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Propôsito traducir inglés

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El no entender el propôsito de un hombre no lo hace confundido...
Not to understand a man's purpose does not make him confused....
Porque es el trabajo de Li Yu, y sólo él conoce el propôsito.
For it is Li Yu's work, and only he knows its purpose.
Ése era su proposito.
That was its purpose.
A proposito. ¿ No sabías que este hombre no tiene limites?
Besides, the guy Is made of asbestos.
A proposito : ¿ Dónde está éste?
By the way, where is he, that one?
Lo dije a proposito.
I did that on purpose, Dorinda.
A proposito, dale la propina al portero con unas 30 liras bastará.
I forgot to tip the doorman. Give him about 30 lire.
Tuvisteis buen proposito, capitán.
Your Majesty is satisfied with the Captain of our choosing?
Por casualidad no me invitarias a venir a proposito, ¿ verdad?
You didn't invite me here on purpose by any chance, did you?
A proposito, ¿ quiere pintar a uno de nosotros...
By the way, remember what you said about painting one of us?
El proposito de la Legion es protegerles.
It's the Legion's duty to protect you.
Ah a proposito, debo hacer las quinielas.
That reminds me. The soccer pools!
¿ A proposito marido? ...
Speaking of husbands -
Pero todos han venido al oeste con un proposito :
And still they come, pushing West with a vision.
Y en vuestros corazones tambien hay rencor y odio porque vosotros teneis un proposito, el de mantener a salvo los territorios de caza de bufalo ahora silenciosos y vacios.
And in your hearts and minds there is also bitterness and hate because you also have a vision of sacred hunting grounds silent and empty of buffalo, elk and beaver.
Me hizo creer que le disparaste a proposito.
Made me believe you shot him on purpose.
Vine aqui directamente de la prision con el proposito de pedirte que te cases conmigo.
I came here directly from prison with the express purpose to ask you to marry me.
Le tire champan a su vestido a proposito.
I threw champagne at her dress on purpose.
Estoy aqui con un proposito.
I'm here for a purpose.
A proposito de ese... - cross-country...
So, what about this... cross-country?
A proposito, ocupémonos del Teatro Kabuki
By the way, let us attend the Kabuki Theatre!
A proposito quiero felicitarte, porque te vas a casar.
I wanted to congratulate. I heard you're to be married soon. Thank you.
Esta es una tripulación escogida para el combate, a proposito... para tener todo a punto.
This is a select combat crew, incidentally... all sharp tools.
Se lo encontró obsoleto. El proposito de esta audiencia es el de encontrar una sentencia acorde al cargo, entiende eso?
A librarian, sir.
A proposito, uh...
By the way, uh...
Sean, no lo hice a proposito, Sean.
Sean, I didn't mean to do it, Sean.
A proposito Maki, alguna noticia de tu hijo?
By the way Maki, any news of your own son?
A proposito, ¿ tienes librito negro?
By the way, have you got a little black book?
A proposito, respecto a la estimación de honorarios del capitán, el transporte son 100 yen por persona, 200 yenes por 2 personas, más... la propina.
By the way, regarding the captain's consideration fee, freight is 100 yen per person, so 200 yen for two people, plus tip.
A proposito, damas y caballeros, tenemos con nosotros un nuevo miembro del grupo.
By the way, ladies and gentlemen, we have with us a new member of our group.
¿ Entonces viniste aquí por otro proposito?
So you came here for some other purpose?
Oh, a proposito.
Oh, by the way.
Oh a proposito, Quisiera decirle, Que quizas no oiga de mi por algunos dias.
Oh by the way, i wanted to let you know, you may not hear from me for a few days.
Había dejado de lado un poco de pan, a proposito
I have spared some bread.
a proposito mr. lou el salvo mi vida
Mr. apropos. lou the saved my life
¿ Lo hizo a proposito?
Was that on purpose?
A proposito las ventanas de las que le hablé a esos tios?
By the way, those windows I wrote to the guys about?
A proposito, Pension Margherita esta justo al lado.
By the way, Pensione Margherita is right around the corner.
He venido con una proposito.
I've come with a purpose
Soy como un peregrino, me encanta viajar en mis pensamientos al igual que me encanta viajar por toda Europa con le proposito de observar hombres y cosas, y ser capaz de desubrir mejor las infinitas caras de la verdad
I am like a pilgrim, I love travelling in my thoughts just as I love travelling across Europe with the purpose of observing men and things, to be able to better discover the infinite faces of the truth
no lo rompo a proposito, fue un accidente.
I have not broken the whole, something left.
¿ Cuál es tu unico proposito en la vida?
What is your one purpose in life?
Lo has hecho a proposito.
You're doing this on purpose.
Oh, a proposito, señor, le mencione que encontré el revolver en la armeria del estudio?
Oh, by the way, sir, did I mention that we found the gun in the prop department?
Lo hiciste a proposito.
You did that on purpose.
Esta aqui para un proposito.
She is here for a purpose.
A proposito, La noche que murió Vittorio,
By the way, the night vittorio died,
- Tuvo un buen proposito. - Pero la ley establece claramente que nadie puede retirar los sellos sin autorización.
He meant well, But the law clearly states that no one may remove the seals without authorisation,
- Quizas no lo haces a proposito!
- Maybe you don't do it on purpose!
Lo hago a proposito.
Well, first, I did it on purpose.
A proposito, llame por teléfono a tu papá me recomendó... de darle una hojeada a tus tareas
I called your dad. He told me to check.. .. your homework.

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