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Bother traducir inglés

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No me molesta.
Ahh, nae bother.
¿ Por qué te molestas en preguntarme si de todos modos no vas a creerme?
Why you even bother asking me if you're never gonna believe me anyway?
Normalmente, mis dientes me incomodan con algo así.
Usually, my teeth would bother me with something like this.
Sabes, sólo no... no te molestes.
You know, just don't- - don't bother.
Quiero decir, Woo es Demasiado ocupado masticar de pescado sueco Molestar a nadie.
I mean, Woo is too busy munching on Swedish fish to bother anyone.
- No, ni te molestes.
- No, don't even bother.
Lamento molestarte, pero tu vuelo sale en una hora.
I'm sorry to bother you, but your flight leaves in an hour.
Y sinceramente, no me molestaba demasiado.
And honestly, it really didn't bother me much.
Me doy vueltas en la cama, no me gustaría molestarte.
I toss and turn, I wouldn't want to bother you.
Y los extranjeros no me molestan.
And foreigners don't bother me.
- ¿ Eso le molesta?
- It bother you?
¿ Por qué te molestas para contestar el teléfono?
Why do you even bother to answer the phone?
Nunca se molestan en consultarme en nada.
You never bother to consult me on anything.
Ni siquiera se moleste embalaje, acaba de agarrar un pasaporte falso en la oficina e ir...
Don't even bother packing, just grab a fake passport at the office and go...
No, no tengo suficiente dinero.
No, I don't have enough money to bother.
¿ Y por qué se molestó en interrogarlo?
So why bother questioning him?
Perdón por molestarla.
Sorry to bother you.
Disculpe que le moleste.
Sorry to bother you.
No es necesario que se moleste.
Oh, it's no bother at all, honestly.
Sí, si no le molesta. - No.
Yes, if it's not a bother.
No te molestes.
Don't bother.
La Agente Scully ha tenido recientemente su propia experiencia de la muerte que altera la vida, y no quiero molestarle con esto.
Agent Scully has recently had her own life-altering death experience, and I don't want to bother her with this.
Jessa, te lo he dicho mil veces, no me molestes en el trabajo.
Jessa, I told you once, I told you a million times, do not bother me at work.
Vale, bien, claramente no está interesado, así que siento haberlo molestado, detective.
Okay, well, clearly you're not interested, so I'm sorry to bother you, detective.
¿ Y le importó?
Did it bother him?
Te prometo, ninguna de esas personas será nunca te molesta de nuevo.
I promise you, none of those people will ever bother you again.
Siento molestarte tan tarde.
Sorry to bother you this late.
No, no, no, no se moleste.
No, don't, don't, don't bother.
Disculpe la molestia... ¿ Podría ayudarme?
Sorry to bother, uh, can you help me real quick?
No vamos a molestarlos pero no nos ataquen porque contraatacaremos.
We're not gonna bother you, but don't come at us because we're gonna come back at ya.
Realmente no me importa, pero a mamá le ha costado trabajo todo esto.
It doesn't really bother me, but my mom is definitely still dealing with the whole thing.
Luego de comerme a este monje... nadie te molestará con un sortilegio.
After I eat this monk no one will incant to bother you
Siento haberla molestado.
Sorry to bother you.
¿ Te has molestado en mirar al pasar?
You even bother to take a look on your way in?
Creí que si bañaba a Hannah, no le causaría tanta alergia a papá volvería a dormir al cuarto de ustedes y yo podría recuperar el mío.
I thought if maybe I washed Hannah's fur, then it wouldn't bother Daddy's allergies as much and then he would go back to sleeping in your guys's room and I could have my room back.
Para papá : Perdón por molestarte, ¿ podemos hablar?
"To dad : sorry to bother you, can we talk?"
Hola... mira, de verdad no quiero molestarte.
Nickie : Hi, uh, look, I really don't wanna bother you.
Aprecio tu profesionalismo, pero no tienes que molestarte en esto, dado el cambio en tu situación laboral.
I appreciate your professionalism, but you really don't need to bother with this, given the change in your employment status.
¿ Qué te molesta si falto el trabajo tres días?
How does it bother you if I skip work three days?
Bryan y yo queríamos que lo supiera, así la policía no molesta al otro chico.
Bryan and I wanted you to know, so the police won't bother another boy.
- ¿ Por qué se molesta?
- Why does it bother you?
Así que, aunque le reces a San Marty ¡ eso no va a cambiar en nada las cosas!
So whatever "Hail Marty" you're planning on throwing, don't bother, because it won't change a goddamn thing.
* Eso no me molesta... *
♪ Down don't bother me... ♪
¿ Me podría dar una Coca-Cola helada?
Can I bother you for an ice-cold Coca-Cola?
Ni nadie que moleste.
No one to bother.
Bueno, eso no me va a molestar.
Well, that's not going to bother me.
No molestamos a nadie.
We bother no one.
Papá, vamos a un hotel porque no queremos molestar.
Pop, we got a hotel room because we didn't wanna be a bother.
La familia nunca molesta.
Family is never a bother.
¿ Por qué molestarse?
Why bother?
Ni te molestes.
Don't bother.

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