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Translate.vc / inglés → turco / [ N ] / Nimo

Nimo traducir turco

6 traducción paralela
-? the m? nimo I can do.
- En azından bunu yapayım.
It's called Nimo Bay.
Adı Nemo Koyu.
Dare no sei nimo dekinai ga I can't blame it on anyone else
Suçu kimseye atamam...
I discovered her two years ago. Kono sekai no doko nimo iki basho ga nai aitai kimochi There was nowhere for me to go in this world, there are feelings I'm missing
Onu iki yıl önce keşfettim.
I wondered about pushing her straight into a major debut, so we've been staying in the Indies scene. Kono sekai no doko nimo iki basho ga nai aitai kimochi There was nowhere for me to go in this world, there are feelings I'm missing Biru ya tawaa ya hashi wo ooikakushite yuku I'll be covered by the buildings, towers and bridges I wondered about pushing her straight into a major debut, so we've been staying in the Indies scene.
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