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Lightly traducir inglés

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No nos tomes a la ligera, ¡ la abuela nos ha entrenado desde que éramos niños!
Don't take us lightly, we've been training under Grandma since we were kids!
Con paseando el perro, tienes que hacer que el Yo-yo, siga girando al final de la cuerda y, entonces, tocas suavemente el piso, así rueda en su propia cuerda.
With walking the dog, you had to get the yo-yo to carry on spinning at the bottom of the string, and then you lightly touch it on the ground, so it rolls along of its own accord.
Zod es un enemigo que no debe ser tomado a la ligera con o sin sus poderes.
For Zod is a foe not to be taken lightly, with or without his powers.
Quería decir que no se tomó la decisión a la ligera.
I wanted to say that she didn't come to that decision lightly.
No hagan una acusación a la ligera.
So let's not make this accusation lightly.
... pero los cuatro de Foa Foa decidieron que no se irían dulcemente.
But the foa foa four resolved to not go out lightly.
No es algo para hacerse a la ligera.
This isn't something you do lightly.
Sé precavida, ¿ entendido?
Just tread lightly, okay?
"Ser precavida".
Tread lightly.
Vale, actuaré sencillo.
Okay, I'll tread lightly.
Pero Sabina, no lo tomes a la ligera.
But Sabinka, don't take it too lightly.
No nos tomamos eso a la ligera.
We don't take that lightly.
Mi madre dice a menudo : "pisa ligero en un camino jubiloso".
My mother often says : "tread lightly on the joyous path."
No debes tomarlo a la ligera.
You shouldn't take it lightly.
Soy una maga de Espiritus Estelares! Puedo llamar Espiritus del Plano Espiritual usando Llaves de Puertas.
But being S Class isn't something to take lightly.
La víctima sólo está un poco tostada.
Victim's only lightly toasted.
Pavo, tostadas,
Turkey club, lightly toasted...
Solo los ligeramente blindados Am-pistas los cuales pueden trepar y pasar... sobre los corales, son capaces de pasar el arrecife.
Only lightly armored Am-tracks which can crawl up and over the coral are able to make it pass the reef.
Las naves de transporte con escaso armamento de la Armada, están atracadas junto a las playas de Leyte, transportando suministros y refuerzos para las tropas que ya están en tierra.
The navy's lightly armored transport ships are moored just off Leyte's beaches, carrying supplies and reinforcements for the troops already ashore.
Y mientras tanto, debemos caminar de puntillas.
In the meantime, we will tread very lightly here.
No mencionaremos a la Detective Moore por su nombre fuera de este despacho, lo que significa, que debemos ser discretos.
We are not to mention detective moore By name outside of this office, Which means that we tread lightly.
Discreción por alguien del grupo de Raydor.
Treading lightly for one of raydor's people.
Hay que ser discretos.
We're treading lightly.
"caminar de puntillas" que es exactamante como he procedido.
"tread lightly" which is exactly how I proceeded.
Una vez acostumbrados a tal compañía, uno encuentra que estas maneras se vuelven una simple costumbre.
Once accustomed to such company, one finds the cordialities trip lightly off the tongue.
No podremos esquivarla con esta bestia.
This lightly armed ship is like a paper balloon against that kind of firepower.
Eso es lo que reciben porhaber subestimado a los seres humanos.
That's what you get for taking humans so lightly.
[Traga ] [ Eructa suavemente ] [ Graznidos]
[swallows ] [ burps lightly ] [ cackles]
- Ten cuidado, Vassily.
Tread lightly, Vassily.
Chupar un poco y arrojar el cuerpo es tomarse la vida con liviandad, ¿ no?
Sucking a little and throwing the body away is..... treating life too lightly, isn't it?
Un buen espadachín no se toma a la ligera el desenvainar su espada.
A good swordsman does not take lightly unsheathing his sword.
es la libertad de elección. Algo para recordar siempre.
It is not something one should take lightly.
La manejaba fácilmente.
He got off lightly.
Yo solo fuí herido levemente, gracias a Glaux.
I was only lightly wounded, thank Glaux.
No puedes desistir tan rápido.
You can't take it so lightly.
No voy a dejar que sigas mintiendo
Or, I won't let you off the hook lightly
Esto no es una cosa recreacional y no creo que nadie deba entrar a la ligera, esto te transforma la vida esto tal vez te sacuda lo suficiente como para que te des cuenta que necesitas estar despierto para darte cuenta de que no sabes,
This is not some recreational thing and I don't believe anybody should enter this lightly, it is life-transformative. It will perhaps shake you enough to realize that you need to be awake to the fact that you don't know, and that is the beginning of starting to know.
No me tomes a la ligera.
Don't take me so lightly.
Pero no lo tomes a la ligera, y no lo hagas sólo por el dinero.
But don't take it lightly, and don't do it just for the money.
No tomes los oídos de una rata tan a la ligera!
Don't take a rat's ears so lightly!
No Io hice sin seriedad.
It's not like I came at this lightly.
le diste un suave beso de despedida
kissed him goodbye lightly
Veo que eres un hombre que no debe tomarse a la ligera.
- Well, I see you're a man not to be taken lightly.
( TOCE ligeramente )
Hilas muy fino, Sr. Fiscal.
Tread lightly, Mr. Prosecutor.
Mira, no creo que esto sea algo que debas tomarte a la ligera.
Look, I don't think this is something you should take lightly.
Créame presidenta, lo le hago estas sugerencias a la ligera.
Believe me, Madam President, I don't make these suggestions lightly.
Lo que ha aceptado hacer no es algo que pueda tomarse a la ligera.
What you've agreed to is not something that could be treated lightly.
Y créeme, no es alguien para tomarse a la ligera.
And believe me, he's not someone to be taken lightly.
Acerca del protocolo en Edo... hay unas cosas que debo contarle.
Keep your wits about you in Edo. Tread lightly but push it through among praises.
Holly Golightly.
Holly go lightly.

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