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Stop stealing golf balls from the driving range.
[Skipped item nr. 146]
Hey, Lise, guess who's got a genuine... Itchy Scratchy animation cel? Oh!
[Skipped item nr. 154] из мультика "Щекотка и Царапка"?
That is so cool! That is so exciting! That is so- -
[Skipped item nr. 156] фигня.
- [Weakly] Ha, ha, ha. - Oh, my God. This boy is having an out-of-body experience.
[Skipped item nr. 161]
Do you know how many women have said "No" to me? 1 30-
[Skipped item nr. 209] 1З0.
Dad says this new guy is a repulsive, obnoxious old billionaire.
[Skipped item nr. 233]
- What? - Don't worry. Here's the cash.
[Skipped item nr. 269]
Now, my dear. If you look in your champagne...
[Skipped item nr. 280]
I think you'll find a little surprise.
[Skipped item nr. 281]
We're all aware of Grampa's problems... but compared to Mr. Burns, he's Judge freaking Reinhold.
[Skipped item nr. 294] Но по сравнению с мистером Бернсом, он - просто судья Рейнхолд!
"La-tex Con-dom."
[Skipped item nr. 300]
Do you, Charles Montgomery Burns... take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife?
Согласны ли вы Чарльз Монтгомери Бернс, [Skipped item nr. 315]
[Skipped item nr. 37]
Get tickets! Must get tickets! Find phone!
[Skipped item nr. 41]
[Gasps] Duck! I can't let the boys see me with you!
[Skipped item nr. 83]
Men, there's a little crippled boy... sitting in the hospital who wants you to win this game.
[Skipped item nr. 87] который очень хочет, чтобы вы выиграли этот матч.
Ooh, you brought me a nacho hat!
[Skipped item nr. 101]
Hidilly-ho, Stanster.
[Skipped item nr. 121]
I used to party all night and sleep with lingerie models... until Ned and his Bible group showed me that I could have more.
Я кутил ночи напролет и спал с манекенщицами, [Skipped item nr. 125] что я могу добиться большего.
Sure. Anything for Neddy. Here you go.
[Skipped item nr. 133]
Ooh, I guess it's time for me to duck again.
[Skipped item nr. 138]
Something about being gay.
[Skipped item nr. 142]
Heydilly-ho, window buddy.
[Skipped item nr. 145]
- Hey, everyone! - Hey.
[Skipped item nr. 172]
- Later sex. - [Groaning]
[Skipped item nr. 179]
Hey, just so you don't have to suffer alone, I'm coming with you!
[Skipped item nr. 188]
- How are my boys doin', Homer? - They're fine.
[Skipped item nr. 234]
Ah, it's okay. There's no sugar in pixie sticks. - Trust me.
[Skipped item nr. 241] уж поверьте мне.
If this were a more perfect world... we'd all be known as the Flimpsons.
[Skipped item nr. 247] нас всех звали бы Флимпсоны.
Neddy! Neddy!
[Skipped item nr. 284]
I'm not hepped up on goofballs.
[Skipped item nr. 291]
Before I get started on today's sermon, entitled...
[Skipped item nr. 304]
Let's sacrifice him to our God!
[Skipped item nr. 316]
There have been times when I lost patience with him... even lashed out at him... but this man has turned every cheek on his body.
[Skipped item nr. 322] и даже срывался на него. Но этот человек подставлял все щеки, какие мог найти на своем теле.
Guess what, everyone! My Great-uncle Boris died... and left us his old country house!
[Skipped item nr. 342] и оставил нам свой загородный дом!
[Homer] See, I told ya. There's nothin'to worry about.
[Skipped item nr. 348]
Hi, Mom. - Hi, Mom.
[Skipped item nr. 10]
Isn't that a lot better?
[Skipped item nr. 68]
Ooh, fry, piggy. -
[Skipped item nr. 74]
We pay your principal $ 10,000 to pull down his pants... and keep'em down for the rest of the school year.
[Skipped item nr. 110] чтобы он спустил штаны и ходил так до конца учебного года.
Where's my elephant?
[Skipped item nr. 119]
' - Where's my elephant?
[Skipped item nr. 120]
Where's my elephant?
[Skipped item nr. 121]
Where's my elephant? I know that's what I've been asking.
[Skipped item nr. 127]
How does he keep up with the news like that?
[Skipped item nr. 143]
No, Dad, he's grooming him.
[Skipped item nr. 178]
Grooming him, eh?
[Skipped item nr. 179]
Mm, elephant fresh.
[Skipped item nr. 182]
Under our new price structure... your bill comes to a total of $ 7 00.
[Skipped item nr. 224]
No, Dad, he's my friend.
[Skipped item nr. 229]
Oh, you poor, unfortunate man.
[Skipped item nr. 192]

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