/ español → inglés / Overthink
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Kiguchi-kun tenía tendencia a pensar demasiado.
Mr. Kiguchi had a tendancy to overthink things.
- ¡ No seas imaginativo!
Don't overthink it!
Siempre puedo contar con tu "apoyo".
I can always count on you not to overthink something.
Como sea, la clave para ser padre es no pensar demasiado porque si no...
Anyhoo, the key to fathering is don't overthink, because overthinking is, um -
- No lo pienses tanto, tranquilo.
- Don't overthink it.
No te mates pensando sobre eso.
Don't overthink it.
Ni lo hemos pensado mucho.
We didn't reexamine it. We didn't overthink it.
No overthink ella.
Don't overthink it.
Sí, bueno, no lo pienses demasiado.
Yeah, well, don't overthink it.
No pienses mucho.
Don't overthink it.
Analizar demasiado.
To overthink.
Tediar, analizar demasiado con resultados desastrosos.
Ted up, to overthink something with disastrous results.
Ted, tiene razón : piensas demasiado.
Ted, he's right : you overthink.
Creo que la respuesta reside en no pensar demasiado.
I mean, I feel like the answer's to not overthink things.
No puedes pensar de más en este negocio.
Okay? You can't overthink in this business.
No lo pienses más. Ve.
Don't Overthink It.
No pienses demasiado.
Don't overthink it.
Cuando piensas demasiado en algo simple y luego no puedes hacerlas en absoluto.
Yeah, when you overthink simple things so much that you can't do them at all.
No pensaría demasiado en eso, ¿ sabes?
I wouldn't overthink it, you know?
Leeré el libro, reconsideraré todo.
Look, I'll read the book, overthink the whole thing.
No lo sobrepienses. Sólo se su amigo y muéstrale tu lado genial.
Don't overthink it.Just be his friend and show him your cool side.
No, Baby, vamos de una vez a la línea de salida.
Baby, don't overthink it, okay? There's only one way to the mainland. Anything else, we're swimming to Guantanamo.
Si tengo que suponer cual es la razón de nuestra inconsistencia debería ser el hecho que nosotras pensamos demasiado algunas veces.
No lo pienses tanto.
Don't overthink it.
No lo pienses más.
Don't overthink it.
Primero... trato de no estar pensando sobre esas cosas.
First... I try not to overthink things.
Lemon, no lo pienses mucho.
Lemon, don't overthink this.
Hey, no le des muchas vueltas, ¿ vale?
Hey, don't overthink this, okay?
No le des vueltas, en serio.
Don't overthink it. Really.
Esas mujeres, piensan todo demasiado
These women, they overthink everything.
Mira, no lo pienses.Hazlo.
Look, don't overthink it. Just do it.
No lo pienses demasiado.
Yeah. Don't overthink it.
No lo pienses.
Don't overthink it.
Tengo tendencia a pensar demasiado a veces.
I have a tendency to overthink sometimes.
No pienses de más.
Don't overthink it.
- No lo pienses, no lo pienses.
- Don't overthink it man, don't think.
¿ Eres una de esas personas que todo lo piensa?
Are you one of those people who overthink everything?
No lo pienses demasiado.
Don't overthink it.
La clave está en no pensar en ello demasiado.
The key's not to overthink it.
Si te metes en tu cabeza, Empiezas a sobrepensar, sobreanalizar obsesionar, te preocupas
You get in your head, you start to overthink, overanalyze, obsess, you worry.
Pero a continuación él empieza a reflexionar.
But then he started to overthink things.
Querido, en asuntos de corazón, es mejor no pensar demasiado las cosas.
Darling, in matters of the heart, it's best not to overthink things.
Honestamente, tú sobrepiensas todo.
Honestly, you overthink everything.
Sólo sé tú misma. - Lo vas hacer genial, niña.
Well, don't overthink it.
Bueno, no lo penseis mucho.
Well, you can't overthink it.
Trata de no pensar mucho en ello.
Try not to overthink it.
Te piensas dos veces cada detalle.
You overthink every little thing,
No pienses de más.
Don't overthink it, okay?
Mira, es tu especialidad, pero, pero tratemos de no pensar mucho en esto, ¿ te parece?
Look, I know it's your specialty, but let's- - let's try not to overthink this one, okay?
- Pero todavía eres mi agente de entrenamiento, ¿ verdad?
You know, I'm not gonna overthink it. - But you're still my training officer, right?
Piensas demasiado.
You overthink.