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Ánima traducir inglés

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¡ Sólo hay un modo de que esa ánima bendita interceda por vosotros!
You have only one way that holy soul will pray for you.
Su Alteza Real el Rey Carol les anima.
His Highness King Carol encourages them.
Einar decide intentarlo todavía, y bajo sus ÓRDENES todo se anima...
Einar decided to try again, and under his command everything was animated as in a symphony of work
Eso no me anima a dar mi consentimiento
It doesn't encourage me to give my consent.
¿ Nadie se anima?
Take him on, Cap. Ain't there one sport in this burg?
A lo mejor me anima.
Maybe the grape juice will make me feel happy anyway.
Es el peligro lo que anima el viaje.
That's the danger that speeds the journey.
Nuestra defensa, es el espíritu que anima la libertad como la herencia de todo hombre, en todo país, por todas partes.
Our defense is the spirit that prizes liberty as the heritage of all men in all lands, everywhere.
Se estimulan sus dotes de deducción, se anima su inteligencia, si es que la tiene. ¡ Y así va a enterarse enseguida con quién está tratando realmente!
you tempt his power of deduction you count on his intelligence, as far as he has any, and he'll notice right away whom he's actually dealing with.
¿ Eso es algo que te anima?
That something to cheer your little heart up?
Mira esto, verás cómo te anima. ¿ Los accionistas en pie de guerra?
If we're going to come to an agreement, we've got to conduct this meeting in parliamentary fashion.
Bueno, esto se anima.
Well, this is more like it.
Quédate y anima a los chicos que han caído.
So you stay here and cheer up the brave lads who have fallen in our dust corps. "
Ésta es una pequeña melodía Que siempre te anima cuando estás triste
# Heres a little tune that always helps you when you're blue #
- ¿ Quién se anima a subir la apuesta?
- You know, the sheriff s lucky for a beginner.
Y anima el ambiente.
It enlivens the atmosphere.
Lo anima, lo alegra.
You cheer it up, brighten it.
Nadie se anima a declarar en contra de Cutler.
Proof? No one dares testify against Cutler.
Los autores son responsables de la intriga que han imaginado, pero se han esforzado en expresar, con imágenes y detalles tomados de la realidad, la atmósfera que reina en estos conventos y el espíritu que anima su misión.
The authors are responsible for the story they created, yet also tried to convey, by means of images and details taken from reality, the atmosphere of these convents, and the spirit of their mission.
Anima mia!
You are my soul.
Me alimenta, me anima, me arregla y se niega a casarse conmigo, ¿ no es así?
She feeds me, humors me, repairs me and refuses to marry me, don't you, honey?
Mi corazón se anima con el "ton toko ton" del fabricante de barriles
The barrel maker cheers my heart with his "ton toko ton."
El Sr. Harding me anima a ser cantante.
Mr Harding said he ought to let me take up singing as a career.
- ¿ Por qué le anima a cosas así?
- Why encourage him in things like that?
No sé qué esperaban, pero lo que obtuvieron no anima a casarse. ¿ Te parece?
I don't know what they expected, but what they got isn't much of an advert for marriage, is it?
Pero ver que lo anima el impulso de asesinato sería la mejor prueba para ella.
But the proof that murder is his aim would be the strongest evidence she could have.
Anima todas las fiestas de Londres.
Life of every party at Lambert.
La taza que anima.
The cup that cheers.
Anima a Ken McLaughlin si quieres, pero sólo un par de veces, por cortesía.
You can cheer for that McLaughlin boy if you want, but just a couple of times, to be polite.
Ved qué gracia anima este semblante.
See what a grace was seated on this brow.
¿ No te anima el corazón?
Doesn't that stir your heart?
¿ Qué invisible poder es el que anima su brazo?
What invisible power strikes through his arm?
- Pero me anima.
- It's good for my morale, anyway.
El fiscal les invita y anima a acabar con esta joven vida y a condenar a una ignominiosa muerte en el cadalso a quien hace pocos meses, era considerada una muchacha amable y confiada.
You are invited and encouraged by the prosecutor to snap the thread of this young life and to consign to an ignominious death on the scaffold one who, within a few short months, was known only as a gentle and confiding and affectionate girl.
- Sí, es quien anima el cotarro. - Lo sé.
You certainly are the life and soul of the party
Y usted... No sé quién es, pero Io anima, le da alas.
And you, I don't know who you are, but you sit there encouraging him
Esto es lo que los anima.
That's what encourages the bums
Todo el mundo anima al favorito, Joe Youghal, el nº1.
Everybody's yelling for their favorite driver : Joe Youghal, Number 1.
Pero es Brannan quien anima la carrera.
But it's Brannan who's making this race.
Es el más veloz y la masa le anima.
He's the fastest thing on the track now and the whole crowd's with him.
Puede batir el record del día y el numeroso público anima.
He may set up the fastest speed of the day and there's a big crowd to watch him do it.
El motor funciona y escuchen cómo le anima el público.
That motor's taking hold, and listen to him gun her as she goes.
Es cuando el local se anima a tope.
The place is really jumping then.
¡ Hija mía, anima esa cara!
Maria, lift up your chin Come on
Que te anima a repetir Cómo se desliza el tiempo bajo tus pies :
What boots it to repeat How time is slipping underneath our feet :
A lo mejor este sitio le anima a servirme un poco de té.
Maybe you want to pour me some tea.
A mí ya me anima recuperar a mi chica.
I'm high already, getting my girl back.
Bien esto se anima. ¿ Le gusta bailar?
Wow, things are warming up.
¿ Quién te anima en tus horas bajas?
Who picks you up when you are down
"Bendito sea Dios, que anima todas las cosas del universo."
"Blessed be God who lives and moves in all things eternally."
Bendito sea Dios... que anima todas las cosas del universo.
Blessed be God who lives... and moves in all things forever.

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