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Dije que le recibirá ­ a porque he oà ­ do que usted es un hombre serio, que hay que respetar.
I said that I would see you, because I heard you were a serious man, to be treated with respect.
He oà ­ do que no està ¡ contento... ... con la familia Corleone.
I heard you are not happy with the Corleone family.
Que mandemos a Michael a oà ­ r su proposicià ³ n.
He wants us to send Michael to hear the proposition.
- Hay que oà ­ r lo que proponen.
- We should listen to them.
iMis oà ­ dos!
My ears!
He oà ­ do llegar varios coches.
I hear cars coming to the house.
- Sà ­, es la historia l oà ­ do tambià © n.
- Yeah, that's the story I heard too.
LF i quiere oà ­ r una buena idea, I iremos a una fuente mà ¡ s inteligente que tão.like una cuà ± a de queso.
If I wanna hear a good idea, I'll go to a smarter source than you like a wedge of cheese.
Me alegra oà ­ rio. Haga pipà ­ en un tarro para el Dr. Innis y yo tambià © n me encontrarà © bien.
You go put some pee-pee in the cup for Dr. Innis and I'll feel okay too.
- Eso he oà ­ do. - Y tu madre... era una santa.
- And your mother she was a saint.
He oà ­ do que hay alguien llevando espaldas mojadas por aquà ­.
I heard somebody's been hauling wets on this road.
- Està ¡ bamos... en el rà ­ o y oà ­ que mi amiga pedà ­ a ayuda. Mirà ©... y se habà ­ a caà ­ do al agua.
- We was by the river and I heard my friend calling for help and I look and she has fallen in the water.
Oà ­ que su hijo se hizo policà ­ a, tambià © n...
I heard his son became a cop, too...
Eso es lo que querà ­ as oà ­ r?
That's what you want to hear?
Si no vas a oir el partido... ... debes saber el resultado para fingir qÏ... e lo oà ­ ste.
If you're not gonna listen to the game you gotta know the result so you can pretend you did.
Oye'oà ­ qÏ... e algunos de los chicos van a renÏ... nciar.
Hey, I heard that some of the guys are wavering.
Mi intencià ² n no es interrumpir'seà ± or'pero creo que hay algo que todos deben oà ­ r.
I don't mean to interrupt, sir, but I think there's something y'all need to hear.
Esperamos que no se haya vuelto a lastimar... ... pero pude oà ­ r el golpe desde el balcà ² n de la prensa.
We hope he didn't re-injure his shoulder but I could hear the hit from up here in the press box.
 ¿ Me oà ­ ste?
You hear?
He oà ­ do que llevan Snuggies ( mantas con mangas ) sin nada debajo.
I heard they wear snuggles with nothing underneath.
Yo me puse la música del Caballo Loco en casa, maneja mis nueces de los ayudantes, ellos no pueden resistir el oà ­ do "Usted me Dijo ya l'm una Muchacha" Buena.
I put on music from Crazy Horse at home, it drives my assistants nuts, they can't stand hearing "You Told Me I'm a Good Girl" anymore.
Yo estaba dormido, y me despertà © cuando oà ­ gritos.
I was asleep, and I woke up when I heard yelling.
. - ¿ Llamamos a los forenses?
- What are we going to call the team for oà ¨ evid?
Voy a llamar a los forenses.
- My name team for oà ¨ evid.
 ¿ Oà ­ ste eso?
Did you hear that?
 ¿ No oà ­ ste?
Have you not heard?
- ( Suspiros, risas ) - no ha oà ­ do entrar.
- ( gasps, chuckles ) - DIDN'T HEAR YOU COME IN.
( rock tocando música ) ⠙ ª oà ­ a mi madre llorar ⠙ ª Ella dijo : "Muchacho, no se lo digas ni mentiras" ⠙ ª ⠙ ª Ella no puede ver el mal en sus ojos ⠙ ª
( rock music playing ) d I heard my mama cry d She said, "Boy, don't tell no lies" d d She can't see the evil in his eyes d d Wild deed ain't no big surprise d
Nadie puede oà ­ r aquà ­.
- Eso no es lo que he oà ­ do.
- OÃ ­ rle hablar MIERDA de ellos -.!
" Hemos oà ­ do hablar de'Calvin y Hobbes'.
" Hey, we've heard about this thing called Calvin and Hobbes.
He oà ­ do a mucha gente hablar de 300 y hasta 400 millones de dà ³ lares.
I've heard many people say $ 300-400 million dollars.
 ¿ De verdad quieres oà ­ r hablar de eso?
Do you really want to hear about it?
Lo oà ­ cuando estaba diciendo.
( Giggles ) I heard it as I was saying it.
Lo he oà ­ do tambià © n.
I heard it as well.
Tengo que oà ­ r.
Gotta hear it.
No lo oà ­ piar.
I didn't hear it chirp.
Lo que toda mujer quiere oà ­ r.
The words every girl wants to hear.
 ¿ Oà ­ ste lo que dije?
Did you hear what I said?
Los oà ­ hablando en la estacià ³ n.
I overheard you guys talking about it at the station.
 ¿ No necesitamos gafas o tapones de oà ­ dos?
Do we need goggles or earplugs or anything like that?
 ¿ No oà ­ ste a Brooks?
Did you listen to Brooks?
Una pregunta :  ¿ Has oà ­ do de un 126?
Question, babe, you ever heard of a 126?
 ¿ Y oà ­ algo de armas militares y Omar?
And something about military weapons and Omar?
Yo tengo oà ­ dos acá ¡ afuera, como tú.
I got ears out here just like you do.
No quiero oà ­ r eso.
I don't want to hear that.
- OÃ ­ gritos.
- I heard shouting.
-  ¿ Cuà ¡ ntas voces oà ­ ste?
How many voices did you hear?
 ¿ Oà ­ ste, Ange?
Did you hear that, Ang?
Y si usted quiere oà ­ r mà ¡ s sobre buenas noticias,

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