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And what is that supposed to mean traducir turco

69 traducción paralela
And what is that supposed to mean?
- Bu da ne demek oluyor?
- And what is that supposed to mean?
- Bu da ne demek oluyor şimdi?
And what is that supposed to mean to me?
Bunun benim için ne anlamı olması gerekiyor?
And what is that supposed to mean?
Bu ne anlama geliyor acaba?
And what is that supposed to mean?
Bu ne anlama geliyor?
- And what is that supposed to mean?
- Bu hareketler de ne böyle?
And what is that supposed to mean?
Ve bu ne anlama geliyor?
And what is that supposed to mean?
Sence bunun anlamı ne?
- And what is that supposed to mean?
- Peki bu ne demek oluyor?
And what is that supposed to mean?
Bu ne demek şimdi?
And what is that supposed to mean?
Ne demek istiyorsunuz?
And what is that supposed to mean?
Bunun ne anlama gelmesi gerekiyor?
And what is that supposed to mean?
- Ne demek şimdi bu?
- And what is that supposed to mean?
Yani bu ne demek oluyor?
- And what is that supposed to mean?
- Bu ne demek şimdi?
And what is that supposed to mean?
peki bu da ne demek oluyor?
That's right asshole and what is that supposed to mean?
Doğru göt herif ve... bunun anlamı ne?
- And what is that supposed to mean?
Bu da ne demek yani?
And what is that supposed to mean?
Bu ne demek oluyor?
- And what is that supposed to mean?
Ne demek oluyor şimdi bu?
And what is that supposed to mean?
Bu ne demek oluyor şimdi?
Oh, and what is that supposed to mean?
Bu da ne demek şimdi?
And what is that supposed to mean?
Ne demeye çalışıyorsun sen?
And what is that supposed to mean?
Bu da ne demek şimdi?
And what is that supposed to mean?
Ne demek oluyor bu?
And what is that supposed to mean?
Bu şimdi ne demek oluyor?
- And what is that supposed to mean?
- Ne demek bu? - Benden nefret ediyorsun demek.
And what is that supposed to mean?
- Sen bayılmadın sanki? Bu da ne demek şimdi?
And what is that supposed to mean?
Peki bu ne demek oluyor?
And what the hell is that supposed to mean?
Bu da ne demek oluyor?
And what the hell is that supposed to mean?
Bu ne anlama geliyor şimdi?
And what the hell is that supposed to mean?
- Ne demek bu şimdi?
And now, the Reverend Cloutier has... disappeared, which I think is supposed to mean something, but I can't figure out what that something is.
Ve şimdi, Rahip Cloutier... ortadan yok oldu, ve sanırım bunun bir anlamı var, ama bunun ne olduğunu çözemiyorum.
We fuck with the system, we crumble its foundations, and capitalize on the new disorder. What the fuck is that supposed to mean?
Sistemi s * keceğiz, sermayedarlar günlerini görecekler.
And just what is that supposed to mean?
Bu ne anlama geliyor?
And what exactly is that supposed to mean?
Ne demek şimdi bu?
What's that supposed to mean? Look, Michael, I think- - Look, I know I'm not as smart as you and stuff, and I don't like to do stuff that you like to do and stuff, you know, but, I mean, the sex is great, right?
Bak, senin kadar zeki olmadığımı biliyorum, ve yapmaktan hoşlandığın şeyleri ben sevmiyorum ama yani seks harika, değil mi?
And what in the hell is that supposed to mean?
Ne demek oluyor bu?
I mean if every move we make is pre-ordained and what is the point of that? In life is supposed to be a surprise.
Demek istediğim, hayatın kendisi bir sürpriz olması gerekirken, yaptığımız her hareket önceden belirlenmişse, bunun ne anlamı kalır?
And what's that supposed to mean? What I mean, tommy, is do you really think this business with holly can go on if mom finds out about rebecca?
- Annem Rebecca'yı öğrenirse sen hala Holly ile çalışabileceğini sanıyor musun Tommy?
And just what is that supposed to mean?
Bu da ne anlama geliyor?
And what is that supposed to mean?
Bu da ne demek oluyor?
What the hell is that supposed to mean? You gave him exactly what he wanted, Danny, and that piece of garbage isn't worth it.
Ona tam istediği şeyi verdin, Danny.
What are we supposed to do with that? I mean, even if it's true, and I'm not saying that it is, but even if it's true, what are we supposed to do with it?
Doğru olsa bile ne yapmamız gerek?
And what the hell is that supposed to mean? Nothing. Forget I said that.
Hiç.Unut söylediğimi.
What the hell is that supposed to mean, "What he and Boyd done to Dickie"?
"Boyd'la birlikte Dickie'ye yaptığı" da ne demek oluyor?
And what exactly is that supposed to mean?
Peki bu tam olarak ne anlama geliyor?
And - - and what exactly is that supposed to mean, you've got to go?
- Ne demek gitmem gerekiyor? - Neresini anlamadın?
And I always wanted to work with underprivileged kids. Hey, what the fuck is that supposed to mean?
Hep imkanları kısıtlı çocuklarla çalışmak istemiştim zaten.
And what the hell is that supposed to mean?
Bu da ne demek oluyor şimdi?
And what exactly is that supposed to mean?
Bu ne demek oluyor?

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