/ español → inglés / Podrias
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podrias haberlo hecho
You may well have.
Podrias haber sido hermoso.
You could've been beautiful.
Podrias tener que hacerlo algun dia.
You might have to some day.
Lo podrias publicar en otro sitio
I could publish it anyway.
Ok, bueno, quizas podrias hablar con el sobre esto o algo.
Okay, well, maybe you could talk to him about it or something.
Podrias elaborarlo?
Could you elaborate?
Quizás tu podrias...
Maybe you could- -
Podrias hacer toda una carrera con una fotografía como esa
You could make a whole career with a picture like that.
Ellos escogieron esa noche pensando que tu no podrias probar que estabas en cualquier otro lugar. Estaba contigo.
They picked that night thinking that you couldn't prove you were anywhere else.
O podrias obtener tu GED.
Or you could get your GED.
Podrias calmarte?
Would you calm down.
Podrias ir a prision.
You could go to prison.
Que mas podrias decir excepto que se hicieron mas y mas sofisticados y mas, y mas interesantes musicalmente, o acaso para la musica rock es siempre repetirse asi misma y regurgitarse asi misma?
Where else can you take it except to make it more and more sophisticated and more and more musically interesting or just for rock music to go on repeating itself and regurgitating itself?
Creeme, en circunstancias normales, tu definitivamente podrias
Wow, trust me, under normal circumstances you most definitely could,
Y te permite saber inmediatamente desde el exterior si contiene material nuclear, como el que podrias encontrar en una maleta bomba o una pequeña arma terrorista.
And they let you know immediately from the outside whether or not ty contain any nuclear material, like the kind you find in a suitcase bomb or a small terrorist weapon.
pienso que podrias reservar algo mas?
Think you could spare any more?
Podrias apagarlo e irnos a la cama?
Could you shut it off and we can go to bed?
Entonces, ¿ Podrias...? ¿ Sería posible que te echases hacia atrás, solo un poco?
So, er, could you... would it be possible if you just moved back, just a little bit?
Creemos que podrias estar en problemas.
- We thought you might be in trouble.
¿ Podrias mirar esto, querida?
Look at this would you, love?
- podrias avisar, por favor?
- can you just please call?
Violet, podrias darme apoyo al menos tu?
= Violet, could yo back me up here?
- Probablemente no, Pero podrias haber armado tu testimonio resguardandote..?
Probably not, but y-You could've testified to that.
Jimmy, ¿ podrias llevarnos a Seattle en tu barco?
Jimmy, can you fit us all on your boat, take us to seattle?
Hey, Sully, podrias callarte por un minuto.
Hey, Sully, will you shut up for a minute.
Podrias llevarnos al embarcadero.
You could take us to the boat.
Tu... tu podrias llevarnos en tu barco.
You... you could take us on your boat.
En realidad, podrias decir que es a lo que toda esta cosa se reduce
In fact, you could say that's what this whole thing comes down to.
¿ Podrias bajar de todas maneras?
Could you come down anyway?
No podrias ser capaz de decir adios a alguien. ni siquiera clark.
You wouldn't be able to say goodbye to anyone, not even clark.
ese formulario que firmaste, la ultima pagina era tu contrato pensaste que podrias vacilarme?
That form you signed... the last page was your contract. You thought you could screw me over, take all this stuff and get away with it?
Tu podrias derretir un iceberg con esos profundos ojos cafes, amigo. Lo sé. Tráelo.
You could melt an iceberg with those deep browns of yours, buddy.
¿ Podrias ponerte algo de ropa, por favor?
Could you put some clothes on, please?
Podrias solamente haber dicho encantador.
You could just say charming.
O simplemente podrias coger a un doctor y robar su tarjeta.
Or you could just take out some doctor and steal his card key.
Si tu puedieras encontar el Intersect de Fulcrum, si tu pudieras conseguirlas desde dentro, tu podrias tener tu vieja vida de vuelta.
If you can find FULCRUM's Intersect, if you can get inside, you could get your old life back.
¿ Como podrias rechazarlo?
How could you say no to that?
o podrias animarte y darte cuenta que consuelas a alguien que probablemente no le queda mucho tiempo para vivir.
or you could buck up and realize your comforting someone who probably doesn't have much longer to live.
Lo arrojabas en el trabajo, y asi lo podrias haber usado como una excusa para tomar el día libre.
Thrown up at work, and then you could've used it as an excuse to take the day off.
Haciendo bromas mientras podrias estar estudiando para tu examen serie 65, eso es ser responsable?
Pulling pranks while you could be studying for your Series 65 exam, that's responsible?
Como que podrias tener al bebe.
Like you could have the baby.
Podrias tener un gran momento.
You could have the great stuff.
¿ Podrias arder en llamas en cualquier segundo?
You could burst into flames at any second?
Ahora, podrias estar pensarndo, porque una estrella del pop como yo
Now, you might be thinking, Why would a pop star like me
Pensé que podrias estar, ya sabes, con mujeres, probando drogas.
I thought you might be out, you know, shagging women, trying drugs.
- Me podrias aconsejar sobre mi vaca.
- Sweet. You could give me some notes on my cow.
Sí, pero si no lo hace, éste podrias ser tú en 40 años.
Yeah, but if it doesn't, this might be you in 40 years.
Sin mi, tu podrias estar siempre solo.
Without me, you would be alone forever.
Hey, es mi trasero realmente... Lexie, podrias, tu sabes, disculparnos, ¿ por favor?
Hey, is my ass really- - lexie, would you, you know, excuse us, please?
¿ Podrias decirme de verdad que fue lo que pasó?
Would you please just tell me what happened?
Amigo, podriás traer una ambulancia, por favor? al número 10 Cavendish Walk.
Mate, can I get an ambulance, please, to number 10 Cavendish Walk?