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Es asombroso lo que la gente compra, ¿ no?
Amazing what people will buy, isn't it?
Este lugar es impresionante, ¿ no?
This place is quite something, isn't it?
Dime que no es verdad.
Tell me this isn't true.
No se trata solo de las amenazas.
This isn't just about leverage.
Y "como de la familia" no es de la familia.
And "like family" isn't family.
Me parece sexi, pero un poco humillante.
Not that it isn't sexy, just slightly emasculating.
O sea, sé que esto es normal para ti, pero no para mí.
I mean, I know that this is normal for you. This isn't normal for me.
Cariño, no es normal para nadie.
Sweetheart, this isn't normal for anyone.
Es bonito, ¿ no?
Eh, it's nice, isn't it?
* No es una locura *
# Isn't it madness
* No es una locura, no quiere ser mío *
TOGETHER : # Isn't it madness, he won't be mine!
* Es una locura, no quiere ser mío *
# Isn't it madness he won't be mine?
Bueno, son casi y media, ya, ¿ no?
Well, it's nearly half past now, isn't it?
Sé que no lo es.
I know there isn't.
¿ Por qué no funciona?
Why isn't it working? !
Es útil, el saber moverse por estos sitios, ¿ verdad?
It's handy, you knowing your way around these buildings, isn't it?
Todo esto es un poco Agatha Christie, ¿ verdad?
This is all a bit Agatha Christie, isn't it?
¿ No es tarea de tu departamento encontrar al asesino?
Isn't it your department's job to find the killer?
La policía no nos da información.
LAPD isn't giving us any information.
O esta no es su verdadera casa.
Or this isn't her real house.
Alguien intenta crear un problema donde no lo hay.
Somebody is trying to create a problem where there isn't one.
Sí, no estamos, o más bien, ella no es mi...
Yes, we aren't, erm... or rather, er, she isn't my...
Seis meses, ¿ no?
Six months, isn't it?
mi hermana se ocupa de ella cuando estoy aquí, Pero ella tiene un trabajo que cuidar y la guardería para los niños no es barata.
My sister takes care of her when I'm here, but she has a job to hold down herself, and childcare isn't cheap.
Cierto, ¿ no?
Isn't it?
Sí, es imposible. ¿ No es cierto?
Yes, it's impossible. Isn't it?
¿ No es eso lo que dicen sobre un buen matrimonio?
Isn't that what they say about a good marriage? Huh?
Aquí estamos bien y a salvo, ¿ verdad?
Isn't everything just so safe and warm here?
La "sire-ciencia" no es tan exacta.
Mer-science isn't always about getting the right answer.
No es seguro.
It isn't safe.
En realidad, la señal no proviene de allí.
Actually, Pidge, the distress signal isn't coming from the city.
Descubrimos que Zarkon no nos rastrea por ustedes.
At least we learned that Zarkon isn't tracking us through you two.
No son compras casuales.
This isn't shopping!
Como dijo Kórann, costará crear el teludav.
You heard Coran. Building a huge teludav isn't easy.
¿ No es increíble?
Incredible, isn't it?
¡ Esto no es bueno!
This isn't good. This isn't good!
- Pero, ¿ está todo vacío ahí abajo? Absolutamente.
- It's all just empty space, isn't it?
Tal vez te conviertas en una estrella de cine.
Isn't that great? Maybe you'll be a film star?
¡ No puedes hacerlo por unos centavos!
Loose change isn't enough. Leif?
Sí, pero ahora Teo no está más aquí.
But Teo isn't here any more. You're more vulnerable on your own.
Él no ha sido capaz de dejarla ir.
He isn't able to let go.
¿ No es mejor que algunos de nosotros vivamos a que muramos todos?
Isn't it better some of us live than all of us die?
que la terapia no es suficiente, y que debo meditar.
that therapy isn't enough, that I need to meditate.
Para los que están en casa, no estamos grabando en Nueva York.
For those at home watching, this isn't being taped in New York City.
"¿ No es genial ella?". Y él dice : "Es genial".
"Isn't she great?" And he's like, "She's fucking great."
"¿ Por qué él no va?".
"Why isn't he going?"
Y tiene razón, ¿ verdad?
And he's right, isn't he?
¿ No es así la vida?
Isn't that life?
Pienso : " No es algo del período.
I'm like, " This isn't a period thing.
Digo : "No, no lo es". Y ella dice : "Lo es".
I go, "No, it isn't." And she goes, "Yes, it is."
Más nuevo no siempre es mejor.
The newest isn't always the best.

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