You were just traducir ruso
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I mean, y-you were just waiting for somebody to stop him, like Ike... -... and you were just trying to preserve your own position. - Right.
Ты ждал, пока кто-нибудь его остановит, вроде Айка... – Точно.
I mean, you were just trying to protect us right there.
Ты же просто пытался защитить нас.
I treated you terribly, and you were just trying to help me.
Я ужасно к тебе относилась, а ты только пытался мне помочь.
Thought you were just visiting.
Дyмaл, вы нaвeщaли кoгo-тo.
You were just defending yourselves.
Вы всего лишь защищались.
You were just nastier.
А вы - чудовищнее.
You were just looking for the truth.
Ты просто искал правду.
In law school, you were just as weighted down as the rest of us.
На юридическом факультете ты был такой же зажатый, как и все мы.
You were just begging us to get that thing out of your head.
Ты умоляла вытащить эту штуку из твоей головы.
You were just saving your own ass.
А ты просто спасал свою задницу.
- But you were just...
А ты просто...
Maybe you were just a curious teenager.
Ты просто был любопытным подростком.
You said this morning we were just surviving.
Вы сказали сегодня утром, что мы просто выживаем.
I was just starting to think you were okay, but you blew it.
Я только начал думать, что ты нормальная, и тут такой прокол.
Were you just tickled or something?
Тебя что, недавно щекотали?
- Were you just tickled?
- Тебя щекотали?
I'm sorry, did you just say you were making a bomb?
Прости, но ты только что сказал, что делал бомбу?
I'll just tell them you were looking after me.
Я просто скажу им, что ты искал меня.
And just like that P.I. from Zagreb who couldn't find whatever it was that you were looking for, some FBI training exercise isn't going to fix it, either.
И как в случаи с детективом из Загреба, который не смог найти что бы ты там не искала, некоторые учебные упражнения, проводимые ФБР, тоже не смогут это исправить.
When I first moved here, I just wanted a fresh start, and then I met you, and you were so... mean.
Когда я переехал сюда, я просто хотел начать всё заново, а потом, я встретил тебя, ты была такой... скромной.
I wasn't sure if I work for you or if maybe we were just friends.
О, я не знала, что работаю на тебя, или, может быть, мы просто друзья.
You can't just start from where you were?
А можешь начать с того места, где остановилась?
And, like, if an orgy were to break out, would you like for that to be a large-sized orgy or like, just like, a nice, mid-sized orgy?
А если бы вдруг началась оргия, вы бы предпочли огромную оргию или такую, милую, средненькую оргию?
Well, I was under the impression that you were gonna be selling my music, not just me.
У меня сложилось впечатление, что вы будете продавать мою музыку, а не просто меня.
I just heard you were joining the tour.
Я только что узнал, что ты едешь с нами в тур.
I just thought that if he knew you were on board, he would be, too, and I think that us playing the song
Я просто подумала, что если он будет думать, что ты "за", то он тоже согласится, и подумала, что будет лучше,
I was just as blindsided as you were.
Это застало меня врасплох, также как и тебя.
We were just talking about you.
А мы только что говорили о тебе.
You know, we were just on our way to your place.
Знаешь, мы как раз едем в ту сторону.
I just wish I were sure about this informant you have.
Жаль, что я не до конца уверен в этом информаторе.
I just said I didn't think you were ready - for that kind of step up.
Я сказала, что ты не готова к повышению.
Just tell me, if you were in my situation, what would you do?
Просто скажи мне, как бы ты поступила, оказавшись в такой ситуации?
I ask, uh, you to look at this photograph and tell me that, if you were in a position to save this child's life... wouldn't you do it just because you could?
Я прошу вас взглянуть на эту фотографию и ответить мне, если бы вы имели возможность спасти жизнь этого ребёнка... разве вы не сделали бы это?
What were you thinking? I just...
О чём ты только думала?
You were way too important to me to just fade away.
Ты была мне слишком дорога, чтобы просто забыть.
I just thought you were some second-tier high school girlfriend.
Я-то думала, ты так, второсортная школьная подружка.
What, you were gonna let him turn me into a vampire just to get his keys?
Ты бы позволил ему обратить меня в вампира, чтобы вытащить ключи?
- Well, Jodie Pevensey has just told us you were with her all night.
- Джоди Певенси только что рассказала, что вы провели с ней всю ночь.
Just remember, Lisa and other Lisa, we were doing fine in this neighborhood before you two moved in.
Запомните, Лиза и другая Лиза, пока вы не переехали в этот район, мы нормально жили.
You know, a lot of times in my childhood, I thought to myself, 'Why, we just, we were almost like an invisible town to people...
В детстве я очень часто думал, что мы какой-то невидимый город.
Just say you were bought and people will connect the dots on their own.
Просто скажи, что тебя подкупили, и люди сами все поймут.
Just as when you were a boy... your destiny is to be saved.
Прямо как когда ты был ребёнком.. тебе уготовано спастись.
"'Everlasting "is a cash cow, but right now, it's a bit of a train wreck, so we were just wondering if you could go in and maybe fix it up a little"?
"Долго и счастливо" – дойная корова, но сейчас это настоящая катастрофа, так что мы хотели бы узнать, не мог бы ты разобраться с этим? "
Thought it was just a game you guys were playing.
Я думал, что это какая-то ваша игра.
It was just the way you were looking at me that night.
Из-за того, как ты смотрел на меня той ночью.
We were wondering just how flame retardant are you, Deputy?
Нам стало интересно, насколько же огнестойкий ты, помощник шерифа?
Just how powerless were you before this all happened?
Насколько беспомощной ты была, до того, как всё это случилось?
You know, when Aiden died, there were days when I would sit in Jackson Square just daring myself to take this ring off, to give up, and I think part of me knew that I was never gonna be that happy
Знаешь, когда Эйдан умер, бывали дни, когда я сидел на площади Джексон пытаясь найти в себе смелость снять это кольцо, сдаться, и, думаю, часть меня знала, что больше никогда не буду так счастлив
Honestly, ahem, I just wanted to, uh make sure you were fully awake.
Честно говоря, я просто хотел убедиться, что ты окончательно проснулась.
I just went to go find the nurse because... you were agitated.
Я просто вышла, чтобы найти медсестру потому что... ты волновалась.
I was just hoping you were gonna tell me all these texts were coming from The Radley.
Я просто надеялась что ты скажешь мне... что все эти сообщения пришли из Рэдли.
you were just doing your job 27
you were just a kid 24
you were right 3267
you weren't invited 19
you were awesome 39
you were late 47
you were saying 480
you were amazing 132
you weren't 353
you were gone 87
you were just a kid 24
you were right 3267
you weren't invited 19
you were awesome 39
you were late 47
you were saying 480
you were amazing 132
you weren't 353
you were gone 87
you were sleeping 43
you weren't there 258
you weren't kidding 58
you were incredible 39
you weren't wrong 17
you weren't yourself 17
you weren't to know 25
you weren't here 82
you were wonderful 85
you were asleep 53
you weren't there 258
you weren't kidding 58
you were incredible 39
you weren't wrong 17
you weren't yourself 17
you weren't to know 25
you weren't here 82
you were wonderful 85
you were asleep 53