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Expecting traducir inglés

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Lo siento, esperaba a una mujer mucho mayor.
I'm sorry, I was, uh, expecting a much older woman.
Esperando un estallido en el primer día...
... expecting a pop on the first day...
Los números de ayer no son los que esperábamos.
Well, the overnight numbers were not what we were expecting.
Se cree que Richmond es el almirante, y ahí anclada aguarda solamente... que Buckingham le dé la bienvenida para saltar a tierra.
'Tis thought that Richmond is their admiral, And there they hull, expecting but the aid Of Buckingham to welcome them ashore.
Me dijeron que me estaba esperando.
I was told you'd be expecting me.
Y no quería molestarte, porque sé que no me esperabas hoy.
And I didn't wanna bother you because I know you weren't expecting me today so.
Sí, ¡ no me esperaba eso!
Yeah, I wasn't expecting that.
Lo siento, no estaba esperando compañía.
Sorry, I wasn't expecting company.
Está bien, no estábamos esperando a necesitarla.
It's okay, we weren't expecting to need it.
Hasta ahora no es lo que esperaba.
It's not what I was expecting so far.
Que la vida que te he dado no es la que esperabas.
That the life I gave you isn't the one you were expecting.
Te hemos estado esperando.
We've been expecting you.
Sí, sin mencionar que nuestros padres esperan que demos la cara.
Espero... que sean manifestaciones...
I'm expecting... more demonstrations.
¿ Te está esperando?
Is he expecting you?
¿ Esperas a alguien?
You expecting anybody?
- ¿ Esperas a alguien?
- Are you expecting?
Estoy embarazada.
- I'm expecting.
Miss Whitmore, incluso una mujer casada no podría seguir enseñando si estuviera embarazada. Lo sabe.
Miss Whitmore, even a married lady wouldn't be allowed to continue teaching if she were expecting.
- Shelagh, ¿ tú sabías que la Sra. Hills estaba embarazada de nuevo?
- Shelagh, did you know Mrs Hills was expecting again? - Not till now.
No la esperaba.
I wasn't expecting you.
Jefe. ¿ Nuestros amigos pondrán un perímetro?
Hey, Chief. Are we expecting any friendlies to set up a perimeter?
Jefe, ¿ estamos esperando policías de Bengasi pronto?
Chief, are we expecting any of Benghazi's finest anytime soon?
Jefe, si estamos esperando tropas amigas, dígamelo ahora.
Chief, if we're expecting any friendlies, I need to know that information now.
Sé que nos ha dado sabios consejos, ¿ pero vienen fuerzas amigas?
I know you've had some pearls of wisdom tonight, but are we expecting any friendlies?
Estamos esperando más de un auto, ¿ correcto?
We're expecting more than one car, correct?
¿ Estamos esperando camiones, ametralladoras grandes?
Are we expecting some trucks, or big mounted technicals?
¿ Estamos esperando fuerzas amigas?
Are we expecting any friendlies?
¿ La estabas esperando?
You were expecting her?
Cuando le dije al capitán que esperaba a Jamie el Rojo, se hizo un poco menos visible para ayudar a atraer a su marido dentro de mi trampa.
When I told the captain that I was expecting Red Jamie, he made himself a bit less conspicuous to help lure your husband into my trap.
No me esperaba a una invitada.
I wasn't expecting a guest.
Susan está esperando su tercer hijo.
Susann is expecting her third child.
Esperan un reporte nuestro a las 10 : 00, desde Ecuador y es imposible llegar allá.
- Okay. They're expecting a report from us at 10 : 00, from Ecuador, and there's no way we can get there.
Esperan un reporte desde Ecuador.
They're expecting a report from Ecuador.
Estamos esperando...
We're expecting.
No esperaba verlo por aquí antes del domingo.
I wasn't expecting to see you around these parts'till Sunday.
No, nos están esperando.
No, they expecting'us back.
Es solo que no esperaba que fuera mi propio esposo.
Just wasn't expecting it to be my own husband.
¿ Qué esperabas?
What were you expecting?
O.J. me está esperando.
O.J.'s expecting me.
La tripulación estaba esperando a O.J. el día 18.
The crew was expecting O.J. on the 18th.
No esperábamos interrogarla... -... por otros cinco meses.
We weren't expecting to cross-examine her for another five months.
No ha sido el día que me imaginaba.
It wasn't the day I was expecting.
Estoy dispuesto a apostar que no están esperando a dos príncipes idiotas haciendo su entrada en solitario.
I'm willing to bet they're not expecting two idiot princes to fly in there solo.
Te estaba esperando.
I've been expecting you.
¿ Nos estabas esperando?
You were expecting us?
Pero no me esperaba una guerra civil élfica.
I wasn't expecting an Elvin civil war.
Estoy esperando un texto de Danica Patrick,
I'm expecting a text from Danica Patrick.
No esperan nada de ti.
They're not expecting anything from you.
Creo que es una locura que toman el control de la embajada estadounidense allá y están aquí esperando que les demos educación.
'Well, I think it's totally crazy that they take over'the American embassy over there, and then they're over here expecting'us to give them an education.
Estaba esperando algo tonto.

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