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Carey traducir inglés

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si la haces enojar se convierte en Mariah Carey.
You get her excited, girl, she becomes Mariah Carey, honey. - [laughs]
Vamos, Carey.
Come along, Carey.
Usted es demasiado lento, Cary.
You're a little slow, Carey.
¿ Le importaría quitarse el calcetín?
Mind taking off your sock, Carey?
- Escucha Cary, Mildred y yo rompimos.
Look here, Carey. Mildred and I are all washed up...
¿ Hay algo interesante Carey?
Anything interesting, Carey?
Carey, ésta es mi hija, bautizada María del Sol.
Carey, this is my daughter, christened Maria del Sol.
- Lo es. - ¿ Por qué no lo intenta Carey?
Try it some time, Carey.
De nada sirve soñar despierto Carey.
It's no use mooning over her, Carey.
Dr. Carey... Le presento al Sr. Higgins el nuevo farero jefe.
Carey, this is Mr. Higgins, the new chief lightkeeper.
Lo encontrará en la taberna, cortejando a la Sra. Owen.
You will find up to the public house, Dr. Carey, courting Mrs. Owen.
Esta tarde, Dr. Carey, a la hora del té.
- This afternoon, Dr. Carey. About teatime.
David, quiero hablarte.
- Yes, Dr. Carey? - We must have a word about this.
El Dr.Carey sabrá lo que conviene hacer.
Dr. Carey surely ought to know what you should be doing.
¡ Es Carey! ¿ Cómo llegó aquí?
Carey, how did he get here?
Yo soy Judy Ballard.
- This is Mrs Myron Carey. - How do you do?
Le presento a la Srta. Myron Carey.
They were just crazy to meet you!
¿ Os importa si enciendo la radio?
CAREY : Hey, do you mind if I turn on the radio?
No es un limpia ventanas.
CAREY : It isn't a window cleaner.
Johnnie, este es el Sr. Carey, el abogado de Fred Burke.
Johnnie, this is Mr. Carey, Fred Burke's lawyer,
El Sr. Carey piensa que puedes ayudarle a conseguir un aplazamiento de la ejecución.
Mr. Carey thinks that you may be able to help him Get a stay of execution.
Adelante, Carey.
Go ahead, Carey.
Bien, Carey, estoy dispuesto a creerle.
Well, Carey, I'm willing to go along with you.
Gracias en cualquier caso, Sr. Carey.
Thanks anyway, Mr. Carey.
Le mentiste al Sr. Carey.
You lied to Mr. Carey.
¡ Ponerme en su lugar, como dijo Carey!
Put me in his place like Carey said!
Carey, Madge, ahora tú, todos me machacan.
Carey, Madge, now you, all pounding at me.
Me llamo Carey, George Carey.
My name is Carey, George Carey.
¿ No el Carey que era socio de Duke Sheldon en todas sus timos?
You're not the George Carey that was partners with Duke Sheldon in all them con games?
- Prefiero a Carey.
- I like Carey better.
Vamos, Carey. ¿ Qué pasa?
Come on, Carey. What is it?
Vamos, Carey, espabila y deja de ganar tiempo.
All right, Carey, get up and quit stalling.
Barry, Carey, Gary...
Barry, Carey, Gary...
Salió de esa tormenta como un ángel caído del cielo. Me trajo buena suerte.
You sort of came out of that storm like one of Mother Carey's chickens... only, you were good luck for me.
Carey, Haw.
Cady, Howe?
¿ Vive usted aquí?
You live here, Miss Carey?
¿ Un regalo, qué era, señorita Carey?
A gift for you. What was it, Miss Carey?
Dos de los bustos se rompieron en la tienda. El tercero lo vendió al señor Harker. El cuarto a la señorita Carey y el quinto a Sandeford.
Now tell me, you say that two of the busts were broken here in the shop, the third went to Major Harker, a fourth to Miss Carey and a fifth to Mr. Thomas Sandeford.
Era de carey.
Still, it was tortoiseshell.
Oh! Carey...
Cary, puede hacerse cargo, supongo que estará al tanto de ésto.
Carey, you'd better take this case. It's a subject you ought to know something about.
Y dijo :
She said, "Mrs Carey," she said.
Señora Carey, ¿ cómo puede permitirlo?
"How can you stand it?"
Ya debía estar aquí el Dr. Carey.
It is time Dr. Carey was here, David.
Buenas tardes, Dr.Carey.
- Good evening, Dr. Carey.
Tengo miedo.
- Carey, I don't like it. Why not?
Venga, es inútil.
Come out, Carey, it's no use.
Estaban el fiscal y Carey.
What happened in there?
Me interrogaron.
They had the D.A. And Carey--They gave me the third degree.
Señorita Carey, quería preguntar...
Look here, Miss Carey there's just one question I- -

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