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Si quiere decirlo así.
If you want to put it that way.
Hablaban de eso en el mercado.
They were talking about it in the marketplace this morning.
Sé lo que es ser perseguido por el propio país por solo haber nacido.
I know what it's like to be persecuted by your own country for the accident of your birth.
Morir no es lo que nos asusta.
It is not dying that frightens us.
Sino vivir sin haber hecho lo mejor posible.
It's living without ever having done our best.
Es más seguro cuando viajamos.
It's safer when we travel.
Es una trampa para Oráculos ingenuos.
It's a trap for gullible Speakers.
No me creía capaz.
Didn't think I'd manage it.
Es probable que sea una leyenda trampa.
It's probably a booby-trapped legend.
O quizá allí abajo hay algo tan importante que debe custodiarse con monstruos.
Or perhaps there is something down there so important that it must be guarded by monsters.
No sé qué hay allí abajo, pero no es un mesías.
I don't know what's down there, but it's not a messiah.
Podría orinar en un cubo y decirle que es cerveza.
I could pee in a bucket and tell him it's beer.
Escuche, si entro a la iglesia y se prende fuego, o algo... será culpa suya.
Look, if I enter the church and catch fire or something, it's your fault.
De hecho arreglé todo.
I arranged it, in fact.
Tómela y váyase.
Take it and go.
Lo cree en serio, ¿ verdad?
You really believe it, don't you?
Las criaturas nocturnas vendrán y la Iglesia los culpará a ustedes y todo volverá a empezar.
Well, then the night creatures will come anyway, and the church will blame you, and it'll start all over again.
Que nos expulse una mentira que acabará con esta gente. No es algo que hagan los Oráculos.
To be driven out for a lie that will doom these people, it is not a Speaker thing.
Tampoco creo que sea algo que hagan los Belmont.
I don't think it's a Belmont thing, either.
entonces quizá sea correcto y adecuado que cosas del infierno vengan a eliminarnos.
Then perhaps it is right and proper that things from Hell should rise up to wipe us out.
Es hora de que los que peleamos esa guerra nos defendamos y seamos responsables, Trevor Belmont.
It's time for those of us who fight that war to stand up and be responsible, Trevor Belmont.
Juro que se movió.
I swear it just moved.
Se perdió cuando llegaron usted y el resto de su escoria.
It was lost when you and the rest of your scum moved in.
¿ Ha venido a convencer al pueblo de que los nómadas de magia negra son buenos para Gresit y que fue la presencia de hombres de Dios lo que les trajo la plaga?
You're here to convince the people that nomad black magicians are good for Gresit, and it is the presence of men of God that brought the night hordes upon us?
No conozco a ninguno de ustedes. Pero eso no importa, ¿ verdad?
I don't know any of you, but that doesn't matter, does it?
Lo hacemos igualmente.
We do it anyway.
Y no es morir lo que nos asusta.
And it's not the dying that frightens us.
Es nunca habernos defendido y luchado.
It's never having stood up and fought for you.
Todo esto es culpa tuya, ¿ verdad?
This is all your fault, isn't it?
Supongo que ahora comprendo por qué bajaste tú a las catacumbas en busca de tu dios durmiente.
Though I guess I now understand why it was you who went down into the catacombs to look for your sleeping god.
No es verdad y tú lo sabes.
No, they didn't, and you know it.
Tu obispo fue quien hizo caer esto sobre nosotros.
It was your bishop who brought all this down on us.
Tu obispo lo empezó todo al matar a una mujer indefensa.
Your bishop who started it all by killing a defenseless woman.
Son ellos.
It's them.
Que no tengan más remedio que avanzar hacia nosotros.
I want it so they can only come towards us.
Está decidido a eliminar toda vida humana que encuentre.
He's determined to wipe out all human life wherever he finds it.
Pero ahora... Sí. Es hora de detenerlo.
But now... yes, it's time to stop it.
Este lugar es viejo, pero no está abandonado.
This place is old, but it's not been abandoned.
Está vivo y funcionando.
It's alive and working.
Díselo al Jesús vampiro flotante este.
Tell it to your floating vampire Jesus here.
Sí. Pero no evitará que te clave una estaca.
You can, but it won't stop me staking you.
Vivir para contarlo es solo un lujo.
Living through it was just a luxury.
Porque es lo que mi madre habría querido.
Because it is what my mother would have wanted.
¿ Quién ha sido?
Who was it?
¿ No está bueno?
It doesn't taste good?
- Está un poco salado.
- It's a little rich.
- Está muy caldoso.
- It's too thin for me.
Es difícil que todas estéis contentas, ¿ no?
It's kind of hard to suit all of you, don't you think?
Está bien.
It's all right.
Será una matanza.
It's gonna be a pogrom.
- Los dejaré tranquilos.
I'll leave you all to it.

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