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Steal traducir ruso

27 traducción paralela
Steal :
Podríamos jugar a "Steal the Old Man's Bundle"
Мы можем сыграть Укради Пачку.
Creo que quiere que robe tercera.
I think he wants me to steal third.
Did you steal the same guy's car a few...? I did. He was...
Ты крал машину у одного парня по несколько раз...?
Pero si no, mmmh, llegamos allí pronto, alguien va a robar todas las canciones de Whitesnake
But if we don't, uh, get there soon, someone is gonna steal all the Whitesnake songs.
Estoy escuchando Steal my Sunshine de Len.
Слушаю Steal my Sunshine в исполнении Len.
Sabes qué, es una ganga por 120 dólares, detective Frost.
You know, he is a steal at $ 120, detective frost.
Ha mezclado "Steal My Sunshine" de Len...
Он смиксовал трек Len "Steal My Sunshine"...
Some folks say a nigger won't steal
Некоторые говорят что нигер не будет красть
If you steal them in the ministry, save Lyceum.
Если украдём их в министерстве, спасём лицей.
They want to steal questions for the exam!
Они хотят украсть вопросы для ЕГЭ!
Steal questions for the exam?
Украсть вопросы для ЕГЭ?
Steal questions...
Украсть вопросы....
¿ Lo robaste?
Did you steal that?
No, no lo robé.
No, I didn't steal it.
Tomaste un collar para tomar un martillo a un cajero automático para tratar de robar el dinero adentro.
You took a collar for taking a sledgehammer to an ATM to try to steal the money inside.
- Y robar nuestra tabla de boogie. -
- and steal our boogie board.
Yo no robé Jackie Biss--et.
I did not steal Jackie Biss-et.
Iba a robar esos coches.
You were gonna steal those cars.
Normalmente, iban en mitad de la noche y robaban el coche del garaje de quien fuera.
Typically they'd go in the middle of the night, and they'd steal the car right out of the guy's garage.
Fowler obligó a Benny a robar esos coches.
Fowler forced Benny to steal those cars.
¿ Tenías que robarme el protagonismo?
You had to steal my thunder?
¿ Te importa si te lo robo un segundo?
Would you mind if I steal him for just a sec?
- No te robé Pied Piper y lo sabes.
I didn't steal pied piper from you,
Porque vine a robarme el espectáculo
'Cause I came to steal the show.
How many times did you steal his car?
Да.Он был...
Nos robamos el show.
It's'cause we steal the show.

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