/ español → inglés / Ày
Ày traducir inglés
29 traducción paralela
ÀY ahora quŽ?
Now what?
ÀY quŽ pasa con los seis meses de basura en su habitaci — n?
What about the six months worth of garbage in his room?
ÀY mŽdicos preocupados?
How about worried doctors?
Intento que hagas un puto negocio Ày me metes las pelotas en un torno?
I try to throw you some fucking business, and you put my balls in a vice?
ÀY quŽ hay de los otros negocios de mierda en los que no est ‡ s metido?
How about that other dirty business you're not in?
ÀY no eres tœ el surfero, Mitch que rem — para ver lo que suced'a y despuŽs volvi — y rem — de vuelta?
And were you not the surfer, mitch, who paddled in to see what happened, then turned and paddled back out?
ÀY vosotros dos insistiendo, con tu mujer y tu madre detenida?
And you two carrying on with your wife and your mother in custody.
ÀY quŽ pasa si no me siento?
How about if I don't sit down?
ÀY si les vendo la esencia en s'misma?
Well what if I'm selling them the thing for itself?
ÀY esta es la famosa familia surfera Yost?
And this is the famous surfing Yost family?
ÀY entonces porquŽ hacer las pruebas?
Why put him through the tests then?
ÀY su protocolo es m ‡ s importante que su sufrimiento?
Your protocol's more important than his suffering?
ÀY c — mo cuidas de ellos?
And you look out for them how?
ÀY quŽ es eso?
Which is what?
ÀY en el jard'n?
How about in the backyard?
ÀY su chico?
And your boy?
ÀY yo quŽ co – o sŽ?
What the fuck do I know?
ÀY si sus parientes intentan que se comprometa?
What if his relatives try to have him committed?
ÀY ahora quŽ, gilipollas?
What now, asshole?
ÀY Cissy dijo que ella ser'a la anfitriona de la comida?
And Cissy said she'd host the lunch?
ÀY quiŽn ha estado ah'para ti todos los putos minutos de su vida?
An who's been there for you every fucking minute of your life?
ÀY por que no se los hace ahora mismo?
Why don't you just run them now?
ÀY sabes d — nde puedo encontrar a esta mujer ahora?
And you know where I can find this woman now?
ÀY si no es ciencia?
What if it's not science?
ÀY si es algo m ‡ s grande que la ciencia.
What if it's something bigger than science.
ÀY quiŽn es Magda?
And who's Magda?
ÀY c — mo soy capaz de ayudar mejor a la causa?
And how am I able to better assist the cause?
Por las noches papá y el abuelo nos daban dinero.
 êðàÿ íà äåíÿ, äÿäî èëè òàòêî íè äàâàõà äæîáíèòå ñè ïàðè.
No pierde el tiempo, ¿ verdad?
- ½ à ° £ À " Àý ´ ë ³ ¶ ºñÇÏÁö ¾ Ê ³ × ¿ ä - ( U virgin? ) - Guy doesn't waste any time, does he?