29
believe me 5038
believe me when i tell you 16
believe me now 16
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she doesn't speak english 27
she doesn't have to 35