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Before traducir turco

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No hace falta. Solo iros antes de que los Rojo estén aquí.
Just get goin'before the Rojos get here.
rápido. Vamos a regresar antes de que ataquen nuestras casas en el pueblo.
Let's get back before they attack our house in the town.
Pero ahora que me siento tan inseguro. Se que te necesito como nunca antes.
But ev'ry now and then l feel so insecure l know that l just need you like l've never done before
Antes de decir adiós,
Before she gets to saying goodbye
Nos dijimos adiós, la noche antes.
We said our goodbyes, on the night before
El amor estaba en tus ojos, la noche antes.
Love was in your eyes, on the night before
Trátame como lo hiciste la noche antes.
Treat me like you did the night before
¿ Porque estabas mintiendo la noche antes?
Were you telling lies, on the night before?
¿ Fui tan poco juicioso, la noche antes?
Was l so unwise, on the night before?
Como la noche antes.
Like the night before
Deberías haberlo pensado antes de salir de casa.
You should have thought of that before you left the house.
♪ Hey, hey, we are the Monkees We've said it all before ♪
# Hey, hey, Monkees'iz biz demiştik ya size
♪ Than before ♪
# Eskisinden de öte
"... before the dawn. "
"... before the dawn. "
"... the darkest phase, is always just before the dawn... "
"... the darkest phase, is always just before the dawn... "
"I'm going to someplace, where I've never been before."
"I'm going to someplace, where I've never been before."
"Don't you know I said, there before your eyes...?"
"Don't you know I said, there before your eyes...?"
Lávate las manos antes de tocar la comida
"Wash your hands before food."
Lávate las manos antes de tocar la comida.
"Wash your hands before you handle the food."
¿ Alguna vez te acostaste con un cerdo hormiguero?
Ever made it with an aardvark before?
" If I shall die before I wake
Uyanmadan önce öleceksin
Una vez, un intelectual se quedó quieto y la historia pasó ante sus ojos.
Once, the intellectual stayed still and history passed before his eyes.
¶ Por eso, mejor fíjate ¶ ¶ antes de saltar ¶
And so, you better look before you leap.
¶ Por eso, mejor fíjate ¶ ¶ antes de saltar ¶
And so, you'd better look before you leap.
¶ Mejor fíjate antes de saltar ¶
So you better look before you leap.
¶ Mejor fíjate antes de llorar. ¶
So you better look before you weep.
# Before I spoke'em ¡ Boo!
* Söylemeden önce *
# Before you spoke them
* Söylemeden önce *
You're looking better Than you did before
Önceki halinden Daha iyi görünüyorsun
El otro hombre es un tipo bastante curioso confío en que podré, sin tardar mucho presentar a usted esta pareja.
Diğeri biraz daha meraklı. I hope before long to be able to introduce you to the pair of them.
Listen,'cause I am the man And we do everything my way lf you didn't know it before
d Dinle, çünkü kral benim d d Ve herşeyi istediğim gibi yaparız d
Si, así es, será mejor que arreglemos todo esto antes de que lleguen. Sobre todo si Krueger aparece muerto antes de buscar.
Bu yüzden hikâyemizi onlar gelmeden düzgünce hazırlamalıyız, especialy if Kruger turns up dead before they get a chance to look.
¿ Vas a recitar "La noche antes de Navidad"?
The Night Before Christmas'ı okuyacak mısın?
Antes de que te des cuenta ya están los parientes diciendo
# Before you know it, all the kinfolk are-a-sayin'
Día de los nacidos antes de 1900 en la tienda de zapatos.
It was Born Before 1900 Day at the shoe store.
'" Cien veces dijiste y aleve mentiste que te ibas conmigo a casar'"
Dedi diye dedim, "Before you tumbled me you promised me to wed"
Temo que tomarán a las alturas más allá del pueblo antes de que lleguemos allí.
I'm afraid they'll get to the heights beyond the town before we will.
# # And Before I Even Argue # #
# # Daha ben itiraz bile etmeden # #
Nunca me había mentido antes.
He's never lied to me before.
Que tal si nunca llegamos a conocernos?
What if we never knew each other before now?
Tales of the City, sobre cambios de género y paseos por San Francisco y Before Stonewal /, sobre esas épocas cuando no podían manifestarse.
Armistead Maupin'in "Şehir Hikayeleri" San Francisco'da cinsi alemler ve takılmalar. "Taşduvardan Önce", karanlık çağlarla ilgili tuvaletten çıkamadığın zaman acı çekeceksin diye korkarsın çünkü, bilirsin...
Detener la hipotermia antes de que empiece a bajar la temperatura corporal.
Stop hypothermia before it starts to lower your body temperature.
Acaríciame la mejilla Antes de irte
Just touch my cheek Before you leave me, baby
"The Nightmare Before Christmas" tiene media página
"Noel Gecesi Kabusu" nu yarım sayfa vermişler. Harrison Ford'un son filmi...
Dentro de poco, no habrá censura.
Before long, there won't be nothing held back.
"How many roads must a man walk down... before they call him a man?"
( Bob Dylan-How many Roads ) Şimdi bana bakınca buna inanmayacaksın Ama o zamanlar vahşi bir kadındım.
These are the smokes that emanate before the fires rage
Alevler yükselmeden önce çıkan dumanlar var.
- Daddy I think Ganga should go to the u.S. before marriage.
- Babacım evlenmeden önce Ganga'yı Amerika'ya götürmemiz gerektiğini düşünüyorum.
° Before it's begun °
° başlamadan önce °
Wake me up before you go.
- Gitmeden önce beni uyandır.
"... but I hope that I recall them all before the baby is due. "
"... but I hope that I recall them all before the baby is due. "

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