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Obviously traducir ruso

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El huevo, obviamente.
The egg, obviously.
"Son profesores y son doctores y son abogados gente que puede gastar más".
"Что-ж, их покупают - профессора, доктора, адвокаты... " Well, they're professors, and they're doctors, and they're lawyers... "... и очевидно что это люди, которые могут позволить себе больше. " "... and they're obviously people who can afford more. "
You've obviously never interviewed yourself.
Ты, наверное, никогда не брал интервью у самого себя.
Now the chat show now, obviously this week, there's all sorts of issues around chat shows, but let's put it this way.
Сегодня ток-шоу, очевидно, на этой неделе, с ток-шоу куча проблем, но продолжим.
Now, look, your lap, you're here obviously to drive a reasonably priced car.
Теперь, твой заезд, ты здесь для того, чтобы проехаться на бюджетном авто.
Because obviously, you know, it was a British film.
Потому что, ну ты знаешь, это был Британский фильм.
Obviously, you know, Michael Caine.
Очевидно, ты знаешь, Майкла Кэйна.
Ray Winstone, obviously, The Departed.
Это было быстро.Близко к покрышкам, да!
Evidentemente, querrás ir.
Obviously, you want to go.
Bueno, obviamente no has visto Chiquitas.
Well obviously you haven't seen Chiquitas.
Obviamente, eso es un tema muy delicado dentro de la comunidad.
Obviously this is a very sensitive issue within the community.
Y reemplazad ese dinero, obviamente.
And replace that cash, obviously.
Bueno, hace tres días que hablamos, así que evidentemente necesitas algo.
Well, we just spoke with you three days ago, so obviously you need something.
Oye, escucha, obviamente hay algo entre nosotros o Anne no nos hubiera presentado en primer lugar, y esta mañana desperté con una sonrisa por primera vez en mucho tiempo porque sabía que iba a verte.
Hey, listen, there's obviously something between us or Anne wouldn't have set us up in the first place, and I woke up this morning smiling for the first time in a long time because I knew I was gonna see you. Пойдём в дамскую комнату.
Obviamente se fastidió. ¿ Y tú?
I obviously struck out. How about you?
Si lo que desea es, ya sabes, ven, tirar unos filetes en la parrilla... o queso de soja, Porque obviamente, está en muy buena forma.
If you just want to, you know, come over, throw some steaks on the grill... or tofu,'cause obviously, you're in great shape.
A ring in, obviously.
- Еще бы.
Así que, obviamente, si decidió acostarse con alguien eso era más importante que seguir con vida.
So obviously, I guess he decided that sex was more important than staying alive.
- Obviamente, soy un dios.
Obviously, I'm a god.
Obviamente, mi querido, esta cosa reeducación va a ser una calle de dos vías.
Obviously, my dear, this re-education thing is going to be a two-way street.
Obviamente, tenemos que hablar sobre lo que pasó, así que...
Okay, so obviously we'll need to talk about what just happened, so... um...
Obviously, mi casa es su casa.
Очевидно мой дом-ваш дом.
Obviamente no era para mí pero la imaginación hace muchísimo.
It obviously wasn't for me, but the imagination's a hell of a thing.
Marcos fue obviamente un poco demasiado conservador con la dosis.
Marcos was obviously a little too conservative with the dose.
No, pero obviamente es lo que piensan.
No, but obviously that's what you're thinking.
Es de hace cuatro semanas, parece que tramaban algo.
This footage is dated four weeks ago, so obviously he and Zane had an ongoing arrangement. Hold up.
Si uno podría empujar lo suficientemente fuerte por el tiempo suficiente, entonces hay más probabilidad, obviamente, de ser capaz de romperlos.
If one could push them hard enough for long enough, then there is more likelihood, obviously, of being able to break them.

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