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Tambiên traducir inglés

18 traducción paralela
¿ Tambiên involucra a los Cartwright, no?
It involves the Cartwrights too, doesn't it?
Tambiên hubo el movimiento de navíos de guerra, que eran, si no me equivoco, seis destroyers.
Battleships were also involved, six destroyers if I'm not mistaken
Tambiên te considerarán una criminal.
You'll share the name of outlaw too
- Tambiên es mi hija.
- She is like my daughter too.
Tambiên debes saber apreciarla.
You have to be able to appreciate beauty too.
Tambiên Barry Lyndon, de Kubrick.
Barry Lyndon, I remember... Kubrick.
Tambiên notan enseguida las pisadas que hay detrás de Gromit.
People always spot the footprints there as well, you know, over Gromit's shoulder.
Tambiên... me recuerda a El lmperio Oontraataca, a la Oiudad de las Nubes.
It reminds me of The Empire Strikes Back as well and Oloud Oity.
Tambiên te anuncia que algo malo está a punto de ocurrir.
It also made you aware that something bad was going to happen.
Tambiên recuerdo haber hablado muy al principio de este tema y de la necesidad de conservar el espíritu de los cortos, y creo que eso siempre fue un riesgo.
And I think, you know, I remember so early on talking about it and saying that itjust had to retain that quality of the other films and that was always in jeopardy, I think.
Tambiên era distribuidor de drogas recreativas.
I was also a recreational drug distributor.
Tambiên se aprecia de inmediato que Dortha tiene una situación económica un poco mejor que la de Evelyn.
You can also see immediately that Dortha's economically a little better off than Evelyn.
Tambiên es sorprendente que estas mujeres que se reunían competían entre ellas por los mismos premios, competían entre ellas por los mismos premios, pero compartían formularios, compartían ideas.
It's also remarkable that these women who got together, they were basically competing with each other for the same prizes, they were basically competing with each other for the same prizes, but they shared blanks, they shared ideas.
Tambiên tenía una conexión casi paranormal con... no sé si quieren llamarla la fuerza divina, la suerte o el destino.
She also had almost a paranormal connection to... I don't know if you wanna call it the God-force, or fate or destiny.
¿ Tambiên tenías una tienda en Estambul?
Did you have a grocery store in Istanbul too?
Tambiên le dijiste que estaba haciendo pan.
You also told her I was making bread.
- Tambiên es bueno verte, Andy.
( laughing ) :
¿ Tambiên rompes piernas?
- You break legs too?

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