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752 traducción paralela
Enrique "Lister", un cantero de Galicia.
Enrique "Lister", a stonemason from Galicia.
- Lister.
- Lister.
Sargento, es preferible que los hombres no beban agua de esa hasta que le ponga cloro para desinfectarla.
Sergeant, the men better not drink this water till I chlorinate it in the Lister-bags.
Lo siento, Lister.
Sorry, Lister.
Nos está castigando a todos por el suicidio de Lister.
But it doesn't add up, Warden. You're punishing all of us because Lister took his life.
¿ Hacer que el recluso Lister se cuelgue?
Were you ordered to make convict Lister hang himself?
Al Dr. Listery a Louis Pasteur.
Dr. Lister and Louis Pasteur.
Gordo Brown. Preséntese en los billares Lister, calle Randolph, Chicago.
Fats brown, fats brown, report to lister's pool room randolph street, chicago.
Gordo Brown. A los billares Lister, calle Randolph, Chicago.
Fats brown, fats brown, lister's pool room, randolph street, chicago.
¿ Lo conocía bien? A Crenshaw, Allen, Goshug, Lister y a los otros 15 que cayeron.
and 15 other guys that got it.
"El Ejército Mayor comunista, al mando del general Líster... "... ha quedado diezmada tras la última batalla ".
The first communist army, commanded by general Lister,... has been decimated during the last battle.
Frente al peligro, la división Lister se pone al frente, agrupada detrás de los tanques rusos del Gral. Pavlov, contraataca.
Faced with danger, the Lister division is put in front. Clustered behind the tanks of Russian Gen. Pavlov, it fights back.
La división Lister perfora las defensas nacionalistas y avanza a Gambeza, 40 Km detrás de las líneas enemigas.
The Lister division penetrates nationalist defenses and moves to Gambeza, 40 Km behind enemy lines.
Lister dice a sus oficiales : "Si alguien pierde una pulgada de terreno, debe recuperarlo a la cabeza de sus hombres o será ejecutado."
Lister says to his officers : "If someone loses an inch of land, he must retrieve it at the head of his men or be executed."
El Sargento Hopson conocía a la srta. Phillips desde hace años... su camarero, Daniel Lister, también.
Sergeant Hopson knew Miss Phillips for some years... her bartender, Daniel Lister, too.
Debo hacer mis abluciones, de acuerdo a los principios de esterilización de Lord Lister :
I must do my ablutions according to the sterile principles laid down by Lord Lister :
- La secretaria, la Srta. Lister, Mr. Steed.
- Our secretary, Miss Lister, Mr Steed.
- Oh, vamos, señorita Lister.
- Oh, come now, Miss Lister.
Les presento a Fräulein Lister.
Let me introduce Fraulein Lister.
Doctor, no podía haber nada que ver con Lister, ¿ verdad?
Doctor, it couldn't have anything to do with Lister, could it?
- Bueno, quiero decir, usted ha dicho que tomó su título en Glasgow en 1888.
- Lister? - Well, I mean, you did say that you took your degree in Glasgow in 1888.
No, me preguntaba si había algo que Joseph Lister que no sabía en 1888
No, I just wondered if there was anything that Joseph Lister didn't know in 1888
Ponte en contacto con Lister esta tarde.
Get in touch with Lister this afternoon.
Los Tchaikovski, ( Eldridge Cleaver, Moira Lister y un murciélago )... se trasladaron a la localidad industrial de Omsk ( Eddie Waring )... pero, desgraciadamente, no les fue bien ( Anthony Barber ).
Soon, however, the family- - Eldridge cleaver, moira lister and stan the bat- - Moved to the neighboring industrial village of omsk- -
La Srta. Lister, por favor.
Miss Lister.
La señorita Lister, por favor.
Miss Lister, please.
Me envía la señorita Lister.
Miss Lister sent me.
Vengo de parte de la Srta. Lister.
Miss Lister sent me!
Ella se excusa por no haber podido venir
Miss Lister couldn't come herself.
Abogado de la Srta. Lister.
Miss Lister's lawyer.
¿ La Srta. Lister no está?
Isn't Miss Lister here?
Siento haberle hecho venir hasta aquí, pero quería hablarle de la Srta. Lister.
Sorry to have brought you here. but I wanted to speak to you about Miss Lister.
La Srta. Lister estuvo muy enferma, Sr. Rollin.
Miss Lister has been very ill, Mr Rollin.
Hay algo que mi hermano olvidó decirle, sobre la Srta. Lister
There's one thing my brother omitted to tell you...
Ella ha estado enferma.
Miss Lister has been very ill.
- A la casa de la señorita Lister.
- Drop me at Miss Lister's.
Es la señorita Lister.
It's Miss Lister.
Buenos días, Srta.
Hello, Miss Lister.
La Srta. Dijo que pasó la noche con Ud.
Miss Lister says she spent the night at your place.
vengo a buscar el equipaje de la Srta. Lister.
I've come for Miss Lister's luggage.
Buenos días, Srta. Lister.
Hello, Miss Lister.
Señor, la señorita Lister se fue.
Sir, Miss Lister has gone.
Ayer, a las 7, fui a buscar a la Srta. Lister.
I went to fetch Miss Lister, last night at 7pm.
Quisiera encontrar a la señorita Lister.
I'd like to see Miss Lister.
Y tengo que interrogar a la Srta. Lister.
And, of course, I must ask a few questions to... Miss Lister.
Señorita Lister... cuando se fue de esta casa, se dirigió a Antibes,
Miss Lister! You left this house and headed towards Antibes, closely followed by Mr Denis Rilson.
Yo asesiné a mi hermano Denis y al jardinero de la señorita Lister.
I killed my brother Denis. And Albert, Peggy's gardener.
- ¿ Esto le molesta, Srta. Lister?
Does all this embarrass you Miss Lister?
Tienes razón.
You're right, Lister.
Se le vio entrar en su celda.
- What are you talking about? - You were seen going into Lister's cell... and you were seen coming out.

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