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Fui a defenderte.
I went to stick up for you.
Fui enviada a la Tierra para proteger a mi primo.
I was sent to Earth to protect my cousin.
Fui a los registros públicos, parecían estar bien, y recalco "parecían".
I went to the public records, they seemed fine, operative word "seemed."
Fui codicioso.
I was greedy.
Yo fui al MIT. ¿ Tenías a Martinez?
I went to MIT. Did you have Martinez?
Fui secuestrado hace poco y estoy muy muy tenso.
I was kidnapped recently and I'm very, very tense.
Fui a ver y la nave de mis padres había partido a Daxam hace unas cuantas semanas.
I went and checked, and my parents'ship definitely had left for Daxam a few weeks ago.
Fui una de las pocas que escaparon.
I was one of the few to escape.
Fui yo, yo lo vi.
It was me who saw him.
Fui yo, entonces.
Then it was me you saw.
Me dijiste que había alguien y fui a ver.
Y... you said there was someone, so I went to see.
Fui pésimo en la escuela, pero impresioné a un profesor, entré a Hofstra.
I was a high-school fuck-up. But I impressed a teacher, got into Hofstra.
Tal vez fui yo.
Might have been me.
Por los últimos tres años, ejercí la paternidad en casa... es decir que fui un papá que permanece en casa.
For the last three years, I've been fathering domestically, which is to say I've been a stay-at-home dad.
Fui a ver la casa de Wallace de nuevo con Fran.
I went to see Wallace's place again with Fran.
- Todavía ni fui.
- I haven't even gone in yet.
Fui a Titan a...
I went to Titan for Moth...
Esto no es para lo que fui hecho.
This is not what I was made for.
Y fui capaz de cerrarla, pero a mucha gente le cuesta hacer eso.
And I was able to shut it out, but a lot of people have a harder time doing that.
Sí, bueno, es mejor escuchando de lo que lo fui yo.
Yeah, well, she's a better listener than I was.
Me fui porque estaba triste.
I went away because I was sad.
Y yo... bien, yo nunca fui bueno.
And me... well, I was never good.
Me fui para buscar más vino.
I'd gone off to get more wine.
Tal vez si lo deseas con ansias, él decida sentarse y escribir una confesión que diga : "Fui yo".
Maybe, if you wish hard enough, he'll suddenly decide to sit down and write a confession called "I did it."
Fui a rogarle a Von Barlow
I went to Von Barlow and I begged her
Fui al Truth por la mañana.
I got to Truth in the morning.
Di en la oficina que me fui a casa.
Tell the office I went home sick.
Fui a algunas de sus reuniones!
I went to some of their meetings!
Fui a un sitio al que no debería haber ido.
I went somewhere I shouldn't have gone.
Yo fui quien dio la aprobación para que hablara con Linda.
I was the one that gave her the nod to talk to Linda.
Fui una cobarde.
I was a coward.
Fui abusada.
I was abused.
Y... sabes, no fui solo yo.
And it... You know, it wasn't just me.
Yo hallaré una fórmula para congelar el tiempo y ni siquiera sabrás que me fui.
I'll find a formula to freeze time, you won't even know I'm gone.
Axe, no fui a esa cafetería a perder un billón de dólares.
Axe, I didn't walk into that diner so that I could lose a billion bucks.
Finalmente me fui a dormir alrededor de... ¿ medianoche?
I finally went to bed about... Midnight?
Pero la familia de Grossman tiene una casa en el lago y fui invitado a acompañarlos.
But Grossmann's family have a house on a lake and I've been invited to join them.
Fui obligada a ignorar esas instrucciones luego de una lección del profesor Lenard, explorando la teoría cinética del calor y los gases.
I was compelled to ignore those instructions after a lecture from Professor Lenard, exploring the kinetic theory of heat and gases.
Tenías razón, fui imprudente.
You were right.
Lo siento, fui grosera.
I'm sorry. That was rude.
Fui a un taller de variedades donde presentà ³ su aplicacià ³ n.
No, I just acted in a diversity workshop at a retreat for his app.
Fui muy infantil, lo siento.
It was childish of me. I'm so sorry. It wasn't you
Hallaré una fórmula para congelar el tiempo y ni siquiera sabrás que me fui.
I will find a formula to freeze time. You won't even know I'm gone.
Fui detenido en el trabajo.
I was detained at work.
Cuatro semanas desde que fui publicado.
Four weeks since I was published!
Fui muy borde con vosotros.
I was... I was so rude to you.
Me fui un poco antes.
I left a bit early.
Dios, no puedo recordar la última vez que fui a la playa.
Christ, I can't remember the last time I was on a beach.
Si las hubieron, yo no fui parte de ellas.
If there were, I wasn't a part of'em.
Bueno, fui sustituta en un jardín de infantes.
Well, I was substitute in a Kindergarten...
- No fui yo.
I didn't.