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Saida traducir inglés

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Soy Saida.
Saida here
En un cabaret, con una mujer llamada Saida.
In a cabaret with a lady called Saida.
¡ Saida!
La saida es lo que le da sabor.
But the sauce makes the dish.
Se suponía que me sacaría de esta vida patética.
He was supposed to bring me luck, Saida.
Salim Saida, 19 años, Palestino ;
Salim Saida, age 19, Palestinian ;
Saida fue asesinada, y si hubieran encontrado a Azzam, también le hubieran disparado.
Saida and'was murdered, and if they found Azzam, They would shoot him too.
Saida te habría suplicado para hacer esto.
Saida you would have begged him to do so.
Podrías haber matado a Saida tú mismo, y a todos los demás.
You could be the culprit the death of Saida, and all the others.
Por la tumba de Saida.
On the tomb of Saida.
Saida vio un buen hombre en ti.
Saida saw a good man in you.
Tu y Saida...
You and Saida...
Saida era su hermana.
Saida was his sister.
Vi a Saida en la cinta.
I saw Saida on the tape.
Le disparó a Saida.
He shot Saida.
¿ Saida, Eshan, Luke Gardner, Hassan Khan?
Saida, Eshan, Luke Gardner, Hassan Khan?
¿ Saida?
Saida? Saida?
¿ Saida?
¡ ¿ Saida?
Es una abogada llamada Saida Kafaji.
She's a lawyer named Saida Kafaji.
Saida Kafaji estaba organizando a las mujeres musulmanas en todo el mundo ganando impulso político.
Saida Kafaji was organizing Muslim women internationally, gaining political momentum.
Vinimos a hablar con usted sobre Saida Kafaji.
We've come to speak with you about Saida Kafaji.
Saida Kafaji era una Musulman sincera.
Saida Kafaji was a sincere Muslim.
No sé de ningún odio dirigido hacia Saida.
I know of no hatred aimed toward Saida.
¿ Tenía Saida conexiones con los militares?
Does Saida have any connections to the American military?
Saida Kafaji tenía un escolta americano cuando salió de Basra el 27 de Marzo.
Saida Kafaji had an Army escort when she left Basra, March 27.
¿ Pudiste averiguar sobre Saida Kafaji?
Did you get a chance to look into Saida Kafaji for me?
Mira, tienen un archivo clasificado de Saida Kafaji.
Get this : they have a classified file on Saida Kafaji.
Pudo ser un testigo en uno de los casos de Saida Kafaji o pudo haber sido enviado aquí para investigarla.
He could be a witness in one of Saida Kafaji's cases, or he could have been sent here to investigate her.
Saida Kafaji trabajaba con la milicia de EE.UU. en Basra como abogada.
Saida Kafaji was working for the U.S. military in Basra as a lawyer.
El hombre que acompañó a Saida a América se llama Joseph Karnes es un teniente de Investigación Criminal.
The man who accompanied Saida to America is named Joseph Karnes, he's a lieutenant in Criminal Investigations.
Joe y Saida se casaron.
Joe and Saida were married.
Saida lo sabía.
Saida knew that.
Saida y yo éramos progresistas, nuestras familias no.
Saida and I were progressive, our families are not.
Estamos intentando encontrar al asesino de Saida.
We're trying to find Saida's killer.
Excepto Saida.
Except Saida.
Te ausentaste sin permiso, significa que irás a la cárcel y mientras estás sentado ahí, el tipo que le hizo esto a Saida se estará escapando.
You are AWOL, which means you are going to jail, and while you're sitting there, the guy who did this to Saida- - he's gonna be getting away.
¿ Y podría decirle la historia de Saida al Imam?
And she could tell Saida's story to the Imam?
Lo que le pasó a Saida deshonró a su familia.
What happened to Saida disgraced her family.
¿ Qué tal si tenemos un sepelio para Saida y dejamos saber que nombraré a Qassim en público?
What if we had a memorial service for Saida, and let it be know that I'm going to name Qassim in public?
El hombre que violó a Saida aún está libre.
The man who raped Saida- - he's still there.
Saida estará conmigo.
Saida will be there with me.
Tyre, Saida... ¡ Al sur!
Tyre, Saida... The South!
- Tyre, Saida, Kherbet Selm.
- Tyre, Saida, Kherbet Selm.
- Saida, Tyre, Kherbet Selm...
- Saida, Tyre, Kherbet Selm...
Mi hermana me dijo que estaba en Saida o en Tyre.
My sister told me they'd be in Saida or Tyre.
- ¿ En Saida?
- In Saida?
Estamos acabados.
Not today Saida.
Se suponía que me traía suerte, Saida.
He's not the reason for all your bad business decisions... but he is definitely the reason we have so much joy in our lives.

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