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Está claro que los Williams piensan que quieres... todo este tiempo en el que te has sentado en su cocina.
Eminim what the Williams think you want... all the time you've been sitting in their kitchen.
¿ Y que ocurrirá si tus manos temblaran y el sólo resultara herido?
And what happens if your hand should tremble and he's only been hurt?
Todos los peldaños han sido cuidadosamente cortados en el centro.
All the rungs have been neatly sawn in the middle.
En lo bueno y en lo malo ella siempre será mi amiga. No quiero decir que haya sido infeliz contigo.
Through thick and thin she will always be my friend l don't wanna say that l've been unhappy with you
Hemos ido a una ligera exploración.We have been on a slight exploration.
Küçük bir araştırma yapıyorduk.
Comieron donde pudieron por tanto tiempo que les salió un par de cuernos extra, es todo.
They've been eating off the hoof for so long, they just naturally grew a set of extra long horns, that's all.
Un bombón que soplar Por fin se ha encontrado
# # A bonbon to blow on at last has been found
Como si estuviera desnudo.
Like I've suddenly been left naked.
Must have been a very tough Debió de ser una desición muy dificil de tomar para Ud.
Sizin için vermesi zor bir karar olmalı.
"It's been a long time coming..."
"It's been a long time coming..."
"... because it's been a long time gone... "
"... because it's been a long time gone... "
"I'm going to someplace, where I've never been before."
"I'm going to someplace, where I've never been before."
"Yes, I've been eating them six or seven weeks now."
"Evet, I've been eating them six or seven weeks now."
¶ He transitado por el camino ¶ ¶ de la tribulación ¶
Cause I've been on the road to tribulation.
# They been makin'me weary
* Bitkine çeviriyor beni *
# Oh, these troubled times They been makin'me weary
* Bu zor zamanlar bitkine çeviriyor beni *
# I've been goin'down that long lonesome road, babe
* Bir süredir ilerliyorum bebeğim uzun, yalnız bir yolda *
# And I've been doin'it for a while, yeah
* Ve bunu yapıyorum bebeğim, uzunca bir süre *
#'Cause Jimmy's been wishin'
* Çünkü Jimmy umuyor bir süredir *
# When we've been there # Ten thousand years
* Buradayız biz * * 10 bin yıldır *
# Been a long time talkin'
* Bahsetmeyeli çok oldu *
# But lately you been
* Ama son zamanlarda *
¿ Yo?
They've been squeezing the farmers dry far too long.
Uzun zamandan beri çiftçilerin kanını emiyorlar.
Where you been so long, my love?
Nerelerdeydin aşkım?
I been out on my own and I learned so much
Yapayalnız kaldım ve çok şey öğrendim
I've been saving up all my tenderness
Bütün şefkatimi biriktirdim
No one's been lying on your side of the bed
Yatakta senin tarafında kimse yatmıyordu
I've just been sleeping with my songs instead
Senin yerine şarkılarımla uyuyordum
~ I didn't even know you, you couldn't have been too much more than ten ~ I ain't no psychiatrist I ain't no doctor with degree ~ It don't take too much high IQ to see what you're doing to me
ldidn't even knowyou, you couldn't have been too much more than ten lain't nopsychiatrist lain't no doctor with degree lt don't take too much high lQ to see whatyou're doing to me
~ Well, I heard about the fella you've been dancing with
Well, lheardabout the fella you've been dancing with
♫ Guess that I was born to be a rover,... ♫... guess I've always been a rolling stone
"Sanırım, bir gezgin olmak için doğmuşum " Sanırım, sorumsuz biriydim hep
¡ Yo soy She-Ra!
Been She-ra'yım!
bién asi he sido.
- Tan solo he sido un bebé.
- he estado tan solo.
- he estado tan solo, que podría morir.
- han estado tan solos en esa calle.
¿ How Long Has This Been Going On?
"Ne zamandır devam ediyor?"
- ¿ Has estado alguna vez en una cárcel?
EVER BEEN - Daha önce hapishane gördün mü hiç?
And I've been drinking from a broken cup
Kırık kupadan içerdim içki...
And I've been stepping on the devil's tail
Ben de şeytanın kuyruğuna bastım...
Parece que nos engañaron.
It looks like we've been set up.
Nunca ha sido bueno con los pitch altos exteriores.
Ohh! He's never been good on the high outside pitch.
Hubiera sido cualquiera.
It coulïve been anyone.
Se suspende el baile de esta noche.
The dance has been postponed
la operación que la D.E.A... y nuestros aliados de Sudamérica have mounted has been blown away...
D.E.A ve Güney Amerika'daki müttefiklerimizin... düzenlediği her operasyon Eric Stoller tarafından...
You been runnin'all over town
# Şehrin her tarafını gezdin sabahtan beri
Incluso a veces pensaba...
lt's been so pleasant here, Jim.
Several colleagues have been lost, and all through sheer negligence.
Tamamen ihmalkârlıktan, birçok yoldaşı kaybettik.
I've been licked washed up for years
Kendi arzum ayakta tutabilir. Yıllar boyunca hırpalandım.

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