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Translate.vc / inglés → turco / [ Y ] / You were right about that

You were right about that traducir turco

238 traducción paralela
You were right about that medicine.
İlaç konusunda haklıydın.
Well looks like you were right about that swivel-neck Farr.
Fırıldak Farr hakkında yanılmamışın.
You were right about that fellow.
O adam hakkında haklıymışsınız.
You were right about that...
Bu konuda haklıydın...
You were right about that piano.
Piyanoyla ilgili söylediklerinde haklıydın.
You were right about that north face.
Kuzey yamacı için haklıydın.
You were right about that fellow.
O adam hakkında yanılmamışın.
Well, you were right about that.
Evet, haklıymışsınız.
Say, Brax, you were right about that horse.
Söylediğin gibi, Brax, Bu at hakkında haklıydın.
You were right about that brandy thing.
O brandyli şey konusunda haklıymışsın.
Could be you were right about that law, Joey.
Şu kanun hakkında yanılmamış olabilirsin Joey.
Well, you were right about that, sir.
Şey, o konuda haklıydınız, efendim.
You were right about that.
Bu konuda haklıydın.
No, you were right about that.
Hayır, bu konuda haklıydın.
By the way, you were right about that chess move.
Ayrıca, siz haklıydınız. İki hamlede şah mat oldum.
And you were right about that guy.
Ve, o adam hakkında haklıydın.
- You were right about that headache.
- Başağrısı hakkında haklıymışsın.
You were right about that.
O konuda haklısın.
- You were right about that real cream.
- Sahiden de hakiki kremaymış.
I feel bad, you know, that, uh- - I think you were right about that.
Kendimi kötü hissediyorum. Ve sanırım sen haklıydın, haklısın.
You were right about that. Someone must have taken this picture off the security camera outside the restaurant.
Resim de restoranın dışındaki güvenlik kamerasından çekilmiş olmalı.
- Yeah, you were right about that movie thing.
- Evet şu film şeyleriyle ilgili sanırım haklısın.
You were right about that computer scam.
O dolandırıcılık konusunda haklıydın.
Although you were right about that prune smoothie.
Yine yanıldın, Lois. O araba değildi.
You were right about that ring, too.
- Yüzük konusunda haklıydın.
Maybe you were right about that.
Belki de sen o konuda haklıydın.
Maybe you were right about that.
Belki de haklıydın..
Maybe you were right about that.
Belki de o konuda haklıydın..
- If I were about 50 years younger... I'd take you right away from that s — splendid young man you're going to marry... and who is going to make you a wonderful husband.
- Eğer 50 yaş daha genç olsaydım seni anında evleneceğin bu h -... evleneceğin ve sana çok iyi kocalık yapacak bu harika genç adamdan koparıp alırdım.
You were absolutely right when you warned me that I was getting too liberal with her about boys.
Onu fazla başıboş bıraktığım konusunda... beni uyarmakta çok haklıydın.
Well... I won't say I wasn't a little sore about it at first But then I told myself that maybe you were right.
Başta kızmadım desem yalan olur ama sonra haklı olabileceğini düşündüm.
Is that right, Maria, that you were complaining about these meuths?
Bu... bu doğru mu, Maria, gövelerden mi yakınıyordun?
You're right that we were together, but only for about a month.
Haklısın, ama, sadece bir ay birlikte olduk.
All right. What were you thinking about when that buzzer sounded off?
Zil sesi kesildiğinde ne düşünüyordun?
You were shitting me about that spaceship crap, right?
UFO gördüğünü söyleyen sen misin ahbap?
If I hadn't told the guard that you were with us you'd be riding a unicycle and clapping for fish right about now.
Eğer bekçiye bizimle birlikte olduğunu söylemeseydim, şu anda, tek tekerlekli bisiklete binip, balık için alkış tutuyor olurdun!
I think that maybe you were right about Dr. Wells.
Dr. Wells ile ilgili söylediklerinde haklısın galiba.
That's the one thing you were right about.
Bu senin haklı olduğun bir konuydu.
I just wanted to say that you were right and I was wrong. About the Corps.
Psişik Birliği hakkında haklı olduğunu söylemeye geldim.
Oh, yeah, that's what you were talking about, right?
Konuştuğun şey o tabi değil mi?
- You were so right about that moon.
Dolunay ile ilgili çok haklıydın.
- I'm thinking that maybe... you were right about... Jack and the poem.
Jack ve şiir konusunda haklı olabileceğini düşünüyorum.
I wanted to let you know that I've been thinking about what you said about Daryl yesterday and I realized that you were right.
Dün Daryl hakkında söylediklerini düşündüm... -... ve haklı olduğunu anladım.
Doesn't mean I'm not curious about what's going on in that busy head of yours. You were right, Henry, I was jealous...
- Haklıydın Henry, kıskandım.
I was wrong and you were right, and I'm not just saying that so we don't have to talk about it anymore, like at home.
Ben haksızdım, sen haklıydın, ve bunda ciddiyim. Böylelikle evdeki gibi kavga etmek zorunda değiliz.
I just wanted you to hear from me that despite everything that's happened and the miles that may be between us right now I still think about the way things were.
Sadece aramızda geçen her şeye rağmen, aramızda kilometreler olmasına rağmen eskiden ne kadar yakın olduğumuzu hâlâ düşündüğümü bilmeni istedim.
It means that as much as I hate to admit it I think you were right about Gretchen and me.
Anlamı şu. Her ne kadar kabul etmek istemesem de Gretchen'la ilişkim konusunda haklısın.
That guy you were talking about- - his name's Marvin, right?
Aradığın şu çocuk, Adı Malven'di, doğru mu?
Our nanobots were working overtime on that fight, but you were right about Tina.
Nanobotlarımız o maçta fazladan çalıştı. Fakat Tina hakkında haklıydın.
Şu Julia denen kız hakkında çok haklıymışsın.
We finished dinner, and we were thinking about you, and it just didn't seem right that you should be alone today.
We finished dinner, and we were thinking about you, and it just didn't seem right that you should be alone today.

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