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Ahi traducir inglés

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Pero tu estabas ahi.
But you were actually there.
Ahi vamos.
There we go.
Que necesitan saber que estás ahi fuera.
To know that you're out there.
No, casi estoy ahi.
No, I'm almost there.
Los escribí todos ahi abajo para ti.
I wrote them all down there for you.
Sólo quiero disfrutar de mi cono de salmón y mi rollo de langosta y mi slider ahi.
I just want to enjoy my salmon cone and my lobster roll and my ahi slider.
no pude salir de ahi y... y cuando no pude pagarles lo suficientemente rápido Tomaron nuestros depósitos
Couldn't get out of the red and... and when I didn't repay them fast enough, they took both our stores.
Asi que si hay alguien ahi
So, if there's anyone out there
Nuestras vidas se han convertido en ordinario, pero hay alguien por ahi que es verdaderamente extraordinario.
Our lives have become ordinary, but there is someone out there who is truly extraordinary.
- Sacalo de ahi!
- Get him out of there!
Chicos, ¿ estas ahi?
Guys, you there?
Ahi va tu heroe.
There goes your hero.
¡ Ahi lo tienen, lo logré!
There you go, nailed it!
Lo dejaré ahi para tí.
leave that there for you.
Corta mambo. ¿ Qué haces ahi abajo, nena?
Cock blocker. Ow! What you doing under there, babes?
Ahi está. ¿ Quieres tomar algo?
OK, there we go. Would you like a drink?
Ahi tienes.
There you go.
- ¿ Quien anda ahi?
- Who's there?
Eso de ahi contradice tu declaracion.
That right there refutes your statement.
Es como si te sentaras ahi y gobernaras sobre tu peque # o... reino paralizado.
It's like you sit in there and you rule over your little... Paralyzed kingdom.
Rowan estuvo en el funeral de Wright, y no creo que estuviera ahi para ser un padre comprensivo.
Rowan was at Wright's funeral, and I don't think he was there to be a supportive dad.
Pero esta ahi fuera, y el estado de la Union es en 24 horas.
But it's out there, and now the state of the union is in 24 hours.
hay miles de personas ahi fuera cuyos hijos han muerto, igual que el suyo.
the state of the union address tonight, there are thousands of people out there whose children have died, just like yours.
Antes de que salga ahi fuera y hable para el pais, necesito saber que piensas.
Before I go out there and talk to the country, I need to know what you think.
Ahi es donde la discusion termina.
That is where the argument ends.
Ahi es donde acaba el debate.
That is when the debate is over.
Y del agua, tenéis atún claro, rape, ostras, pargo rojo, pulpo y almejas.
And from the water, you have ahi tuna, monk fish oysters, red snapper, octopus, and clams.
¿ Puedes hacer atún marinado y marcado?
Could you make a blackened, seared ahi tuna?
Ahí tenéis un atún claro sellado con arroz prohibido y rábanos por encima, y luego, tenemos rollitos de huevo y piel crujiente, y un pollo frito con un miso de suero de leche.
You have a seared ahi tuna on top of forbidden rice and radish, and then, we have egg and crispy skin roll, and a buttermilk miso fried chicken.
Y el dolo todavía está ahi, ¿ no?
And the pain's still there, isn't it?
Mi máquina de hacer cerveza está ahi.
I've got my home-brew kit in there.
- Ahi vamos. - ¿ Está bien ponerlo aquí?
~ There we go. ~ Is it all right to put him in there?
Si, bueno, ahi esta el detalle.
Yeah, well, that's the thing.
Me fui de ahi lo mas rapido que pude.
I got out of there as fast as I could.
Oh, Jack, no me importa si ella va a estar ahi \.
Oh, Jack, I don't care if she's at the party.
Oh, miren, ahi llego Ty.
Oh, look, here comes Ty.
Oh, cuidado, ahi llegan los problemas.
Oh, look out, here comes trouble.
Oh, mira, ahi esta Stephen.
Oh, look, there's Stephen.
- Ahi esta Amy.
- There's Amy.
Podemos solo ir a una reunion ahi?
Can we please just go in for an assessment?
Y ahi vas, Katie.
And there you go, Katie.
No. ahi dice que es para ti.
Nope. Says right there it's for you.
Ahi es donde todo tiene sentido, y realmente extrano eso.
That's where everything falls into place and I miss that so much.
Deben salir de ahi!
- Hurry! You got to go!
Estas ahi, Eric?
Are you there, Eric?
Si no hubieramos estado ahi esta noche, si no hubieramos llamado al 911, ¿ cuanto tiempo crees que hubiera hecho falta?
If we hadn't been there tonight, if we hadn't called 911, how long do you think it would have taken?
Sr. Presidente, hay diecisiete estadounidenses muy cansados ahi fuera, y quiero, con todos mis respetos, decirle que necesita confiar en la buena gente que trabaja para usted y descansar.
Mr. President, there are 17 very tired Americans out there, and I want to respectfully tell you that you need to rely on the good people who work for you to get some sleep.
No puedo decidir si me vuelvo como una de esas personas que odio que deambula por ahi,
I can't decide if I'm turning into one of those people I hate who wanders around going,
Creo que ahi es donde Caitlin escondio la carpeta.
I think that's where Caitlin stashed the folder.
- Bueno ahi lo tienes.
Well there you go.
¿ Estás bien ahi adentro?
You all right in there?

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