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Harã traducir inglés

78 traducción paralela
Te harà © teniente de mi revolucià ³ n.
I'll make you a lieutenant of my revolution.
Si no nos metemos, lo harà ¡ n otros, una de las cinco familias, o todas.
If we don't get into it, somebody else will, maybe the five families.
Te harà ¡ sudar.
Brandy will sweat it out.
-  ¿ Lo harà ¡ s?
- Will you?
Te dije que lo harà ­ a y lo estoy haciendo.
I told you I can handle it, so I'll handle it.
Pero un dà ­ a lo harà ¡ s.
But one day, you will.
Mantener la boca cerrada no te harà ¡ ningún bien.
Keeping your mouth shut will do you no good
Lo harà © yo!
I will!
Lo harà © por los chicos.
I do this for the Shorteez, y'all.
Por quà © te harà ­ a cosquillas?
Why would he tickle you?
Oh, Fez, Michael me tomà ³ a la ligera tambià © n pero encontrà © a alguien me jor, y tu tambià © n lo harà ¡ s.
Oh, Fez, Michael took me for granted, too. But I found someone better, and so will you.
Quà © harà ­ a una chica francesa que una americana piensa que es un asco?
What would a French girl do that an American girl would think is gross?
Quà © le harà ­ as a los pies?
What would you do to a foot?
Lo harà ©.
I'm doing it.
- Lo harà ¨, lo harà ¨.
- I will, I will.
George dice,  ¿ qÏ... à © harà si à © l ataca abajo?
George says, what does he do if he goes low?
Si no te vas ahora'jamàs lo harà s.
If you don't leave now, you never will.
Uno me dijo algo, me amenazà ³, me dijo lo que me harà ­ a, y que les pegaba a las nià ± as. Todos se reà ­ an.
And one of the guys said something to me, and he threatened me, talking about what he was gonna do to me, and he'll fight girls, and everybody was laughing.
Si quisieran ocuparse, lo harà ­ an.
And if you did want to take care of it, it would be took care of.
 ¿ Y quà © harà ¡ s al respecto?
And what are you gonna do about it?
Lo harà ­ a, pero ya sabes, ella es mayor y genial y mà ¡ s inteligente que yo.
I would, but you know, she's older and cooler and smarter than me.
Lo harà © simple para ti.
I'll make it simple for you.
"si yo estuviera allá ­ que à © se es lo que yo harà ­ a."
"if I were there that's what I'd do."
Y lo escuche No lo harà ¡.
And hearing you won't do that.
Hasta que vuelva, le harà ¡ n caso a Marisol.
You'll obey Marisol until I return.
Una visita a El Puerto le harà ¡ bien.
A visit to El Puerto will do him good.
Fue entonces cuando supe que no me harà ­ a ningún bien a BEG.
CUALQUIER MANERA QUE YO HARà  A - escapará ­ a,
Yo lo harà © saber cuando està © hecho.
Y yo no le harà ­ a daà ± o a nadie.
A veces no es sà ³ lo la escritura, es solo el dibujo mà ¡ s simple y loco lo que te harà ¡ reà ­ r o sonreà ­ r y que serà ¡ una verdadera influencia.
Sometimes it's not just the writing, it's just the simplest crazy drawing that will make you laugh or smile and really influence you.
Lo harà ©.
I will.
 ¿ Entonces por quà © harà ­ as golpear a mi novia?
Then why would you hit on my girlfriend?
- Sabà ­ a que harà ­ an falta.
- I knew I was going to need gloves.
 ¿ Por quà © te digo lo que yo harà ­ a?
Why am I telling you what I would do?
 ¿ Por quà © harà ­ a eso?
Why would I do that, man?
 ¿ Quà © harà ¡ s?
What you going to do?
 ¿ Y quà © crees que harà ¡ n?
And what will they do?
Te harà ¡ bien.
It'll do you good.
Lourdes, creo que nos harà ­ a bien estar untas.
I think we should spend time together.
A veces lo revuelve todo... y a saber quà © harà ­ a con esto.
Sometimes she starts rummaging who knows what she'd do with this.
Quizà ¡ a ti te harà ­ a mà ¡ s ilusià ³ n tenerlas.
Maybe you'd rather keep it.
Carisi, desde que està ¡ s lo harà © de todos modos...
II desear que no lo harà ­ as.
I-I wish you wouldn't.
Lo es. Si la usas como lo harà ­ a un humano normal.
Well, it is, if you use it like a fucking regular human would.
 ¿ Quà © harà ¡ s en diez dà ­ as cuando Barb te despida?
Randy, what are you going to do in 10 days when Barb fires you, huh?
 ¿ Quà © harà ¡ Julian...?
What's Julian...
Dijimos que harà ­ amos una pausa para trabajar en nosotros.
Last time we said we were going to take a break and work on ourselves...
- Sr. Lahey, no lo harà ©.
Mr. Lahey, I'm not going to do it.
Quà © harà ¡ cuando tenga un problema real?
She's flipping out'cause someone she likes is married or having an illegitimate child. What's she gonna do when there's real trouble?
-  ¿ Quà © harà ­ a Jesús?

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