Who were you with traducir ruso
561 traducción paralela
Who were you with tonight?
Ха. С кем ты была этим вечером?
- Who were you with?
- С кем ты был?
Who were you with?
- Кто был с тобой?
Who were you with in Henri's room?
Ни с кем я не была. С кем ты была в комнате Анри?
Who were you with?
О кем ты ездил за город?
Who were you with last night?
Кто был с тобой прошлой ночью?
Who were you with?
И кто был с тобой?
Just out of curiosity, who were you with last night?
Просто из любопытства, с кем ты была прошлой ночью?
Who were you with?
- С кем вы были?
Who were you with?
Ты с кем была?
Who were you talking on the phone with just then?
С кем ты до этого говорила по телефону? С мужчиной?
I asked you a million times who you were sleeping with, and you lied to me.
Я тебя миллион раз спрашивала, с кем ты спишь, и ты лгала мне.
And what is the head-waiter's name in your restaurant.. With who you were in cahoots and your sister found it out?
А имя официанта в вашем ресторане, с которым вы были в сговоре, и ваша сестра это выяснила?
- Honor! - Once before, you were off with a strange man who didn't give his name.
- И снова ты связалась с незнакомцем, который даже не назвался!
There were never any extenuating circumstances, in the eyes of the beak who'd hit you with a maxi. ( 2 )
С точки зрения шпика, смягчающих обстоятельств не существует... Он влепит тебе вышку.
honestly, if I Iearned you were cheating with a sweet young thing, an innocent girl who'd gotten under your skin...
К тому же, Если бы я хотя бы узнала, что ты изменяешь мне со свеженькой девочкой, что ты помогаешь ей делать первые шаги и сам от нее без ума.
Have you seen the three women who were here with us?
Вы не видели трёх женщин, которые были здесь с нами?
Different from what you've always been, different from who I thought you were a woman who would never live like one of them with a head full of nothing but bank notes!
И ты думаешь это правильно - сидеть дома и ничего не делать?
When you were at the desk checking in with the night manager Mr. George Swine, who I happen to know as a personal friend I was wondering if he fixed you up with a good accommodation here.
Когда вы стояли у конторки, говорили с ночным менеджером мистером Джорджем Свайном, он, кстати, мой личный друг я всё думал, устроит ли он вам здесь хороший номер.
Your mother... who, with any imagination did not know, you were destined for higher things.
Ваша мать... Кто, обладающий хоть толикой воображения, не знал, что вам уготована великая судьба?
Edna and I were discussing you last night, and Edna feels... frankly, I agree with her, that there's something almost immoral... about a man of your age who isn't married.
Ей кажется, я с ней, в общем-то, согласен, что в твоём возрасте быть холостым - это уже диагноз.
Who the hell were you with last night?
С кем это ты была ночью?
Did you not observe the two men who were with the Squire?
Разве вы не видели тех двоих, что были со Сквайром?
And who were you locked up with?
И с кем ты был заперт?
You remind me of elegant people in the 18th century who were very concerned with their appearance and the effect they had on others.
Ты заставил меня задуматься об элегантности людей конца 18 века, которые тщательно заботились о своей внешности, их волновало то, какой эффект они производят на окружающих.
You were in love with someone before you met me. Who was it?
Ты любила другого мужчину до меня, понимаю.
He was always with us, because, although we are three beasts,.. then you'll see the other two,.. we were the only ones who tried to..
Он всегда был с нами, потому что, хотя мы три зверя, позже ты увидишь двух других, мы лишь были теми, кто пытался... понять этого выдающегося человека.
There were those of us who were betting on red. Did you read any funny stories on the wire we can close the show with tonight?
Если Уэйнa кто-то достаёт, он его бьёт или в него стреляет.
Listen to me carefully Massa, you who talk so much now... where were you when we, with the comrades of the unions created the union in this factory, of the BAN?
Слушай, Масса, сейчас все говорят, но где ты был, когда мы с товарищами из торгового профсоюза создавали профсоюз завода? — А?
- I'll go and tell them at once who you were with in the wood, in that case.
Сейчас же пойду и скажу, с кем вы были в лесу.
You were around the old-timers, who built the organisation of the families, basing them on the old Roman legions, with "regimes", "capos" and "soldiers".
Ты был в окружении старожил... говорящих, как должна быть устроена семья... основанная на верности, и называемая режимом... Начальник и подчиненные.
When my brother spoke of you as a unique stranger I took it to mean that you were a Westerner who held values consistent with ours.
Когда мой брат говорил, что вы - необычный странник я решил, что вы уроженец Запада который разделяет наши ценности.
Say, while were at it, who supplied you with dope?
Скажи, пока мы здесь, так, между делом, кто тебе поставлял наркотики?
You were the one who became friends with Maria.
Ёто вы тогда подружились с ћарией.
Who were you with?
С кем?
Who were you with?
- Отвечай.
Who were you fighting with?
С кем ты подрался? Молчишь?
Who was covering Cougar... while you were showboating with this MIG?
Кто прикрывал Бакса... пока ты забавлялся с этим МИГом?
Were you in love with the girl who killed herself?
Вы были влюблены в девушку, которая покончила с собой?
When you saw your wife and child at the train station last. Who were they with?
Когда вы увидели вашу жену и сына н железнодорожной станции - с кем они были?
I know you were trying to help, but there's some people who might not see it that way. Especially with 3 ounces of cocaine in your gas tank.
Я знаю, что ты пытался помочь, но есть люди, которые могут на это посмотреть с совсем другой стороны, особенно, если учесть почти 100 г кокаина в твоём баке.
What were you doing Canada Day with a guy like that who used to cook 3 meals a week for the old lady downstairs?
Что тебе нужно было той ночью у парня, который три раза в неделю готовил обед для старушки-соседки?
A nurse who was with him says his first words were "Could you ask my mom to make me some pancakes?"
≈ го медсестра сказала, что его первыми словами были "¬ ы не могли бы попросить маму испечь мне оладышков?"
You were the one who got away with things while I never did.
Тебе всегда все удавалось, а мне нет.
You were the first who wanted to run away with him.
Ты была первая, кто с ним смыться хотел!
Who were you fighting with?
С кем ты дрался?
Who were the people you were with?
Кто в те моменты был рядом с Вами?
We were one of the few who would supply the weapons you needed in your war with the Minbari.
Мы были одними из немногих, кто снабжал вас оружием, когда вы так в нем нуждались в вашей войне с Минбаром.
They said you were with some guy who was wearing a cape.
Они сказали, ты был с каким то парнем в накидке.
You were totally in love with this guy who, hello, was gay.
Ты была влюблена в парня, который был геем.
So who's this guy you were with?
Так что это был за парень?
who were they 101
who were you calling 16
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who were you 20
you with me 166
you with us 31
who was it 877
who was that 1077
who were you calling 16
who were you talking to 126
who were you expecting 17
who were those guys 29
who were you 20
you with me 166
you with us 31
who was it 877
who was that 1077
who was 108
who was there 49
who wants a drink 19
who wants to know 148
who wants some 43
who was with you 16
who we are 40
who was he 261
who was that on the phone 28
who would do that 91
who was there 49
who wants a drink 19
who wants to know 148
who wants some 43
who was with you 16
who we are 40
who was he 261
who was that on the phone 28
who would do that 91