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Serìa traducir inglés

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¡ Creo que si un hombre no puede ayudar a otro, mejor serìa tirarle!
I believe if man can't help another, I'd rather shoot him!
- Porque esto serìa una estafa.
- Because that would be crooked.
- Serìa mejor si te disculpas con Don Vito.
- You'd better apologize to Don Vito.
... creo que el dijo, que sin duda espias extranjeros, pagarían una gran suma para obtenerlo dijo que en algunos temas eramos muy descuidados y que serìa muy facil, para un traidor obtener los planos.
I think he said that no doubt foreign spies would pay a great deal to have it. He said that we were slack about such matters and it would be easy for a traitor to get hold of the plans.
Watson, serìa tan amable de llevar a la Srta. Westbury a su casa en un taxi.
Watson will you be so kind as to take Miss Westbury home in a cab.
Bueno, no serìa la primera vez bueno, no te preocupes, Patience ademàs no nos concierne continúa tu camino.
Well it won't be the first time. Well, don't you worry about it, Patience, it ain't no concern of ours. Go on, in you go.
Bueno lo debo haber hecho quiero decir, que serìa algo natural, ¿ no es asì?
Well I might've done. I mean it would've been natural wouldn't it? There was Mr. McCarthy lying there dead with his head bashed in.
¿ No serìa mejor que me contara todo?
Don't you think you'd better tell me about it?
Si mi hija se hubiese enredado de la misma manera que yó lo hice serìa màs de lo que podrìa aguantar no sentí mayor remordimiento en tumbarlo de un golpe si se hubiese tratado de una alimaña dañina y venenosa...
If my girl should become entangled in the same meshes which held me was more than I could suffer. I struck him down with no more compunction than if he'd been some foul and venomous beast.
Si no fuera bueno, no serìa un finalista en el concurso.
If he didn't rock, he wouldn't be a finalist in the contest.
Eso serìa meterse en problemas.
That's asking for trouble.
- Porque eso serìa vergonzoso.
- Cuz that was embarrassing.
No, acordamos que serìa lo mejor.
No, we agreed on that.
Serìa bueno si puedièramos trabajar en la Casa Blanca.
It'd be so great if we could work at the White House.
Eso serìa lindo, V.
It would be great, V.
Pensè que serìa bueno que que regresáramos... juntos.
I thought it would be cool if we went back. You know... together.
- No, eso serìa mezquino.
- No, that'd be petty.
Mi vida es tan diferente a como pensé que serìa.
[sighs] My life is so different to how I thought it would turn out.
Yo, personalmente, serìa escéptico de que, pero la verdad :
I personally would be sceptical of that, but honestly :
¿ Cómo si podemos salvar nuestras vidas no serìa el curso de acción correcto? !
How can saving our lives not be the right course of action?

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