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Unfaithful traducir inglés

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Si me estás siendo infiel, me vengaré.
If you are being unfaithful to me, I will get my revenge "
Cuando dices que ser infiel no significa nada, quieres decir precisamente eso, ¿ no?
When you say that being unfaithful doesn't mean anything, you mean just that, don't you?
Oh, sé que usted siente que ella le ha defraudado al vender a sus enemigos información, puede que incluso le haya sido desleal.
Oh, I know you feel that she has deceived you and sold information to your enemies, perhaps even been unfaithful to you.
¿ Alguna vez ha encontrado a su mayordomo o a la niñera, la Srta. Leroy, poco fiables o falsos?
A veces soy hasta desleal.
Sometimes I'm even unfaithful.
¿ Desleal Ud.?
Unfaithful? You?
Thomas Whammond ha sido infiel.
Si dejo que mamá me convenza de casarme con Orvie, sé que le sería infiel.
If I let Mother talk me into marrying Orvie. I'd be unfaithful to him.
A lo largo de los siglos, su historia enseña... que perforó en muchas ocasiones los corazones de bellas damas.... que fueron infieles a la confianza depositada en ellas por sus señores.
Through centuries, its history tells... it pierced many times the hearts of beautiful ladies... who were unfaithful to the trust imposed in them by their lords.
Mientras sea su prisionera y mi esposo os apoye soy infiel, y el pueblo, mi fuerza, se pondrá contra mí.
So long as I'm their prisoner, and my husband backs them up I'm an unfaithful wife, and the people, my strength, will turn against me.
Suponga que un hombre mata porque su esposa le es infiel :
Suppose a man kills because his wife's been unfaithful :
Pero si voto por el encarcelamiento seré infiel y traicionaré la causa por la cual estoy preparado para sacrificar mi propia vida tan fácilmente como las vidas de otros.
But if I vote for imprisonment I shall be unfaithful and shall betray the cause to which I am prepared to sacrifice my own life as readily as the lives of others.
En tu felicidad, no te consideras infiel, mientras que... ... a mí me has hecho un cornudo.
In your happiness, you don't consider yourself unfaithful, whereas I've been cuckolded.
Yo llegué a la conclusión de que tú podías serme infiel.
I came to terms with the idea you might be unfaithful.
Alois me es infiel con una chica muy maquillada.
My Alois is unfaithful to me with a very painted lady.
Entre nuestros pacientes hay un toro, al que su mujer le pone los cuernos y por eso, cada noche entra por la ventana.
This patient is an ox obsessed with the idea that his wife is unfaithful, so every night he enters through the window.
No puede serle mentalmente fiel a su esposa y no le es infiel técnicamente.
Mr. Wilkes, who can't be mentally faithful to his wife... and won't be unfaithful to her technically.
- En ese caso no fui infiel.
In that case I wasn't unfaithful.
La princesa te es infiel, no le importas en absoluto.
The Princess is unfaithful. She cares nothing for you.
Ella puede, pero yo viviré atormentado por el hecho de que sospecharas que podría haberte sido infiel.
She may, but all my life, I'll be haunted by your frightful suspicions that I could have been unfaithful.
¿ Y no has venido a Immensee, traidor?
And you haven't been to Immensee yet, you unfaithful one?
- ¿ Crees que podría ser infiel?
- You think he could be so unfaithful?
¿ Y si yo te fuera infiel?
And if I was unfaithful?
¡ Me era infiel y merecía morir!
He was unfaithful to me and he deserved to die!
" y se empeña en retratar a Parry como un marido infiel, un vil asesino.
" makes every effort to picture Parry as an unfaithful husband, a vicious killer.
No tenía pruebas de que le hubiera sido infiel.
You had no proof that she'd been unfaithful to you.
Tu bueno para nada, traidor y rastrero.
You big good-for-nothing unfaithful lug.
Recuerdo a un hombre que acusaba a su mujer de serle infiel, y 12 años después, ella lo fue.
I knew a man once, kept accusing his wife of being unfaithful. After listening to him for 12 years, she was.
"¿ Haré un viaje?" "¿ Mi marido es infiel?" "¿ Me casaré con mi novio?"
"Will I take a trip?" "Is my husband unfaithful?" "Should I marry my boyfriend?"
¿ Qué piensas de un hombre que es infiel a su mujer?
What do you think of a man who's unfaithful to his wife?
¿ Y una mujer infiel a su marido?
What about a woman who's unfaithful to her husband?
Luego se equivocan. Se enfadan... y se separan.
Then they're unfaithful and they break up.
- Durante los que me serías infiel. - De eso nada.
During which time I expect you were consistently unfaithful to me
Si entre algunas personas del público hay algún marido infiel. Aquí se asesinen inmediatamente.
If there's an unfaithful husband among you people he will become faithful right away.
¿ No es este un perfecto ejemplo de lo infieles que son los hombres?
- Isn't that a fine example of how unfaithful men are?
Fui infiel a Eugen sólo una vez, y ese fue mi error.
I was unfaithful to Eugen only once and it was a mistake.
Es como la primera vez que fui infiel.
It's like the first time I was unfaithful.
Si, Eugen, Te he sido infiel.
Yes, Eugen, I've been unfaithful to you.
¿ Me has sido infiel alguna vez?
Have you ever been unfaithful to me?
¿ Cuántas veces me has sido infiel?
How many times have you been unfaithful to me?
Jura que nunca transarás, que nunca serás deshonesto, o infiel como los otros.
Swear you'll never make any compromise, you'll never be dishonest, disgusting or unfaithful like all the others.
Que la personas más cercanas, tal es el caso de su esposa se pone en su contra, o es infiel, o intenta apropiarse de su dinero.
That the person nearest to him, such as his wife Is either turned against him, or is unfaithful or seeks to take his money
Jamás, se lo juro, jamás dejaré de serle fiel.
I swear I will never, ever, be unfaithful to you.
Quien infiel nació
Of a man who was born unfaithful
¿ Ypeor aún que le fuiste infiel?
Worse than that, you've been unfaithful.
¿ Me has engañado?
Were you unfaithful?
¿ No te he engañado, no te he engañado, no te he...!
I wasn't unfaithful to you! I wasn't!
Ni siquiera a Anne por haberme engañado.
I can't even hate Anne, even though she's been unfaithful.
Por eso nunca me casaré contigo, porque me has engañado.
And I'll never marry you because you were unfaithful!
Era un borracho y un mujeriego.
He was a drunkard and unfaithful.

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