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Salí traducir inglés

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No en este momento, pero salí con alguien llamado Charles.
I am not currently, but I did go on a date with somebody named Charles last month.
Pasaste un verano con el pelo afro pelirrojo... y yo salí con el puertorriqueño más blanco de la Tierra.
You had your summer of the red Afro, and I dated the whitest puerto rican on earth.
Salí a trotar esta mañana antes de que todos se levantaran.
I got up and took a jog this morning before everybody got up.
Yo salí con Betty Parker.
I dated Betty Parker.
Yo tampoco salí de una familia rica.
Like I popped out of a golden hen's ass.
En realidad busco casa desde que salí.
Actually, I'm looking for a place since I got out.
Esta es la razón por Salí en secreto.
This is why I went out secretly.
Salí a la parte trasera a tirar la basura del turno de noche y vi a un par de hombres en el callejón.
I, uh, I went out back to dump the trash from the overnight crew and I saw a couple of men in the alley.
Salí a buscarle algo de comida thai.
So I went out to get him some thai food.
Vinimos aquí a este país. Salí a beber cerveza, relajarme un poco.
We traveled to this country wanted to have a beer, relax a bit
- Solo salí a por un café.
- Just out getting a coffee.
Entré, cogí su laptop, todas las tarjetas de memoria que pude encontrar, y salí.
I got in, took his laptop, every memory stick I could find, and got out.
Salí a buscar esa batería perdida.
I went out looking for that missing power cell.
Todo este tiempo, desde que salí de la cárcel,
I mean this whole time, since I've gotten out of prison,
La semana pasada, salí de Halawa.
Last week, I get out of Halawa.
¡ Salí del puto curso y no me preocupa!
I walked off the fucking course and I'm not bothered!
Salí de prisión hace solo un día, tío.
I just got out of prison a day ago, man.
Salí a la calle con ese disfraz una vez.
I did get off on the streets in that costume a little bit.
Sí, fui al baño, y salí, y habían desaparecido, por tanto yo...
Yeah, I went to the restroom, and I came out, and they'd vanished, so I...
Salí con él unos meses hace 38 años.
I went out with him for a few months 38 years ago.
Salí con él durante unos seis meses.
Went out with him for... maybe six months.
A la primera oportunidad, salí de ahí y nunca miré atrás.
First chance I had, I lit out of there and never looked back.
Entré y salí del estado de conciencia, y recé por morir antes de que decidieran que habían jugado conmigo lo suficiente y que ya era hora de alimentarse.
I came in and out of consciousness, and I prayed that I would die before they had decided they had toyed with me enough and that it was time to feed.
Es un pedazo del huevo del que salí.
It's a piece of the egg I was hatched from.
- Más malos para ocurrirle. - ¿ Yo? Salí ileso.
You're literally wearing the same thing right now.
Hace unos meses salí y traje esa radiocasetera... y les tocaba algunas canciones.
Was out here a couple months ago and I brought that boombox with me and I was playing some tunes.
Oh vaya, salí.
Oh my, I came out.
Mi manager Gilda, me estaba esperando afuera, y salí y miré hacia arriba, y vi que todo el frente del Metropolitan estaba cubierto con esta mujer con los senos sobresaliendo y la espalda arqueada, dije : " Dios mío.
My manager, Gilda, was waiting for me outside, and I walked out, and I looked up, and I saw that the whole front of the Met was covered in this woman with her breasts out and arched back, and I was like, " Oh, my gosh.
Esa noche salí del teatro y tenía mucho dolor,
That night, I came into the theater, and I was in so much pain,
Salí al maldito cuadrilátero así.
I stepped into the fucking cage like that.
Es difícil decirles : "Había tomado un montón de medicamentos con receta y me salí de la vía". Es bochornoso.
Like, it's hard to tell them, you know, "Hey, I was on a bunch of prescription drugs, and I went off the road." It's embarrassing, you know?
También salí y recaudé el dinero para esta película y me financiaron la película.
Like, also like, yeah. I went out, and I raised the money for this movie, and I got funded on this movie, and they're like, okay, here, go ahead, go make your movie.
Salí de la ciudad.
Get out of town.
Simplemente salí disparado, tratando de bajar hacia ella y llamé de camino.
I was just scrambling, trying to get down to her and I called on the way.
Cuando salí de la escuela del MED, tuve que tomar mis exámenes, una prueba de ocho horas con más de 300 preguntas, y la puntuación en esta prueba determina en qué programa de residencia te ponen.
You know, when I got out of Med School, I had to take my boards, an eight-hour test with over 300 questions, and the score on this test determines which residency program you're matched with.
Sólo salí.
I just went out.
Salí a la carretera.
I just stepped out into the road.
- Salí corriendo.
- I ran off.
- Salí para alquilar un detector de metales.
- I went to hire a metal detector.
Salí del armario cuando tenía 28 años.
I came out one day when I was like 28.
Salí a caminar, y te vi por la ventana, y pensé,
I was out for a walk, and I saw you through the window, and I thought,
- Porque desde que salí del talego, no me gusta que la gente me diga donde ir.
'Cause ever since I got out the joint, I don't like people telling me where to go.
Así que salí renqueante de la playa, me salía sangre de los pies.
I've got blood powrlg out of my feet. Feet. you got to stick that in warm you got to stick that in warm water.
Salí cuando Pat y tú estabais en la cocina.
I nipped out when you and Pat were in the kitchen.
Mientras cumplía condena, las facturas de la manutención se fueron acumulando. Pero cuando salí, debía unos 20 mil.
When I was doing time, my... child support bill kept piling up.
- Salí de aire?
- I went away?
Cuando salí arrastrándome, había un coche aparcado arriba.
When I crawled out, there was a car parked up on top.
Así que salí del coche, andé hasta la habitación y eché un vistazo.
So got out of my car, walked over to the room and I took a peek.
Eso es lo que los ciudadanos de National City se preguntan después de que el último intento de heroísmo por Supergirl salí de la bahía frente a un desastre ecológico.
That's what the citizens of National City are asking themselves after the latest attempt at heroics by Supergirl left the bay facing an ecological disaster.
Salí en mi césped y me senté allí hasta los aspersores encendidos.
I went outside on my lawn and I sat there until the sprinklers turned on.
- Nunca salí de EE.UU antes de este viaje.
- I got out the States prior this journey.

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