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Cêsar traducir inglés

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Y ocurrió que en Farsalia el poderío de Roma acabó en una sangrienta guerra civil. Y las legiones de Cêsar vencieron a las de Pompeyo. Ahora, sólo Cêsar gobernaba en Roma.
And so it fell out that at Pharsalia the great might and manhood of Rome met in bloody civil war and Caesar's legions destroyed those of the great Pompey so that now only Caesar stood at the head of Rome.
Pero la alegría de Cêsar no era la de otras victorias porque los muertos que sus legionarios enterraban y quemaban eran compatriotas suyos.
But there was no joy for Caesar as in his other triumphs for the dead which his legions counted and buried and burned were their own countrymen.
Mientras las galeras de Cêsar navegaban hacia Egipto los egipcios, como antes los romanos luchaban entre sí, ya que el rey Ptolomeo no quería seguir compartiendo el trono con su hermana Cleopatra a la que expulsó de Alejandría mientras planeaba su muerte.
And even as Caesar's galleys sailed the great sea to Egypt it was happening that, just as the Romans so the Egyptians made war, one upon the other for young King Ptolemy would no longer share the throne with his sister Cleopatra but drove her from the city of Alexandria and sought to destroy her.
Pero sólo tras 2 años y muchas batallas en África y Asia Menor Cêsar pudo llegar a Italia y regresar a Roma para celebrar sus victorias y ocuparse de sus asuntos.
But only after more than two years and many wars in Africa and Asia Minor was Caesar able to cross over to Italy and come home at last to celebrate his triumphs and see to his affairs.
¡ Cêsar!
Más de 2 años buscó Antonio a los asesinos de Cêsar.
For more than two years did Antony seek out the assassins of Caesar.
Al fin, en Filipos lanzó contra ellos sus legiones y las de Octavio el heredero de Cêsar.
At last, at Philippi he was able to set against them his legions and those of Octavian who was Caesar's heir.

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